Did anyone else notice that Marion looks like Nancy Writebol (American in Africa that has Ebola)?

6  2014-08-01 by [deleted]


"No, you have Ebola"

Ya I thought the exact same thing.

dude I was totally gonna make this thread

Marion looks like anything that isn't hot

tssss ICE or sumthin like that!

Ashame they didn't switch vacations

She looks legitimately tranned-out.

It's like you read my mind.

looks more like Rick Moranis

Just realised I've never actually seen her before. She has hair like Mr. Perfect.

/u/vader177 thanks to your brilliant observation whenever the Ebola lady's photo pops up on the news I immediately think of dumb, though Marion saying "How Are Ya?"

After an impressive 30 year run, AIDS passes the torch to Ebola.