Fuck, I found 1 redeemable trait about the revolting Blob

0  2014-08-01 by maynardsabeast

He publicly hates that worthless bag of shit Jeffrey gurian. I don't listen to a lot of r&f but I heard gurian twice plus the stories o&j recently told, then I saw the dude. I FUCKING HATE that queer. I hate everything's ive heard and seen about him. I hate him more than Roland. I also found out he is all about holistic medicine and he refers to R&f as "his show". Fuck that guy, and apparently the entire (like 100%) of that fan base also hates him. Pests should attack. Anyone who makes me like fatty even a little bit is a threat to all things right and pure in this universe


Roland is the Gurian of the NY food scene.

it's close, but gurian > roland.

I can't say anything here that won't get me fired - but yes, the two boys deserve eAch other. They ruin everything they touch.

What do you mean about the "getting Me fired part" your anonymous On reddit, how would You get fired? Unless its an inside joke that's Going over my head

Why did you capitalize certain words, seemingly 'all willy-nilly' like?

Have you heard him on The Black Phillip Show? It's pretty bad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuZlD_mmTbs

Who the fuck hates me on here? May you please step up and identify yourselves. I get a ton of mysterious down votes on a regular basis in this sub and its for shit that wouldn't and shouldn't be voted up or down at all. So clearly I got some "hataz" in here. Where they at? I'm curious to know which faggots in here have remembered my username and go Outta there way to anonymously down vote my shit. I know it's impossible for me to say this and you to believe it but, I don't give a shit. I Never down vote anyone cuz it's the faggiest part about this site. Fucking Child's play. But still I'm curious which losers in here (that I definitely won't even recognize your usernames) did I have one random Disagreement with and now you have an eternal beef with Me, down voting me like 13 year old girls

For a split second I thought you were Gurrian and then reality happened.

lmao I can see how you would see that. Thats hilarious

You're -37 on my RES. I don't seek you out and down vote you, you just post constant shit. Also the letter "s" and "z" aren't interchangeable so stop that.

Yeah, everyone knows you spell 'hatas' with an 's.'

So basically you're an opie psycho hater and scan the board for positive opie posts an down vote them. Plus youre too stupid to realize I wrote "hataz" as a joke. So okay, I wouldn't expect a psychotic idiot to enjoy what I post. This makes sense....next?

What do you mean about the "getting Me fired part" your anonymous On reddit, how would You get fired? Unless its an inside joke that's Going over my head