Serious question for the Opie lovers.

0  2014-07-31 by snoopkhat

What exactly do you like about the guy?

Was it the Sharknado bit today? The T-shirts? The bit where he threatened an old PD that he would tell his wife he was cheating?

There has to be something that i am missing.


People like him for the reason I hate him: He's a 55 year old frat boy.

This so much. His fucking forced fratboy laugh is the most obnoxious thing ever. He tries to guffaw over the fucking joke, especially his own. He can't even finish his funny little addition without tooootally forcing a laugh out at the end. He is radio pyrite.

I used to try to be neutral on the Dopester, but him holding back Chippah really pisses me off. He doesn't want the show to be funny. Or at least, he doesn't want anyone to be funnier than him now that Ant is gone.


yeah he has his awful moments and it's easier to point out because he isn't as naturally funny but I still think he's an integral part of show. I just wish they would all get back together.

Did you guys listen to the Penn interview? Opie would cut him off in his stories and it would bring the whole fucking show to a halt! It feels like he's trying to fill in the voids where Ant would normally chime in and it is almost always cringe worthy.. Jimmy is doing the same thing but he's a flicking comic god so it works fine. But Opie gets crickets.. He's a good producer maybe he should just go into the background and let jimmy be lead mike!!


This is a family sub pal

I'm sorry.

Ha! That fucker said flicking!


I was trying to flucking !



Penn brings up David Copperfield, Opie constantly interrupts then calls Copperfield strange, Penn counters by saying he is a great guy, Opie says "He seems like he has a great heart". THE CHILLS

I caught that on the replay. I actually felt embarrassment caused by something a radio personality said :(

I love a good pair of tits.

I'm blushing... ;)

Those are pretty puffy nipples.

Your reddit existence has been justified today

nothing better than a nice set of big and heavies.

Tits is not the preferred nomenclature, dude. Male gynecomastia, please.

The guy hung up on a trucker getting ready to cry about his wife.

He played a laugh track over Jim Bruer's mom telling her son she's ready to die.

The guy is fucking hilarious in his own way, I don't want him to crack jokes all the time, that's what the other mics are for. He's there to stir shit and keep the show moving forward.

Whenever I hear that dialtone and that douchey chuckle, I just think, this guy, this guy is a fucking entertainer.

But it was Ant's reaction that made it.

(hoo hoo) Playing laughter (gilbert gottfried/jackie the jokeman) during a sad story is not exactly an Opie original.

Yes well, maybe if Hoo Hoo had stuck to that I wouldn't have walked away from his boring self-fellation ten years ago.

If you didn't die laughing when he hung up on that trucker than I don't really think the show is for you.

I like that he was the candy kid.

One of Opie's best.Along with Cake-Stomp and baby shit.

He steers the ship. If it weren't for his steerage the show would be boring and unfunny.........................

that show doesnt even exist anymore

I love it when people say this.

Is steering the ship, ie being a producer, really worth $3 million a year?

When your name is on the marquee it is. Do you really think it's that easy?

I know it was hard getting there, probably "fucking BRUTAL", but how many times have we heard "We have the easiest job in the world, we acknowledge that"?

Easy physically, and easy for a couple of guys that had been doing it almost 20 years together. The best sign of greatness is making it look easy.

Do you have a radio show? No? Then shut up. Apparently he is worth that much because you listen and he's making tons of money for sxm. So I dunno I guess he is worth it you nobody.

The guy you're defending has called the "Have you ever been in such and such situation" response a cunt thing to say before, dipshit.

God damn, listen to yourself, go nurse Gregg-ory's supple teats, sweetie.

Yeah I didn't think you had your own radio show. Thanks for the confirmation you nobody. Why do you even listen to the show? Also, don't blame just Opie. Before Anthony was fired he was lazy and phoning it in too. He didn't do anything to make his own show better. Despite a drop off from the early days I still find the show highly entertaining. If I didn't I wouldn't come to the shows sub and bitch about it day after day. You really are a loser. And obviously Opie brings in a lot of money to sxm because he's paid well. Do you think 20 billion dollar corporations just hand million dollar contracts out? Nah.

Yeah I didn't think you had your own radio show. Thanks for the confirmation you nobody.

Hahaha, what a massive twat you are dude. I'm done talking to you.

He knows how to run a radio show and make a perfect mix between cookie cutter radio and clusterfuck radio. He's not a hack. He creates funny situations. I dunno, I think the burden of proof should be on the haters not the supporters.


That deserves much more than an upvote.

Every single Opie & Jim show has felt like an Ant sick-day show where you can tell everyone including the staff are overcompensating. Not a good energy for the show.

I've enjoyed the show this whole Time. I obviously constantly find Myself thinking that no matter how funny or good it is, it Would be much better with ant. But I'm still loving the show as much as I ever have

I guess you didn't realize how magnetic his V is...and by V, I mean his cunt.

Why are you fucking guys always discounting his deep V!

Say what you want, but you can't deny the V!


In my mind, Ron Howard can do no wrong.

Some take a snapshot of this site from june.

It was all Opie hate.

What a glorious time that was.

He is a total detriment to the show in every way. He brings nothing. I cant wait to see him fail

He's pretty much already succeeded.

Yeah he's a detriment to the show you listen to every day for years that he created and scouted all the talent for. Makes a lot of sense

I want to see if he had taken a cealis like a bad ass.

Best bit: the "cereal fight" with Roland. Opie "brought it" that show. He may be a no-nonsense ship-steerer, but knows when to let his hair down to make spontaneous fun. Idea: "Cereal Killer" t-shirt?

I don't mind him, but I certainly don't get all fucking butthurt like a lot of you little girls do on this sub.

The thing about the program director was okay I mean at least he didn't prop himself up as a Kool kid like usual



I love that he sucks so much he keeps me entertained on this shit subreddit with all you dweebs.

You realize that you're even more unfunny now that people get your shtick, right?

oh hush you, you're just a hater lol

kill yourself

lol haters be hatin'

Take the wig.

His V, duh!

I don't owe you shit. Change the fother mucking channel.

Can the mods sticky this? Or make it the banner?


The bit where he threatened an old PD that he would tell his wife he was cheating?

yes this and the toothpick guy when he threw the poker chips is one of the greatest moments of radio history. It makes me laugh hard every time I hear him say "Yeah, exactly... GET OUT!"

He's an old frat boy.

Opie was always the "radio guy" of the show. Ant is a comedic genius, but kind of a mess. Jimmy is hilarious, but doesn't really know how to move a radio show along. Opie adds the occasional joke and guides the show and comes up with ideas. Without Anthony, the dynamic is now broken.

It's easy to take shots at Opie... he's got plenty of douche moments, but he's delivered a lot of funny radio over the last 20 years. One of my favorites off the top of my head was when he stepped on the homeless man's cake "TREAT YOURSELF!!! SMASH" He's definitely the bad influence of the 3.

I don't mind him because he causes so many people - like yourself - so much anger and frustration.

I think it was Gervais who said the other week that the main reason he likes getting awards is because it annoys someone who doesn't like him or his work.

Every time someone tweets Opie trashing him or says something on here about him I honestly think he likes it, and I definitely think he does not give a fuck at all.

Since Ant got fired, he seems more open to make fun of himself. I think on one of the first shows back he went on a rant about how stupid he is with grammar and mispronouncing words and had Jimmy doing his wheezy laugh into the mic. Then again today, probably one of the biggest laughs of the show was when he got E-Rock to replay when he thought one of the Wayans brothers was talking to him and got little Jimmy all wheezy again.

Yes, he does bits that don't work from time to time and seemingly lies every now and then but, no matter how much you moan and complain, the show is what it is and it's not gonna change because of you or me or anyone on here.

So just enjoy what it is.

"You laugh at me because I'm different, I laugh at you because you're all the saaaaame" #jimspirations

Just from todays show I like that he has a genuine passion for humiliation and discomfort, including his own. Sam and E-Rock didn't get into the habit of cutting bits like his mistaking what show the Wayans were talking about for his on their own.

Fully behind this thread.

He's created a show that has created countless hours of entertainment for me.

I can relate to him. Not his current lifestyle, but I can see why he thinks about a lot of things. We both had our first kid within months of each other. not that he knows or cares, but it was great to hear him talk about having a kid while I was also going through the process. I'm also 17 years older than my SO, so I can relate to that aspect of his life.

He moves the show along, and keeps it from stagnating one on topic for 4 hours.

He is funny. Yes Jimmy and Ant are probably funnier, but he is funnier than most people, and he is really good at setting up jokes and topics for the other guys to riff on.

I have met him in person and he seems very down to earth. He was extremely approachable when I met him at an event.

He has succeeded in Radio doing what I wanted to do for a living. It gives me happiness to know someone else got it done. (I never even tried lol)

He seems to be one of the most loyal people I have ever seen in the entertainment industry and I respect that. (The boys all seem pretty loyal to each other)

He does things I could never do, like thrive in an uncomfortable interview or situation on the radio and make it entertaining.

The guy knows radio and he's an indefatigable conversationalist.

Beside the t-shirts, I only really mind the psycho-bit. He really loves "connecting" with celebrities he feels are as crazy and wrecked as he is, and it's getting old. He did it with Penn just the other day. That being said, I am an Opie fan. He is a big part of my favorite show, and for that I love him.

I like him because he lets Sam talk, and asinine callers babble on.

Maybe tomorrow we can take a Bobo call, then re start the apology clock bit.

The people claiming they love the show now and it's better than ever are just people who hated Ant's politics and are too cowardly to admit that. I stand by this 100%. The left never tolerates people with dissenting opinions.

You're probably right but I don't see why anyone would be too cowardly to admit this. I mean, why would they be? They're anonymous here talking to a bunch of strangers who's opinions of them mean nothing.

Stop being a fag. I think Ant's a fool politically but he was hands down the most talented on the show. Do you try to shoehorn politics into everything?

I don't think there are Opie lovers, but Opie tolerants. I tolerate Opie because crying about Opie everyday without moving on with your life is embarrassing and you should kill yourself. If he really bothers you so much, find another show to listen to

I like the complete disregard he has for celebrity status. A classic example is the Ed Asner fiasco. He's gone soft in recent years but there was a time where it seemed like he was willing to burn any bridge that he took a disliking to.

I like Opie because he knows his role and plays it well. He's definitely not as funny as Jim and Ant regularly are, but he doesn't need to be because they're there. In my mind Opie is the guy who brings the energy down and sets the lows of the show and allows Jim and Ant more space to be funny.

While Nopie shows are good and hilarious, I find they tend to ramble and are constantly trying to one up the others jokes. That's great and entertaining, but to me it gets tiring. I can't see myself listening to 4 hours every day of two guys trying to top each other with no real direction or flow. All highs with no lows is just annoying.

Also, for your average person, Opie is the only relatable guy on the show. Ant is a ranting hedonist who lives in a long island mansion getting several chicks to swim in his pool and presumably fuck and Jim is a self professed pervert and leads a lifestyle keeping hours that are alien to most. Opie, while probably having as much money as Ant, feels like a normal dude who isn't a comedy genius, has a wife and kids, and has normal person thoughts and acts like your average Joe. Opie keeps the show grounded in reality.

Opie, who thinks making $250,000 a year in NYC is nothing, is relatable. Average salary in NYC is like $60 a year

Opie also knows he's not that funny and he's cool about it. Whenever he has a funny line he gets mad proud and relishes in it and asks everyone to acknowledge it. People mistake it for a weakness but I think it's cuz he knows he's not that funny and knows he's surrounded my greatness on a regular basis so he does it tongue in cheek and truly is proud. And the best proof ever of opies skills is gonna be LFTC. When you see how horrible that show will Most likely be you will realize how good ope is. And you gotta admit he is awesome At producing uncomfortable, awkward moments, fucking with Celebs and management, and doing some stunts. Lastly he's also a master at utilizing the personalities on the staff and maximizing them for fun bits. Dennis falcone is the best example. We all love lord falcone and you know that it's all opester that brought him On and saw the comedy in it. Fuck man, the dude discovered Anthony. He's got an eye and ear for comedy Gold. So even if he's not that funny himself, he's a master at finding the funny

Stern "discovered" Ant.


I had Fuck Tarts™ for breakfast this morning, actually.

"couldn't" care less, shitdick.



Get over the Opie hate and move on to other things.

He's not a comedian he's the driving force of the radio show we all love and have listened to for years.

I've enjoyed the show this whole Time. I obviously constantly find Myself thinking that no matter how funny or good it is, it Would be much better with ant. But I'm still loving the show as much as I ever have

Yes well, maybe if Hoo Hoo had stuck to that I wouldn't have walked away from his boring self-fellation ten years ago.

If you didn't die laughing when he hung up on that trucker than I don't really think the show is for you.