Is Adam Carolla funny?

0  2014-07-31 by LacanZizekFreud

People say he's funny, but I've never heard a funny clip of him, can someone post some good examples? Also please don't include any material about "the pussification of america", we heard you.


What happened to people formulating their own opinions? Do we just not do that anymore?

I'm not sure... should I?

Isn't that what he's doing? Instead of just relying on the general sentiment that he's funny, he's trying to find proof for himself.

What are you talking about? gathering information is part of the process of formulating an opinion.

I heard OneDirection was pretty popular..

You listened to him and you didn't like it. You probably won't be convinced by us

No i haven't listened to alot of his stuff. I just don't have the time to comb through it, and people have been sending me good clips.

Just listen to his podcast. I'd call him more of an entertainer than a comedian, but he fits the definition of comedian as well. Comedy is bigger than just stand-up.

He's not your "haha" funny type of comedian. He's more like a George Carlin. And by that I mean when he starts to rant, you just can't help but agree with him. He lays everything out so perfectly and leaves your dumbfounded.

His book is basically just a bunch of rants, it was great. There is a reason he is the most popular podcaster in the world

A subject will come up and he will break it down, take a stance, and generate some funny analogies. The most impressive part is that most of the rants are off-the-cuff

yes this!

Related: Greatest rant ever:

When he gets on a roll it's a thing of beauty.

"Now joel mchale, I must stand up and yell at every god damn engineer"


I always thought Ricky gervais show was the most popular?

Did carolla overtake him, when Ricky and company stopped doing them?

Yeah, he passed him by download count a couple of years ago.

I believe Carolla has the record for most downloaded DAILY podcast. A podcast like Hardcore History might get one million downloads, but is only released every few months. Carolla has five episodes a week and gets up to one hundred thousand per episode.

Definitely Carolla at his best. Nice find.

Oh you fucker! lmao!

I'm convinced, thank you sir.

Classic Ace.

Look for some Loveline clips, that's how I got to know about him.

In a dry, it's all about me kind of way.

I enjoyed him on Loveline. He's gotten considerably crankier as he's gotten older, I find him very tiresome now.

I think he is fast on his feet and can come up with some great analogies on the fly. He's smart and can be genuinely entertaining. The problem is, he incessantly re-uses the same bits and stories. He also is a terrible interviewer and talks over his guests.

He also is a terrible interviewer and talks over his guests.

I think that's just how the show is laid out. When a celebrity is on, regardless of who it is, he doesn't interview that person at all. He just has his show like he always does, but he has another co-host. I enjoy it because you see the real person behind the celebrity vs any canned responses to obvious questions you see everywhere else that no one really cares about.


No. But he is incisive, and genuine. He actually hates 99% of what he rants about. It is humorous sometimes to hear a person articulately smash a sacred cow or custom of society.

He's comes off as a smug smarmy asshole most of the time. He's a good talk radio host. I liked his bits on Crank Yankers. The Raging Bull skit on The Man Show was funny. Him and Kimmel being drunk and cutting in line for The Star Wars bit was funny too. I loved it when Steveo was completely wasted on his short lived Comedy Central show and trashed his set. Carrola looked scared shitless of him. He's funny maybe 10% of the time.

He wasn't scared of him at all. In fact he had Steve O back on the show like two weeks later. Carolla has said repeatedly he thought it was hilarious.

Carolla could probably beat the shit out of 99% of celebrities, doubt he was afraid of a drunk Steve-O.

I saw it when it aired, I didn't mean scared of Steveo kicking his ass, but more scared for Steveo.

Steve-O said he was slamming vodka and doing drugs before the show.

Now that I think about it, Carolla's show was a lot like Jimmy's Vice show. It probably should have been an online show. It didn't get any ratings on Comedy Central.


Loveline is Carolla at his best. Start there.

He's good for one really good one liner every show.

He used to be. Now he is just a "get off my lawn" type. I had to stop listening to his podcast.

This is a clip from Adam's old morning show, Norm MacDonald is the guest. This shit is fucking A+ in my opinion.

I listened to Adam daily since about 1997 starting on Lovelines. A few years ago I stopped listening regularly for some of the same reasons I got tired of Anthony. Lots of angry political ranting minus comedy. I think that just happens when you get older I guess. Objectively I think they're still both hilarious people, I just think they make the mistake of thinking they're smart people.

Adam and Norm are great together.

I can say the same thing for Carolla that I can for Eminem. I can't stand Eminem, but I can't deny the guy is extremely talented as a rapper and a lyric writer. Im not a fan of Curb Your Enthusiasm or Larry David, but I can't deny the guy is a genius fucking comedic writer.

Carolla is insanely talented for what he does. The guy has made a career on riffing on shit literally for hours, completely extemporaneously. He comes up with stuff on the fly that is so off the wall, funny, and singular, it would probably take a talented comedy writer hours to come up with something as good. It's extremely hard to do (at that level) and a fairly rare skill.

He was amazing on Loveline because he was slightly regulated. He could go on his rants but was time limited, so it was a lot of good material fast, and was not drawn out or beaten to death. On his own podcast, I can't stand him. He is defiantly someone who can be hilarious with limits, but give him no limits and he goes too far.


I don't particularly care for Cranky Old Men comics who tell you what is likeable and what isn't. He's in the same mold as Dennis Leary or Jim Florentine. I just don't understand the appeal.

I enjoy his books, but his podcasts aren't my cup of tea.

He's more of an off the cuff rant guy , like him about Answering Machines & Blowhard Former Addicts

hes great with callers ,thats his forte

funny interview with him on howard (hohooooo)


I think Carolla is best when he's on other shows. Both of his O&A appearances have been great. Also check out his WTF, he kills it.

I liked him on Man Show and Crank Yankers

That's subjective.

He makes some good points, and he can be funny from time to time, but his voice and personality grates on me. The same goes for that Jew broad co-host. I never listen unless there's a great guest on his show. The last time I listened to him was the live show he did in NYC with Dave Attell a couple of months back. I got some chuckles, and it was cool to hear Attell as a host/quasi-table-setter. Maybe check out that one.

My biggest problem with Carolla is that he kind of hermetically seals his raps/persona to the point where nobody else is needed. When Carolla's in the room, it seems like he's just waiting for other people to shut the fuck up so he can get back to making some more of his wonderful points, and that's annoying. The best comedy happens when people are genuinely interacting, and Carolla's personality doesn't allow for that. Maron's kind of like that, too, but in a more Jewish-neurotic way. These guys are too far up their own assholes, and that severely limits how funny and entertaining a show they're hosting, or even just a guest on, can be.

And all of Carolla's raps are way too prepackaged/polished/manifesto-like; they lack spontaneity. I find the "Listen to me; I've got it all figured out!" routine tiring, no matter who's doing it.

Also, I'm not a big fan of "too busy"-guys. Slow down, chief; smell a rose or two. He's flying all over doing comedy gigs, hawking booze, and doing a thousand different podcasts including a few of his own. He's overexposed. A lot less of him would go a long way.

This is one of the funniest Adam Clips ever. This shows how funny Adam is and how quick he is.

This might be the best loveline episode ever.

He reminds me of a more masculine Gilbert Gottfried.

He was funniest on Loveline (the radio show). When he started his own shit, it wasn't as good because he felt too comfortable and he keeps a bunch of ass-lappers around to agree with him. On Loveline, his anger really came out in hilarious ways with everything that was wrong with their studio, the retarded callers, and occasionally things he disagreed with Dr. Dru about.

He's a little like Anthony in that he knows a lot about a lot of different things. Makes for interesting listening most-times, though he does have a habit of repeating the same stories and making the same point over and over again.


I have never found Carolla funny, that's pretty much why Kimmel is doing a late night talk show and he is doing a podcast

He is rarely funny imo.

I think the guy is funny, but go back and listen to the podcast with lil jimmy. Jim couldn't land a joke, because Adam wouldn't shut the fuck up. I think he was drunk, so he was probably worse than usual. It was really annoying, he would ask Jim a question, Jim would give a quick answer. As soon as he was done talking adam would go off on a 5 minute rant. Idk kinda bothersome

Lil Jimmy is definitely not the same guy we listen to on OnA,when he is on other people's podcasts. Have yet to enjoy him on Rogan's,Carolla's,or even Bill Burr's. Jim needs Anthony (Voss and Bob Kelly as well) more than anybody to be in his groove.