
28  2014-07-30 by vapeandcoffee


Good clean hewmuh.

Also, on a non-Chip note, that clip isn't from the late 80's, it was taken in Branson, Missouri in 2009.

Branson Missouri exists in a temporal time rift (as per e-rock's movie script) and therefore this video was taken in both 1989 AND 2009.

BRANSON: 1989....dun dun dunnnn.....ALL THE TIME

then Yakov Smirnoff promos repeat until you slowly seep into complacent insanity.

It's a big plot point in E-rock's movie

It's the edgiest show in Branson.

I've never seen so many unfuckable women

Miles away, somewhere near a turnpike in Northern New Jersey, Chip Chipperson was flipping through the channels, looking for something good to watch. Lamar and his Mom were in her room, fixing the floorboards, as usual, and little Chip needed something to entertain him.

Then, suddenly, after flipping past a News Station, the most wonderful thing came on. It was a man, a very funny man, doing stand up comedy. He was called the King of Clean Comedy. He was so funny, so original, and so cool! Chip new from that day forward, that he wanted to be a stand up comedian.

Many a years later, when Chip would be struggling to get by, paycheck by paycheck, he had a little portable DVD player, and on it, he had the set he watched that inspired him to pursue comedy. He would watch it over and over again, in the back of his white van that Uncle Paul let him borrow.

And now things have come full circle. Our little Chip is a comedic powerhouse. All thanks to a very special man selling a cleaning product.

What? It was refreshing to see something hilariously funny without having to be vulgar. It's humor for everybody.

I don't go for that kind of toilet humor.

Is he right, gang!?

Tss guy's fuckin great

fuckin' hilarious!

Andy Kindler's long lost mentor

Holy fuck. Did you see the audience? Your nose hairs would catch fire from all the old lady perfume

All joshing aside, I don't see how that suitcase would work without plumbing.

It works like a woodchipper.


Fuckin home run, Aslett!

I actually thought he was fucking hilariously funny because there was no context whatsoever. I would like to see the real, unedited show to see if it gets any laughs that way.

Why not try the book?

Oh, my God...Why did you do this to me?

This made me question almost everything. I was mesmerized and bewildered, though I have to imagine those women would react the same watching me laugh and applaud an Uncle Paul bit.

He's killing! This is one of the most fascinating things I've ever seen.

He said "nude"!
Not clean, booooo!

Edit: spelling is hard


That fella is a true delight.

My penis actually inverted after seeing this.

Yep. I'm with you.

I watched that for way too long waiting for some kind of payoff.

The payoff was all the good clean humor. It was there from the beginning.

cunt has a vacuum museum.boing

OMG, I thought that you just found a random museum of clean.. until I clicked on the about..


I heard he has the death sentence on 12 systems.


"His name is-a "Pumpkin," or something like that. He's touching everything; Im gonna have-a heart attack over here..."

I'm crying.

Tss...yeah, clean. He cleaned his fingers off wit his tongue after he dug around in their coochies. Every one of 'em. Tsss...

The payoff was all the good clean humor. It was there from the beginning.