Bill is dead!

94  2014-07-29 by mr__hat

Lady Di just broke the news.

This is a huge blow for Super Show IV.


What a relief, I thought it was Burr.

What a sad way for Bill to die, in a house with that water buffaler.

I thought Burr was dead too.

Just his podcast.

Good news for Col'! Sounds like a certain young lady's back on the market.

I can hear the girlish, flirty giggle from here.

The last thing he saw in this world was Lady Di. Ugh.

Aka the grim reaper.

SAW 8 - When Nightmares Come True

now streaming OnDemand!

Can someone tweet to her that she can call the VA Homeless Veterans Call Center at 1-877-424-3838. Because all know she's going to be homeless very soon.

Pretty sure she didn't serve long enough to qualify for the VA.

Her discharge was upgraded. She can qualify for VA services based on her (non-existent) income and military sexual trauma.

Her discharge should qualify her for a round of antibiotics if nothing else.

I don't wanna know what kind of discharge she's got.

Aren't you that rape-hysteria feminist who thinks that 50% of women in the military get raped?

So one in four women claim they were at least "verbally sexually harrassed"

Therefore Di was raped in the military, which explains and excuses her drinking

Do you identify as a feminist, yes or no

No, I don't identify as a feminist. It's a divisive label.

Well that sure shut him up.

You are a good egg

oh yeah the VA has a great track record lately. I'd include in that tweet the best kinds of cardboard to find shelter in while sitting on the waiting list for a decade. She'd sooner find a house to crash in the gaza strip than through the VA.

Yer kiddin

Ahpril Fuuuullllllz

How did it happen!?

When did it hapun

Rest in peace, sweet prince.

sweat prince

Dr. Steve blew this apart with one question:

"Lady Di, Bill stopped you from drinking as much as you wanted?"

He knows what's coming, you can hear it in his voice. He still cares, which blows my mind, he's a better man than me. You can hear the disgust in Opie and Jimmy's voice, but they're going to milk this, sadly.

I'd really love to talk to Dr. Steve off the record. I wonder if he gives her more than a couple months to live. Her bloated face says it all, her body has started the dying process.

And this drunken piece of shit wants to know when they do Cribs again. She wants to show off an apartment that isn't HERS.

It's enraging.

I'm sure the bbbboys have "Candle in the Wind" cued up and ready for the day that the O'l buffler is found corpsed out in front of a TGI Friday's.

I get the feeling she's going to go missing, then be found a few months later.

Beached on a Canadian shore. A likely outcome as well.

I'd really love to talk to Dr. Steve off the record.

Dr. Steve is one of the most approachable, affable and engaging people associated with the show. You can probably just send him a message on reddit or e-mail him.

I think death would be preferable to the road she has in front of her in the next couple of months. Her meal ticket is gone.

The only way she could make rent is if she got a job tomorrow and we all know that's not going to happen.

She's going to stay in that apartment and watch the monkees, drink and sell off what she can until the landlord has cops escort her out. She was completely ok with living in her car when they asked her about it today and I don't see her car lasting all that long if she can sell it for booze or crack money.

She has no one, it's not like Marianne or her son would take her in and it's not like she's going to slow down her drinking at all.

There is no rock bottom for her. Her roommate just died because he was an alcoholic, alcohol ruined her steady job, her health and countless relationships. There is nothing that will make her snap out of it. She's better off dead at this point.

Well let's ask him - /u/drsteve103, your thoughts?

Wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute...


Fluid -Dr. Steve

I hadn't realized just how accurate Jimmy's Dr. Steve impression is.

God needed someone to yell drunkenly at him while he's on the phone

Goodbye, Billllllll!

How did it happen?

Oh my gyawd.

I forget the medical term, but being an alcoholic for so many years caused varicose veins to develop in his throat, which are prone to bleeding. He died from internal bleeding of the throat/stomach lining. He apparently had excruciating pain for days and refused to go to the hospital until it was too late.

If I recall correctly, Bill had bleeding varicies in his esophagus. Here's some fun facts:

Bleeding from varices is a life-threatening complication of portal hypertension. Portal hypertension is an increase in the pressure within the portal vein (the vein that carries blood from the digestive organs to the liver) due to blockage of blood flow throughout the liver.

The most common cause of portal hypertension is cirrhosis of the liver. Cirrhosis is scarring which accompanies the healing of liver injury caused by hepatitis, alcohol, or other less common causes of liver damage. In cirrhosis, the scar tissue blocks the flow of blood through the liver and slows its processing functions.

Essentially, Bill's liver was so fucked up and scarred from drinking that the it blocked the flow of blood into the liver and caused Bill's blood vessels to swell up in his esophagus. Eventually, these swollen vessels popped and poured blood into Bill's stomach, lungs and out of his mouth.

Bill's last conscious moments were likely slung over a toilet, watching blood pump out of his mouth, drowning - struggling to breathe as his lungs filled up with fluid, while Lady Di shrieked from the couch asking if Bill was okay. Over. And. Over.

What a horrifying way to die.

Holy Jesus!

Dear God.

As if I didn't need another reason, reading that just made me ecstatic I got sober all over again. Holy fuck. That's not what they would call going quietly in your sleep.

Damn, Bill was a good guy too. He didn't deserve to die that way. Lady Di deserves to die that way.

On the plus side, he doesn't have to deal with Lady Di. That's gotta be some relief.

car accident

As a listener part of me wants to point and laugh, but the other part feels sad for her since she now has to figure out what she is going to do with her life. Since they werent married I doubt his money will go to her.

She can't figure out how to get up in the morning and not tie one on immediately. She has no life skills. She needs another Bill to survive, period. She's incapable of taking care of herself, the last time she tried, she ended up blowing hobos for cheap wine and crack.

Don't knock it till you've tried it.

Yeah. She's an alcoholic.

It goes beyond that. I know a bunch of women like Di. They're useless without a man to take care of them. Every goal in their life revolves around inheriting money or somehow getting free money they didn't earn. They have no concept of saving or work, everything is about leeching off of something or someone.

The term "useless without a man" used above implies that with Bill Lady Di had a use and we all know that is a god damn lie. The last time that water buffaler had a purpose was for 2 years in the 80s on the weekends.

Yeah don't fault her for having a little fun

The truly sad part is she is quickly heading to her own demise through her lifestyle. She could clean herself up if she had the real desire to do so.

Her life has been over for a while, it seems. She's just having a very extended death scene.

Now Lady Di can finally move in with Anthony and film that Days of Wine and Roses remake.

500 days of Blubber


So I guess Lady Di goes back to blowing homeless guys for crack.

*will continue to blow homeless guys for crack.

And if history repeats itself there's going to be one lucky fella that gets to give her trunk a good ride'n down by the tracks.

Well, Lady Di lived for years off her dead dad like a maggot. We get to see how long she can live off Bill. RIP Bill, you are finally free gentle Prince.

Goodbye England's rose.

Goodbye Milwaukee's Best.

There goes her meal ticket. Granted it was a value combo meal ticket but a meal ticket nevertheless.

That's some headstone material right there. Bill was a Value Combo Meal Mofo.

Di used to be a Dollarmenunaire but now she's on food coupons.

I wanna be free!!!!!!!!

I've never wanted Opie to hang up more.

C'mon, it was beautiful, she's mourning.

sheesh, making fun of a dead guy. you know, you guys are funny but you're a bunch a' fuckin' jerks!

what the fuck are you talking about? people die all the goddamn time. what makes anyone any more special than another? just b/c YOU say so?! the fucking narcissism of some people for shit's sake.

It was just a Bill reference you cock.

Jokes were never really that guys forte

I don't see Lady Di living much longer. Everyone knows that - including her.

"So is this going to make you change?"

"Maybe it will." (paraphrased)

She saw firsthand the consequences of her lifestyle - and she isn't going to change. I can't imagine anything more viscerally impactful than seeing a mirror image of your addiction vomiting up pints of blood. If that doesn't scare you straight then nothing will.

Her lack of self-reflection in the wake of Bill's death is startling. She doesn't seem to comprehend that she lost all of her material support, she lost a limiting factor in her addiction, and most of all she lost the sole person who cared enough to keep her alive.

Honestly, Fuck Di. She's a self-centered dependent, drunken waterbuffaler that is a drain on everyone around her.

"Wait... ok ok, what?"

'I said 'fuck Di, she's a self-cente-'

'Wait aminit, wait aminit! WAIT AMINIT! .... what?'

That's sad.

I actually feel kinda bad for the guy. He had to live with that slob cunt who took his money and then he died with that water buffaler in the next room.


"Death? Is that you?" " its me lady di!"

Aheheh onononono aheheh

As sad as this is, I give Lady Di a month on her own.

The nice thing will be when her cellphone service gets disconnected for non-payment.

Dr. Orbani, comment? Comment?

Aortic esophageal fistularrrrrrr.



Countdown for Ronny Ponytail.


why they call him that?

Cause of his bald head. Like calling a fat guy "Slim"

Pills dead. - Opie

Yeah, all people grieve differently, but Lady Di didn't sound upset at all. Not breaking news, but damn, she is a ridiculous, drunken piece of shit. She was more so happy that she had news that wouldn't result in her being hung up on. I'd say it'd better to stop taking her calls entirely, but she's the best example of why not to be an alcoholic.

How the fuck did Lady Di outlive Bill? There is no God.

It was a mercy killing

She dutch ovened him to death.


He's in the fridge.

I was just talking to him....

Think she cleaned him out before reporting it?

Well the wife is going to get everything and if Di does clean it out she can count on 3 squares a day in prison

His ATM and Credit Cards are being worn to a nub as we speak.

Sorry, I thought I knew everything...but bill is married??

Apparently yes, separated but still married. Lady Di can't even get Bill out of the hospital morgue because his wife is NoK.

Yeah, she's fucked. There's no way she's on the lease, the landlord can start eviction today. The wife will have to start calling all of his accounts - bank, landlord, any car loans or payments he's making, etc., and provide them with a death cert to close them down. if she's using his CC or ATM, she's breaking the law, it's fraud. She cannot legally touch his bank accounts or credit accounts anyway, as the wife is the heir, unless Bill named her in a will. His wife can, however, and she needs to do it ASAP because that drunk is going to clear out anything she can get her fat hands on, and is probably listing his shit on Craigslist right now.

Edited to add - she can't even transfer the utilities to her name, she has no legal standing to do so. Only the wife does. Granted, no bills will be paid after today. "What? The electric bill? That's Bill's problem, not mine! Another Natty Ice!"

I feel sorry for him, dying after trying to help a piece of shit like her, and I feel sorry for the ex-wife, who not only has to deal with his estate and funeral and all that, but now has to remove that cancerous blob from her ex-husband's life.

You mean the fridge? We don't say the "M" word here.


No, Manatees are cute.

They also weigh less and smell better.

Good damn I need to hear this call

Prison is probably the only way she stays alive more than a few months now.

IDEA: Convince Dr. Orbani that the only way to get back in the studio is to break into the hospital and violate Bill's corpse on camera.

Listening to this bloated pig interrupt everyone and make no point is giving me an ulcer.

Joel McHale had a great take on her. Basically She interrupts people to then sit in silence and wait for them to talk so she can interrupt them again

"Who is Joel McHale?"

He's that guy from South Park

I'm sitting here listening to the replay hoping she will die, even though I know that isn't what happened on the show today.

Next stage: Di is imprisoned for credit card fraud (all of Bill's cards). Final stage: she is destroyed in prison.

The withdrawals will do what a train should've done years ago.

Damn, there was some weird feeling telling me to listen to the time they made Lady Di answer all those ridiculous questions literally. Was it Bill's ghost?

Even more fucked up, she was doing both voices

well HELLO... uhm GOODBYE Bill!

Somehow feel like this shouldn't be a big joke on here. dunno, he just died. Maybe I'm on my period today.

thank you for making all the right choices in life, kimchifart.

Fucking hell. Specify.

Goodbye Bill!

Now it really feels like the show is over.

who is is this?

Uhhhhm, Lady Di. How are ya?


Can anyone find an obituary?

Based on the limited information I'm working with, this MAY be it:

Edit: Link removed, wrong dead Bill

poor bills.

No. Pretty sure she said he died on sunday.

He went to the hospital on Sunday. He died yesterday.

Granted, all this information is coming from a drunk.

What city do they live in?

Elizabeth, New Jersey

Ugh, god of course they do.

Anyone know his last name?

His wife's name was Patty, we got that much.

Another clue: his girlfriend's name was Fatty Alkiechunks.

There probably won't be one. Who would write it?

Check the Star Ledger.

Didn't see anything on the website. Only some older Bill. I'm looking for 67 year old Bill. They only had a 75 year old one. Ill check again tomorrow though.

This says he was 64. Didn't Di say he was 67? (wouldn't be surprised if she was wrong, obviously)

There are some discrepancies from what we’ve been told about Bill on the show and yes, she could absolutely be wrong. I think the strongest evidence that this is him is that it says he worked at Anheuser-Busch. Lady Di worked there at some point at the Newark plant which could be where they first met.

They met at a laundromat, where "Bill paid Di $10 to fold his laundry". According to her. More likely she was hooking for drinks and approached him in the laundromat offering a blow job for beer.

Also, it says he died a week ago...didn't she say it happened yesterday?

She said he got fucked up a few days ago, got in the hospital, and finally died there yesterday.

Bill was a crane operator, I think.

I agree.

That's a really thoughtful sentiment from Gordon Freeman

So, what happened? Suicide? Heart Attack? Any details?

mixture of an ulcer rupturing and chronic pancreatitus or something like that. Keep in mind the source of info is Lady Di, so it is all subject to change.

I'm sure anymore time with Lady Di and he woulda jumped in front of a train also.

Details, you fucking faggot. Cough them up!

Stomach ulcer ruptured + pancreatitis. Vomited a bunch of blood, went to the hospital, died in icu probably from blood loss.

All this while hearing "Wait a minute, hold on, Bill, wait a minute, wait a minute hold on. hold on, I need to use the bathroom, Bill, hold on, wait a minute, hold on" as he vomited the last motes of his vitality down the ol' bowleroo.

Thanks sir. Am just listening to it now. Di really should be shoved into a mass grave and gunned down by Chechens (the movie "The Hunted").

Lady Di will be blowing the homeless again soon.

Ah, hearing it now... stomach issue.... wow is Lady Di ever so selfish.... everything is about her. Christ.


Selfish C-word....



She CLEARLY said many times that it wasn't about her... ...just before she made it ALL ABOUT HERSELF!

Yeah.... MY roomate died... ME ME ME .... fucking selfish pig. She is hateable.

"Haha! I knew you were gonna ask about the Natty Ices!" Jesus Christ, hollow freak with no soul.

One time a friend and I called lady Di for some drunken fun. We ended up talking to bill more than Di, he had been drinking obviously and was ranting about blacks and di's stupidity, he was a pretty funny guy. Shame the last thing he saw was Di, poor fella probably thought he was in hell when he opened his eyes and saw her

Any questions for Joel McHale?

Who is that ?

This is so sad to hear... I was hoping Lady Di would go first!

That would suggest the world is fair, my friend.

Hello, Bill.

anyone have the audio?

I kind of liked Bill. Did anyone else think he sounded like Colin if Colin got really drunk?

Rest in Piss

Shit fuck fart. Yours in Christ, -Bill.

Farewell funny man

So since her funds just died I guess she won't be available for phone calls much longer. Great news for Di haters like me!

I can tolerate her for the first couple of minutes of chaos, when Jimmy get pissed off that they took her call, or they ask her how many Natty Ices she's into. After that, when she blathers on about nothing or interrupts legitimate guests like today, I get annoyed.

and we still never got a picture of the salty bastard. sad times

Glad they sent him off properly with "I Will Remember You"

Can anyone explain to me why the fuck did Bill sponsor the water buffaler in the first place?

I would get it if she cooked, did laundry or sucked his dick but i can't imagine her doing anything of sorts for him. Even if Bill is just a lonely fuck who wants company there cannot possibly be anyone more annoying than this cunt to fill that role.

What the fuck, Bill?

You've turned me around on this issue...Fuck you, Bill!!!

Even if Diana drinks a hole straight through her stomach, she'll still have the three.

To bad it wasn't Lady Di that died, that fat selfish fuck.


Is this bit or real?


But squirrelly is alive!

One drunken stew bum down. Who's next?

Another inheritance for her to drink

She doesn't get a dime, his wife does. She doesn't have a single legal claim to his estate, unless he named her in a will or as a beneficiary for life insurance or his pension. She was a roommate. His wife gets everything by default if he didn't leave a will. Every penny, and every belonging.

Di better not be driving his car or using his ATM or cc after the moment he died, his ex-wife can go after her hardcore if she is.

Best/worst case scenario, Di ends up getting sued and/or arrested for stealing, ends up convicted and placed in jail. Perhaps it would be the wake up call to try and get her sober... but then again, this is Lady Di, who's never been sober a day in her life. She'll probably die in jail.

That's the best case scenario. She honestly deserves to die. Sparta would have thrown her off a cliff years ago.

Her physical appearance alone would have garnered a stiff kick in the cervix

Heres Bill's obituary:

Edit: They might have changed the date of his death so assholes like us didn't search out his obit.

The obit should have had Lady Di in the title.... and it should have started: On July XX, my roomate died.... ME ME ME ME ME!!!


this is not the same guy

Are you sure that's him?

EDIT: And why isn't "His good friend Diana Oribani" listed under the survivors?

EDIT 2: And there's a guest book. I wonder if 30 different people named "Chip Chipperson" leave their condolences...

I'm pretty sure, said he worked at Anheuser-Bush. I know Lady Di worked there at the Newark plant.

No, he didn't. They met at a laundromat.

Good job detective, you have found the boston bomber

That's not him. If the wife hasn't gotten his body out of the morgue yet, an obituary can't be published, because they need the death cert to do that, and the wife doesn't have it yet - she gets it when she claims the body.

Your search is pointless until someone gets his corpse out and makes funeral plans.

It was nice that Chip signed the guestbook!

Oh no..

Damn, puking out almost all of your blood is good enough to scare people away from drinking. Im afraid its probably too late for Di, though.


Why does she refuse to say the word "morgue" on the air? That is bizarre.

Probably the same reason she won't vomit in a toilet bowl... Because she is an idiot.


I was kind of sad hearing the phone call. R.I.P Bill.

Where's Chip when you need him?

how'd it happen

Too bad they never married, Sir Osis of The Liver probably left a good piece of land.



fuck lady di.

Finally heard the clip.

God damn does she ever sound defensive about it. She repeatedly makes statement about how she didn't know he had an ulcer and how she's not allowed to remove him from the hospital.

If I didn't hate her before, which I did, I would now.

The insanity she displayed... Wow.

Today I really missed Ant... His placement of words during the monkey's song would have been hilarious.

Bill is dead?

Suck a bag of dicks.

A 67 year old alcoholic who can't be fucked going to the doctors when he is sick.Good riddance.

I wouldn't care if it was Bill Burr at this point. He didn't defend Anthony.

Not only that, he didn't say anything about the situation. If you have a different stance on the firing, SAY IT. The reason he didn't say it is because there's no face saving way to say "I'm a pussy whipped bitch who married a black 5 who didn't even take my last name. I am now a liberal because she controls my opinions."

His defense of it at the Montreal show was irritating. He tried to pretend like he was just "not giving in to idiots online", when really he just didn't have the balls to admit his a pussy whipped liberal bitch. He's a fucking little brat, and a beta male faggot.

Only -275 in 2 months of work on your troll account? You can do better than that.

I don't think he's trolling, he's just a cunt.

OK, terrific

If the big AC can forgive, why can't his devout worshippers?

Maybe he doesn't feel the need to comment on it? Maybe he didn't agree with Anthony and avoids it so that he doesn't get perceived as coming out "against" Anthony? Maybe he really doesn't give a shit? You guys are insane with how caught up in this shit you have gotten. It sucks that Anthony got shitcanned, but Anthony has moved on. Can you?

What an awful place to choose to bash Bill Burr. You just saw the name Bill and felt like going for it.

Zzzzzzzzzzzzz . . .

He was always fairly liberal. Also, it's time for you to go back to the misc with the other emotionally fragile, body dysmorphic virgin faggot teens who use terms like "beta".

Cause of his bald head. Like calling a fat guy "Slim"


I get the feeling she's going to go missing, then be found a few months later.

Oh no..