Roland's Food Court will happen ...

0  2014-07-29 by margeparge


Maybe we will get to hear the first on air stroke that the fans are begging for.

Oh for fuck's sake, why? Literally nobody likes him, at least Eric has a small fanbase. Nobody will listen to this, and the people that do will bash the shit out of it. I hope he takes callers, so people can tell him what a cunt he is.

Also, whenever I see Roland's twitter picture, I just think of Ricky talking about how much he hates fat Americans.

Eric has a small fanbase.

Small? Urm, buddy, Erock has an army... Nigga.

I was just about to say how it's creepy that he has that as his photo, and I've never seen anyone mention it. Even if Gervais was his best friend, that would be gay/weird. Is Roland even a huge Gervais fan, or is it just the most famous person he got a picture with?

He's a big fan of The Office, and he probably thinks it makes him look cool to be with a big celebrity. As if people are gonna see it and think they must be best friends.

Great. Just what this wreck needs. More encouragement to eat quadruple cheeseburgers.

Choke on it, you fat hairy cyst.

Roland is awful.

And the Whoo Kid well is dry. He was funny on O&A when interacting with Jimmy and Ant. He can't save Sam's shtick, and he won't do much for Roland's show either because they don't have the talent to make him entertaining. Jimmy and Ant do.

I'm gonna be serious here guys 'n gals, does ANYBODY like Roland? Please answer me honestly.

Nope. Fuck him in his ear canal. With an ice pick.

I find his laugh endearing. That's about it.

See, I used to like the guy, I remember thinking he was funny when Jimmy messed with him before he got let go a few years back. I'm sure he's great at his job, too, because he is not getting these gigs because he's pretty.

But now, I just can't find anything endearing about the guy. The day Ant got fired, in the back of my mind I was thankful, and hopeful, that this self-centered shithead might be shit out of luck. I don't wish death on anyone, but Roland, I'd just like to see Master Po get the chance to take the day off of his job teaching kids how to judo chop and send a few fists between Rolando's eyes.

What a goddamned zilch.

Jesus fuck, he's a foodie with a foodie show and he can't spell palate?

In all fairness, maybe that's how he gets his take out delivered - on a pallet?

Down vote me if you want, but I'm really over the whole DJ Who Kidd or Whoo Kid or Who Kid or Whoo Kidd fad.



"That's crazy son!"

" [insert anything here], nigga."

"laughs too hard at joke that wasn't too funny"

When were they ... under him?

"[something to do with fucking someone other than his wife]"

...and they wonder why people didn't mind canceling their subscriptions


2014-07-29 02:24:10 UTC

Roland's Food Court will happen in August- with co host @carlruiz also the international pallet @DJWhooKid & special guest

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this fat inbred looking fuck has followers that are into this shit?

He doesn't though. I don't understand this, I've literally only seen one person on this sub who likes him, I don't get why they'd do this.

Maybe it's a troll tweet.

I have to admit, I was interested in listening the first time around. I had some strange optimism that it wasn't going to be a food tasting show. And it wasn't. It was far worse. It ended up being a circlejerk between chefs that nobody (outside of a small circle of people who give a shit about such things) knows, talking about how they're better than everybody else. I was wishing for a mustard gas attack in the studio by the end of it.

Oh, I didn't know they'd already done this. Everyone else must have been calling for a mustard gas attack as well, surely? Did anybody like the show?

Yeah, it happened once. I was hoping maybe for stories on how to have a rags-to-riches successful restaurant, or maybe even some lifehacks for food prep. Fucking anything related to the actual owning and/or upkeep of a high class dining establishment. What we got was 30 minutes of introductions and another 30 of "We're better than everyone" talk. It was almost nauseating hearing how they really believe themselves to be some kind of food gods.

With DJ Whoo Kid???
