Opie's tweet is ominous

41  2014-07-28 by _TheConsumer_


Anthony is a self-destructive jerk. I don't want him to apologize but would like to see some admission that he alone ruined the best thing that ever happened to him.

SiriusXM ruined it.

He said the same thing he said on the radio show year after year, the only difference was that people who don't listen to the show heard it and wanted answers from SiriusXM which all they did was fire him and not address the fact that they've been paying him for years to say those very things on their subscription service.

Dont be silly, as unfair as the firing was, I don't think anyone was surprised he was fired, and he should have known better.

He said exactly the same things on air for years and hadn't been fired. Are you suggesting he hasn't?

No, but your not being honest with yourself. Were you really surprised that he was fired?

Yes, because of his history on their airwaves and SiriusXM is all about making money which the show obviously does(since they talk about "horrible" things on their airwaves).

I actually think since it's near the end of the contract they decided to "fire" Anthony, show that they're a "good" company and then resign him when the current contracts are up, let it all blow over. I don't think Anthony is willing to come back and was on the fence about staying with SiriusXM anyway.

Good thing the media hasn't picked up on SiriusXM having a guy making pedophilia or rape jokes on a nearly daily basis. Imagine the outrage if that got out into the airwaves. It's absolutely amazing how people who don't listen to shows, don't pay subscriptions have so much say.

You are either very stubborn or severely unintelligent. You keep on talking about how unfair this whole thing is, which is not the point. If you go to iran and start yelling that Muhammad was a faggot, you would have to be really stupid to think that you're going to be safe after that. It should be your right to do that, and anyone who hurts you is wrong for doing that, but you shouldn't be surprised by the reaction.

How don't you get this? All O&A talked about was about the PC culture and how people get fired over nothing. Does Colbert ring a bell? Michael richards? Everyone in this subreddit was seriously worried when this thing hit the media because we all understand the nature of twitter, except you.

I'm either very stubborn or severely unintelligent because you're not getting the angle I'm talking about? It's different then those other examples because of hypocrisy of SiriusXM in this situation where they've paid O&A for years with this kind of talk going across the airwaves and only when it was addressed by the mainstream media did SiriusXM do anything, somehow they sacrificed Anthony and nobody in the media had a problem with all the years SiriusXM paid him for saying those types of thoughts.

For as overblown as things become on Twitter, they disappear pretty quickly too. This would have absolutely blown over in a couple of weeks. Remember "Bring back our Girls", the situation gained attention from a ton of people, even Michelle Obama but a few weeks later nobody gives a damn and that's a way bigger problem. I don't think Kony was stopped in 2012.

I guess like Opie said on the show, had this been a regular week and it was addressed on the show the next day more then likely nothing would have happened other then people making fun of Anthony and saying he got beat up by a girl.

Ok, so you've chosen the second one apparently. Let me explain it to you since you are so surprised by the firing. Want to know another difference between those other situations? they didn't tweet a million times with tweets which at best are very easy to take out of context, and at worse downright racist. The idea that that wouldn't become viral in this PC culture is crazy, and the idea that Sirius wouldn't freak out is also crazy. Yes, he says that shit all the time, but people who don't listen to the show don't find out about it.

And as Opie said, he knew when he read those tweets that they were fired, so did pretty much everyone else.

You gave me an option of being "surprised" by the firing, since I thought he'd just be suspended I had to go with your "surprised" answer. Now for some reason you've decided to upgrade it to "so surprised".

Did I ever say what he wrote wouldn't go viral? Nope but yet you know what I'm think I guess!

Did I think SiriusXM might freak out, sure, but after examining the situation they'd just suspend him, they didn't really examine the situation very long, he was axed quite quickly.

Isn't it odd that Jimmy talks about the sense he gets that door still may be open at SiriusXM for Anthony? You'd think with SUCH a horrible thing like this, how quickly SiriusXM acted that there would be no sense of Anthony having an opportunity to come back.

Also, I was one of the few who didn't say this was a freedom of speech issue. I know why the company cut ties with Anthony but once again, they're getting off easy. They paid for that content and the media doesn't care, that should be pretty big story if Anthony's twitter story was big.

Who knows, maybe in another decade the management positions will get filled by people who are more social media savvy and they'll understand how much or how little a story can affect their company.

You're punching yourself out by bringing up shit like the freedom of speech issue, which I did not accuse you of being a part of. Lets go back to basics, shall we? You defend anthony as if what he did wasn't irresponsible, as if he had no way of knowing his actions could affect others' livelihood, and that is simply crazy, he acted emotionally and did something he knew, or should have known could easily have gotten him fired.

He was attacked and was emotional sure but to say he knew it would get him fired, I'm not so sure, they allowed him to have rants with little to no negative feedback from the company. I think he wordsmithed his tweets in a way he thought he'd be able to deflect any criticism, he was wrong. All his tweets you basically have to go, you know what he ment!

Also, Opie said SiriusXM had a problem with the violence part and the rest of it they were somewhat fine with.

Victim blaming.

If he committed a crime I'd agree. But the best thing that ever happened to him was becaming a shock jock. And him being a no filter shock jock is what ruined the show. The company ruined the show.

Ah...yes. Live by the sword, die by the sword...I suppose. He regretted nothing as he laid dying...it's what we expect from a verbal warrior.

That said fuck all you guys that are shitting on Ants New Show. They ask why the show turned "gay"..."where's the girls", they asked. Well here are some girls and you pussy eyed fans say..."4's at best"..."what's that going to add to the show". Well screw you guys! You really are never satisfied. Make the best of it. There are 2 shows now. I like Ants set-up It like the Man Show Reality Show. We are getting way more content this way. I hope they get back together, but I'd prefer it was on Ants format.

Who in the history of O&A fandom ever said the show needed girls? They refer to women in radio as "Holes" for a reason. They're not funny and they add nothing. There are like 5 funny women in comedy, and none of them are at Anthony Cumia's house. Anthony has girls that agree with what he says because they like to drink and swim in his pool. He pretends to give a shit what they have to say because he's attracted to them and wants to keep them around. That doesn't mean they are good on the radio. I fear his private life will meld with his show and it'll be him hanging out with his sycophants on the air.

All that is all possible.

Hovwever, I do remember a time, not too long ago, that the show turned Super Gay. And people were complaining about how, back in the good old days, they used to have chicks on, and that the show was becoming un-listenable. That's what I was referring to.

How do you know he hasn't already done so in private to Opie, Jim, and staff?


Anthony and Jim will be fine. If you want to have sympathy towards someone, it should be directed towards Opie. He certainly feeds off it like a vampire towards chicken blood.

Do vampires want chicken blood? I thought they liked human blood? i may be ill informed on vampires.

Depends on the universe

Gregg Hughes is hurting.

Fuck Opie and his sympathy crusade.

Trying to save his job so his fucking armcandy wont leave him because he cannot afford the high life anymore.

Sure ant fucked up, but Opie shoulda had a backup plan before having 2 kids with a woman outside his class.

Have fun giving half to the Philly crew you cunt.




Anthony got shit for doing live at the compound. They won't let opie do that

dude the commute to LI from manhattan is some serious shit. The fact anthony is doing his show in LI is going to hurt his chances on booking good guests, or any guests for that matter.

Anthony's already setting up a studio in Manhattan because he knows no one is coming out to LI to be on his podcast.

I was wondering about this. He has an apartment in Manhatten. Is this confirmed that he is setting up there?

Whatever Opie wants to do will be fine by me. Cause for some reason supporting all the people on what used to be the show isn't possible. All "Standing with Ant" is beginning to mean is hating Opie and Jimmy. And that is some fucked up shit.

Nobody hates Jimmy. Except maybe Jimmy. But that's beside the point. The point is, a lot of people don't think Opie is a stand alone fruit, and that he, by himself, is not worth the amount of money he and Ant got.

I'm about to tell you something you already know 'cause we are in complete agreement, but for the sake of conversation: it's easier for people to define issues by dividing them into sides and then pitting them against each other. There's no grey on the Internet and confirmation bias is strong around here; everyone that isn't on the side that you chose is in the wrong no matter what they say or what they do.

Opie and Jimmy couldn't have walked even if they wanted to and should keep their Sirius XM gig if that's what they feel they need to do. Despite the insistence of Ant-fans and/or Opie-haters, Ant was not an island on that show, and to shit on two people important to the show simply because one got screwed over is so fucked I don't even know how to properly articulate why.

Ant shouldn't have been fired, but he also acted irresponsibly when it came to his friends/co-workers. I'm not Ant, but if I was in his position, I would do my best to be open and honest while making sure my actions don't negatively impact those around me. But whatever, it's easy for me to say; I'm not Ant. I just don't grasp how or why someone would lack or refuse to acknowledge the awareness that you are part of something that depends on you. I don't relate to Ant, his situation, or his motives, so I don't know. That said, I hope all three of them can continue doing what they love, 'cause I love those fuckers.

But for the love of fuck Ant... bikini girls around a pool?! What is this, 1990s UPN on a Sunday night?

I completely agree with you.

That must be happening more on Twitter or elsewhere, because I really don't see a lot of it here. I see people talking about it happening, but not a lot of posts blasting Opie and Jimmy for staying on.

Seriously, every other new thread is some slanted "I hate Opie" thread. I mean if people don't like Opie, or never liked Opie, it's fine. But it's a little run into the ground now. And really misdirected. Some people have this attitude like Opie did all of this. Like he's responsible. Everyone is responsible. Liberals, the blogs, the far left, the communist Chinese, al Qaeda, everyone is responsible but the guy who tweeted it.

Not a single one in the first 4 pages right now. Closest thing is either somebody posting one of Opie's new Youtube videos with an "uh oh, here we go again" type post, or the new one saying Opie's funny mofo's is an ominous post. But that's not hating on him for continuing the show.

There were a massive amount of Opie hate threads before the Ant incident happened. Obviously they weren't related to the incident, because it hadn't happened yet. After Ant's firing, Opie hate threads have been at least a 3 month low. I can't say how it was any further back in time, because I started coming here about 3 months ago.

Coming post october.

The daddy show, with Vos, Opie, and Bobby, Featuring all their wives, to keep the boys in check. 3 holes is better than one, maybe Nia Burr can show up to educate all of them on the evils of whitey. Gotta impress the SJW if you want to keep an upper west side apartment.

Anything to keep Lynsi from taking half.

Want to impress me? Have Bam on and show the tape, maybe Videoanda can sync it up for us. She looks like a boring fuck, most hot girls are.

So what have Nia Burr's comments on the topic been? Or are you just assuming imaginary bullshit based on her being black and a woman?

I'm not AC's lawyer, but he could be basing his Nia comments on the fact that she's a total cunt.

Did you miss that recent Burr podcast that she hijacked and cunted all over?

I lost all respect for Bill after hearing that. Any dude that willingly goes home to that isn't a dude at all.

I only listen to the mmpc occasionally, so I honestly haven't heard much of her (unlike Jay Mohr's wife). I just think it's funny that people are starting to assume it's her fault Bill didn't say anything...especially since he's argued with Ant about his racism for a long time.

What do these Ant ass lickers expect Bill to say? "Told you so?"

So you're admitting you're talking, or at the very least speculating, out your ass?

She's an ignorant, racist, "completely misses the point" cunt.

I don't know why you'd rush to defend someone you "honestly haven't heard much of".

No...I'm asking what she said about the Anthony issue, because I don't know, and kind of assume she hasn't given an opinion. You thinking she's a cunt is immaterial.

Out of curiosity...how is she a racist? Again, because I don't know.

Just call her a uppity nigger, you pussy. You know that's what you really want to do. Quit dancing around it and show these SJWs what's up.

You "think" like a cunt, and you're a little too emotional about this.

I wonder why.

Contrary to your delusions, assumptions, and projections, I don't think being black automatically makes a person a "nigger". It takes a whole lotta "niggery" behavior to earn that tag, and I haven't heard Mrs. Burr exhibit any of it.

If you have any doubts as to what constitutes "niggery" behavior.........


I'll meet you halfway, though, and go with "uppity cunt". That's got a ring to it.

jesus, you're such a faggot


I haven't heard that one yet, but I'll check it out now. For some reason I like Nia & she makes me laugh. Im usually the first fella to say "Ugh, do NOT bring your chick on the fucking air," but I like their chemistry & listening to them bicker. They come into my work sometimes and are a hopelessly adorable/seemingly genuinely happy couple, so maybe Im biased.

Which recent Podcast? I haven't heard his shit since the Stanley Cup Finals were over

I'm about a month behind on his podcsts but Nia did have one a few before that where she was way out of line and really cunty towards the men e mailing to Burr. She is usually ok and they have good back and forth on subjects. She must have been mad at Bill and taking it out on the listeners. Or she was just on her period or something.

I think it was the Gay Son who's a whore or a daughter who's a whore question. She was completely wrong (in my opinion) and tried to White Knight the issue but came off looking ignorant. That being said, she usually isn't ignorant/hole-ish for the most part and sometimes her and Bill's arguing is pretty funny. I don't mind her being on the show every now and again, but I don't think I'd like her being on every week.

I agree. That was the first time I can remember her being way out of line like that.

She is not hot for christ's sake. She's a fucking average blond broad. The faggots on the sub think anything that has tits is SO HOT

Didn't we just go over a whole brouhaha/kerfuffle/clusterfuck about taking twitter too seriously?

To me, it sounds like the last thing he has on his mind is getting back together with Anthony.

I know it's rough to interpret 140 characters of text but - he basically agrees that he owes Anthony no loyalty at all. That's harsh. Anthony didn't purposely blow up the show.

I didn't purposely mean to kill her, your honor. Sometimes intent is irrelevant, if you get my drift.

Anthony killed the Opie & Anthony Show by acting like a 14-year-old boy on Twitter after getting beat up by a woman.


He didn't purposefully blow up the show but he has launched full steam ahead into a solo brand. Look at the trailer on his website, it's reminiscent of when Stern when to satellite

Hoo hoo.

Everyone knows Opie is notoriously a cheap fuck.

I'm sure he doesn't want to risk doing a podcast with Anthony/ by himself. He's dependant on SiriusXM.

Yeah opie should drive out to long island every day to visit ants basement with brother joe and make barely any money.

Ant launched into the Anthony Cumia show immediately. That's what has happened. Ant made it abundantly clear he doesn't want to do anything with Opie anymore. It's not Opie's decision.

He wasn't calling it the Anthony Cumia show right away. Opie made the on air comment about Ant wanting to do it alone first. At that time Ant was saying he hoped to have the others join him.

Anthony has already talked about doing some of the show in his apartment in the city. He's mentioned wanting to continue with Opie and Jimmy and he's also mentioned wanting to hire staff members from the show but I think he no longer wants to have a boss. Opie on the other hand is looking for the easier way to making money, with a contract from company. I wouldn't doubt that Voss and possibly Bonnie team up with Opie for a more lighter/family oriented show with comedians and other guests. I think maybe Jimmy moves with Anthony and creates his own service too(not paid but basically advertisement for his shows).

It's called the Anthony show.

Do you really think A) Anthony wants to continue with the guys same as usual with "The Anthony Show" or B) Opie would want to co-host "The Anthony Show"?

Jimmy isn't moving on to be cohost with Anthony, Jimmy has his own show already. He will probably visit once in a while but it won't be a regular thing.

He can't change the name of his podcast if the situation changes?

Uh, well he already paid for the logo and released the brand through every medium (twitter, facebook, youtube, etc.)...hell it's the sidebar for this subreddit. I highly, highly doubt he will change the name.

Uh, well he already paid for the logo

What? That logo? The one he's had on his pool table and stuff for years? That will dissolve in 10 seconds once he gets big enough that a lawyer from Guinness takes notice?

Its not different than countless product parodies you see on T-Shirts and everything else. What did Anthony actually take? A color scheme and a font? I don't think he has anything to worry about as far as that goes.

Ehh it's not a parody though, it's his actual logo.

Its his logo but its obviously of parody of the Guinness logo, deliberate parody isn't violating a trademark. He also isn't selling a product (beer) that would confuse consumers with a similar logo to a different brand - that's a really big thing that they always look at in these cases. Then again he is selling beer glasses ..... so who knows, we'll just have to see!

I'm not saying I think an OnA podcast will happen at this point but that's not because of what Ant named his. I'm not an internet expert or anything but I think it is pretty easy to change a logo on ones social sites.

He paid for that logo? Ouch.

It's only 2 hours, they absolutely could do an O&A show also if they wanted to, even on SiriusXM if they wanted to while Anthony has his own show too.

Who knows how long Jimmy's show will go, remember Down and Dirty with Jim Norton in 2008 on HBO?

Opie said he hasn't even talked to Anthony about doing a show together.

It's just as much Opie's fault.

They could do a show from Anthony's compound in Manhattan or somewhere else in Manhattan. You're a fucking tool.

Oh ok. Yeah I figure they are going to have a joint show callled the Anthony Cumia show. Makes a lot of sense.

You're so simple minded.

I know that it has obviously been a negotiation tactic, but it has really bothered me that Opie spent a good part of every week going on and on and on about how October was the end of their satellite era and they would be moving on to podcast. Neither Anthony nor Jim said anything about it. Just Opie.

And vice-versa. Sadly, who would really gain from getting back together? Would Opie be better leaving a set paid gig to do podcasts? Would Ant be better leaving the world of podcasts and getting a gig from Sirus?

Ok, he would be, but they are not going to have him.

Opie has a wife and two kids. He owes nothing to Anthony is right. He's not going to do a completely uncensored show in Ant's basement. Based on the pics Ant posted this weekend, do you seriously see Opie there? He barely visited his house in the first place. I wouldn't be surprised if goes to TV somehow.

Opie has said time and time again that he has "fuck you money". Could this guy really not live the rest of his life without new Sirius payola?

He probably could, but on the other side of the table Ant named his show "The Anthony Cumia Show" and built a website around it with an option for a year long subscription. This looks like Ant is not considering partnering with Opie for at least a year. So what's Opie supposed to do in the meanwhile? His lack of comedic talent notwithstanding, Opie still has to make the choice of having a great paycheck for 2 years, or quitting and striking out on his own when his long time partner made it clear that he would not like to partner up for half of a contract term, if ever.

Maybe the Opster should a thought of that when he interrupted Ant and Jim for the 4 billionth time to tell a kid story.

I don't think Ant ruined the show this month, Opie has been ruining it for years.


How is Opie scrambling? Anthonys the one relying on subscriptions from you fat pigs while Opie still has the legitimate gig that will still attract comedians and celebrities to come on the show. Ants stuck out on long Island where no one willingly travels unless they have too. Maybe Anthony will get Quinn and that's it. Opie is in far better waters. Plus he still has Jimmy. Anthony has brother Joe who's a 1000x hackier than Opie ever will be.

Seems to me like they are both scrambling. Opie has been trying hard to fill the void by inviting in guests every single day. Ant who used to hate his caller fans has now turned into the friendly retweeter guy with good things to say about his fans.

No one said Opie wouldn't struggle at first but he's still in a better position than Anthony. Opie even said when talking to Ron Bennington he wasn't ready to go back yet and asked for a month off but the company wouldn't allow it. I still think Opie has a better chance of pulling through this than Anthony does. Opie can use sxm to bring in talented and interesting comics and guests and can slowly move the show in a different direction.

Opie has been whining and whining about management, talking for years, not months, years, about how 20 years was a good number, and bitching about low pay and lack of appreciation. He has hinted about the podcast route numerous times.

He lost his partner not a month after their handpicked guy Tim Sabean was fired. A lot of people kinda got the vibe that if Sirius XM planned to bring the show back, they'd have suspended Ant rather than firing him.

So...Assuming SiriusXM DOES bring the Opster back, to a channel that they took his, Opie's, name off, in addition to the fired party's, do you think it will be for what they were paying him when he was "part of the Opie and Anthony brand"? Or do you think this company he bitches about constantly on air for being cheap and incompetent will lowball the fuck out of him if they offer him at all?

I can't say for sure, but I'm gonna stay tuned.

My guess is sxm low balls him it'll still be more than Anthony makes off a subscription based podcast especially once you've considered all the over head Anthony has setting this thing up. 4k camera, professional lighting, server space, etc. All racks up.

I wasn't arguing that point, I was just saying, how bitter is Gregorio going to be when he makes a lot less to do a lot more with a lot less recognition?

He cannot do the show without Ant. We've heard it. He's running out of stand ups to bring in and carry him for free. If Jim walks for Vice, the show is unlistenable. Opie Radio, no Ant, he's probably craved this for years. "Yeah, now I'm gonna show 'em! I don't need Ant! Never did!"

The Opie Show fucking blows. And enough of this "give yourself a bell." It is worse than dropping hammers. It will never be a thing. Stop trying to force corny catchphrases.

JIm ain't walking for Vice. Fuck, he's only doing 4 episodes for them.

Vice is also notoriously not a well-ran company. Good for Yimmy and everything, but I'd highly doubt he'd become a full-timer for them.

He wouldn't even have to. He could probably shoot 2-3 episodes in a single weekend, what would he even have to "walk" for, knowhumsayin?

100% truth. The past parade of comedians largely saved Opie and Jim, whenever they weren't in, it was all about watching youtube videos or music breaks. Opie is done. Jim's mind is elsewhere. You'll see the show's true face, once they don't have those funny minds coming into the studio at these rates.

To be fair, all they were doing with Ant was watching YouTube and doing music breaks. So they are doing the same things. Just without their funniest guy.

He could bring in a new co-host if SiriusXM is ok with that. There are plenty of comedians to choose from who would probably want the job.

That might be sacrilege to some of the fanbase, but I agree, he can't do it by himself and have it be good over the long haul. If Ant's not coming back, that's the next best move. Jimmy doesn't seem to want to step into Ant's old place.

I wonder if anyone has considered Dan Soder...


Lmao there's no long term Vice. They will likely get a new cohost.

A brain for what, for re-subbing to a dying format to give that hack more millions?

He's been saying for years that SXM doesn't give them the numbers and in fact doesn't have them, so why the fuck would he care now? Maybe they've been lying all these years because their numbers were embarrassingly low.

If Opie just wants to make money then SiriusXM is probably his best option. In that case he would be smart to re-sign.

If Opie wants to put on quality radio then he NEEDS to join Anthony or start his own podcast/internet show. SiriusXM is a garbage company.


So I should just say "well that protest didn't work, here take my money again." bullshit, I cancelled because siriusxm is hypocritical and I won't support them ever again.

I don't hate Opie and Jim.

I just know their show is dead dogshit once all the "favor" comics stop showing up.

I do not hate Ant, but he is an asshole who cannot hold his liquor, while we laughed about it for years it cost him his job.

This internet show will barely cover his property taxes, and pool heater bill.

These guys need to be together, only Opie and J seem to realize it, Ant almost seems relieved.

It's not like the show was humming along perfectly and and hitting on all cylinders before July. It is what it is, but for me at least I got tired of the political shit. Even Opie's bulllshit about Donald Sterling bugged me. Opie and Anthony were great at comedy. They're shit on politics. If I want to listen to political talk I'll listen to Michael Savage or somebody.

This is ambiguous at best.

I think it's more Opie being glad someone is thinking and realizing that Opie has more options available than we realize.

He needs a steady paycheck, he has a family to take care of. That would be his first and foremost priority in any decision.

Not really I think he made it clear by inference he isn't joining ant in li.

what? I said he is considering re-signing with SiriusXM instead of connecting up with Ant

The ambiguity part I'm mildly disagreeing with; I don;t think it's ambiguous, I think he's made it clear.

Well, there goes my favorite show of all time. This sucks.

Really? The Opie and Jim show is your favorite ever?

I think it has been total garbage for the last 2 weeks. Aside from a few funny moments, the show has been lackluster at best.

Opie and Anthony was a great show. No matter why it ended, it ended. And what there is now is horrible. Its better to burn out than to fade away after all.

Not the Opie and Jim show... The Opie and Anthony show



Cock sucka

Not to point out that people are being retarded, but it would take literally no effort for Anthony to take down "The Anthony Cumia Show" Logo and Promotional Videos and replace it with an "Opie and Anthony Show" Logo, and point www.opieandanthony.com to his current web server.

That and he could easily convert all subscriptions over to a reconstituted O&A show.

The website and the subscription packages are complete non-issues, stop being morons.

I like the cut of your jib, sir.

I wonder who owns the Opie & Anthony IP

Registrant Name: Robert Eatman Enterprises

He had meetings is LA. I could be a dumb uninformed fuck here but from listening to old shows and wikipedia i thought SiriusXM were based in D.C/New York. Maybe LA is a new platform?

Their agent is in LA.

Super Agent Bob Eatman? Surely even that dumb fuck knows how Skype works. You'd think these agents would understand they work for their clients and do the fucking travelling.

I think Opie wants to do his own thing more than Ant does, and knows that they won't get paid as much to do a podcast so he's going to take the guaranteed money and stay at Sirius. I honestly don't blame Opie, but I can't really listen to the show anymore. Jimmy's great but he can't carry the show, Opie on air is useless for the most part, and most of the best segments were Jimmy & Ant riffing with each other. Unfortunately Ant's brilliant but also extremely impulsive, and even though I disagree with how Sirius handled it Ant put everybody in a shitty position. I'm just afraid that his new show isn't going to be very good, and judging from what I've seen with the involvement of his poker buddies and the moderately attractive hanger-on broads he has at his house, I'm worried that my fear is going to be a reality.

Opie and Anthony were both ready to try on their own. But the brand is hard to give up.

This whole thing was a best case scenario for the opster.

Remember all those posts before this happened about how they didn't really like each other that much? They were staying together for the children like Ant said one time. The children being the Benjamins. Now that's out the window, and the Benjamins are more safely with Opie by staying with Sirius.


Would it be something if Opie buys a house near Ant, thus fueling the flames of speculation.

If Mr. and Mrs. Hughes were to move to suburbia, they'd most likely emigrate closer to her family.

In that neighborhood? Opies got more money than that.

Damn, Opster don't take no guff! Even dropping the beloved catchphrase!

His bell reference was because he said he had a brain.

You misspelled onimus

Opie & Friends with Jim Norton starts in October, you heard it here first.

Remember when Opie was tweeting Wolf in Sheep's Clothing videos. That sure payed off!

opster gots to get paid

Opie thinks their success is due to him. I cant wait for him to be proven very wrong. The "STUPID FUCK(tm)" cant even speak properly let alone read on the air. He is/was a huge detriment to the show and the fact that it succeed despite him speaks volumes to ant and jims talent. Which makes the fact that he is blaming the victim that much more insulting. He can go stuff a turkey



I could totally see Opie doing something for TV, maybe hosting something like that prank show he did last year.

You mean the show that lasted a few episodes and people quickly forgot even existed? Opie couldn't get a decent TV gig at the height of the O&A brand. Forget about now.

Looking at the posts in here....do you all even like the show? What...or WHY were you still listening? Shit.

Opie fucking sucks.

40 days ago and this would be top comment. Bunch of hypocrites in this subreddit.

This can't be said enough.


Just lol at all the grovelling faggots saying Anthony deserved it. You're such guilty pussies.

Sirius fired him for doing nothing wrong at all. It's their choice. Blame Sirius, because they did it. There is no "he made them".

because in real life there is always a black and white where someone has to be 100% right and someone has to be 100% wrong and it is totally impossible that both parties fucked over their audience.

and anyone who disagrees is a groveling faggot.

go screw.

No. Anthony had no intention of getting fired. By saying it's his fault, you are validating SiriusXM's choice to grovel and cave to the PC crowd.

If you don't call them out on this, it will only get worse. America will continue down its grovelling, PC path of decline, because faggots like you don't believe in standing up for what's right.

Dont be silly, as unfair as the firing was, I don't think anyone was surprised he was fired, and he should have known better.

To be fair, all they were doing with Ant was watching YouTube and doing music breaks. So they are doing the same things. Just without their funniest guy.

You "think" like a cunt, and you're a little too emotional about this.

I wonder why.

Contrary to your delusions, assumptions, and projections, I don't think being black automatically makes a person a "nigger". It takes a whole lotta "niggery" behavior to earn that tag, and I haven't heard Mrs. Burr exhibit any of it.

If you have any doubts as to what constitutes "niggery" behavior.........


I'll meet you halfway, though, and go with "uppity cunt". That's got a ring to it.