Where did the Steve C voice that ant and jim do come from? The real steve c didn't sound anything like the impersonation...YESSSSSSSS, PLEASE ANSWER THIS QUESTION

3  2014-07-28 by roadtrp1990


They used to make fun of the fact that Steve spoke with perfect diction. It devolved into that particular over-enunciating voice.

It's jus an exaggeration of Steve C. voice with great comedic results. One of the many Ant came up with. The show started to go downhill after Steve left. That and the move to Sirius.

Steve was ok but I'd hardly say the show went downhill cause he was fired. Steve did some ok work but between him and that shitty Foundry website and his awful production it was time for him to go. We get it, another promo with women screaming or in a trunk of a car.

I thought he was fucking terrible. Guy did not have a funny bone in his body. He stunk on air, and his production pieces were staggeringly unfunny.

Exactly. Also, towards the end Steve was constantly angry and it was affecting the energy of the behind the scenes staff. I'm sure that Anthony's personal relationship with some of them didn't help, but it seemed that all of them were hinting at the fact that Steve was a tyrant.

You know what Steve was great for? Not having bullshit elitist fucking food segments.

True. But they'd take an hour making fun of him packing 4 burgers in Tupperware for lunch.

Still better than listening to that fat mushmouthed walking puddle of diabetes kiss d-level celebrity pastry chef ass.

Not that it happens much anymore, but I have a feeling that's going to be coming back soon, due to lack of content.

I hope not. Erock is a great behind the scenes guy but on air he's cancer. Roland is an obese disgusting tub of shit who happens to have a great Rolodex. Neither of them have anything remotely interesting about them. Especially when they talk about food which those two lardassed bastards should avoid.

I like the Nagel. His Virus show is decent, and he seems like an alright guy. The Consumer segments are pretty bad, but at least he's not condescending about his superior taste.

The other tub of shit should go hug the third rail. The only taste I want to hear him reporting back on is strychnine

I think it started when he wore capri jean shorts for no reason?

I always wondered how much of the on air Steve bashing was not a work. Seemed like Opie was being at least part real about the millionaire/money stuff and maybe some of the foundry stuff. Loved the Steve C.

By the end of it all no one on that staff liked Steve. None of the other producers, none of the other people who floated around like Kenny or Keith. Not even Opie or Anthony. More importantly none of the brass liked him either. Which is why they got rid of him, well they made his position extinct. lol That's how much they hated him. They humiliated him out the door. lol

The answer you seek is here.

GRRRR I'M A BEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!