(NSFW) This is horrible. I'm scarred for life. O&A Gayoff video leaked. Get VideOandA on this

41  2014-07-28 by UncPa57yrzyng


This is gayer than fez


Fez was particularly offended by this bit.

As Ronnie B. would say...

He's not even technically gay, he's never had sex.


Yeah, that's basically what O&A said the next day. The last two dudes were so desperate they would have done anything for the cash.

I remember finding this show absolutely hilarious and really disturbing at the same time. I felt very dirty afterwards. Watching some few second parts of it now, it's fucking horrible. I forgot they actually jerked off the guy while their wives were watching. How does a marriage survive something that traumatizing? I can't imagine any set of circumstances where I would do that for a national audience. Jesus, I feel really bad now.

I think this is the one show I will never re-listen to again.

I watched this shit... A whole new level of fucked up radio. This SHOULD go down in radio history but it's so uncomfortable that it may as well remain never to be spoken of.

Those who don't remember history are doomed to repeat it.

what happened?

Better save your copies now before it disappears.

No one needs to see this.

Everyone needs to see this.

Uploaded Feb '13. I don't think anyone's trying to hide this.

Or reupload it to dailymotion.

Opie, Jimmy, and Ant should have had sensors on their cocks to detect any arousal.



Fruit machine (homosexuality test):

"Fruit machine" is a jocular term for a device developed in Canada that was supposed to be able to identify homosexual people, or "fruits". The subjects were made to view pornography, and the device measured the diameter of the pupils of the eyes (pupillary response test), perspiration, and pulse for a supposed erotic response.

The fruit machine was employed in Canada in the 1950s and 1960s during a campaign to eliminate all homosexuals from the civil service, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), and the military. A substantial number of workers did lose their jobs. Although funding for the "fruit machine" project was cut off in the late 1960s, the investigations continued, and the RCMP collected files on over 9,000 suspected homosexuals.

The chair was like one from a dentist's office. It had a pulley with a camera going towards the pupils. There was a black box in front of it that showed pictures. The pictures ranged from the mundane to sexually explicit photos of men and women. It had previously been determined that the pupils would dilate in relation to the amount of interest in the picture. This was called the pupillary response test.

Interesting: Lavender scare | Gaydar

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God bless the RCMP

It's like the Voight Kampff test, but for the gays.

You learned this from QI didn't you?

The sensors on Jimmy dick would have spontaneously combusted, turning him into a eunuch.

Still waiting for Dice to come back from that cigarette.

Norton looks like a bored Calligula

Well, that's three hours of my life I'll never get back.

You watched it twice?

Yes, that was the joke.

And a fine joke it was

When does my erection subside?

Bunch of non-mogul ass niggas

Who's idea was this? Terrible

Sam I think.

This is the best and worst thing ever.

This is old, it's from paltalk video and it was available the day after it happened.

It was at the top of r/cringe too

this inspired me not to quit my job and follow my dreams

Anyone who hates their job should watch this.

Watch 1h and 30m of dudes dicks?

Yeah, no thanks.


Fucking Sal is a trooper..or really,really into doing gay shit in front of older men.

  1. Troy rules
  2. I love ant constantly telling at jimmy to stop touching him


yeah..."leaked" - sheep in wolfs clothing

So is the crickets sound that runs under the whole thing just the general response to the whole show?

Jesus Christ

There's not a soft dick in this thread!

Now, is this queeb or quay?

I couldn't do it. Fast forwarded to like 40 minutes or something and noped the fuck away like a second later.

I always thought it was funny how excited Jimmy sounded through the whole thing

You sound like children, and probably need some good bare bottom spankings


All this video proves is that Sal is definitely gay

How the fuck did these guys do this? Wtf did they even get out of it again? I wonder how many of their chicks left them after this

I watched like 1 min ffwding to random spots. It's awful. Do they ever show the wives though? I want to see what they look like

Any updates on these guys? I honestly don't know how that John guy can live with himself. These jaggoffs (literally) sold their dignity for a measly $1,500. I don't care how hard up I get, I would never get naked and do what these guys did. Can't put a price on self-worth! Even the bbbboys were disturbed by it all. Ant's face is amazing.

Fantastic bomb by Opie.

If you didn't jerk of to this, you're a degenerate faggot.

The sensors on Jimmy dick would have spontaneously combusted, turning him into a eunuch.