Steveyknight Has Put Up The First 2 Test Shows Ant Has Done

15  2014-07-26 by DanzaTastic


"Come August 4th... all these will be addressed... the abomination at our southern border..."


I'm sure it will be an open and honest debate with experts from across the.,.. Yeah yeah I know.

I doubt he even cares about that actual issue. Just that it's another way to criticize the HNIC. Let the loffs ensue...

Hockey night in Canada?

don cherry would be great on OnA

Until someone threw strawberries on his loafers.

Head &$;;=; in charge.


I don't mean this as a scold, but I doubt if those technical test episodes are anything he wants rewatched or seen by anyone who may be wondering if the show is worth $7.



I had my fingers crossed for a bit more variety than most people are predicting, but it's not looking good :( sigh

Am I the only one who thinks this wont be going on with this show now that Ant is in charge.

First thing I thought: The amount of support/subscriptions Ant will get will be unbelievable. Literally. Because I dont think anyone has a real number of people who listen to the show. And i think ALOT of youtube users will pay 5$ a month to Ants company instead of 15$ to s/xm. The support from the fans was crazy, and lets face it, most of them probably dont subscribe. Between s/xm, youtube, paltalk, audible, private sites, there are so many ways. It doesnt matter to Op or Jim how you get the show, they will collect the same check from s/xm if you listen or dont.

Now i love youtube users (especially this lad) as much as the next cheapskate. And i know Ant appreciated them for the Opie and Anthony show. I just believe that some sites and users who upload full shows wont be as appreciated starting August 4.

on the description of the second video stevey says: "Prior to the The Anthony Cumia Show's official launch on August 4th, Anthony streamed a live free test broadcast to figure things out and talk a little. I will not be uploading the show once it starts, please subscribe to Anthony for that. (This upload is SD, for HD visit"

I didnt watch it, and thats really cool he did that, and i didnt expect him to upload daily shows. But people not named stevey sure as fuck will, and im saying they will not be treated kindly.

I already subscribed, and i never subscribed to s/xm. been listening for free online for about 6 years.

I've seen a few of the people who upload the Sirius shows say that they won't be uploading Anthony's show. If people upload Anthony's shows I expect that both Anthony and the Pests would treat those people unkindly. Even though by not subscribing to Sirius you were stealing from O&A in a roundabout way (less subscribers listening, less money when the contract is negotiated), you would now be stealing directly from Anthony and people would be more hesitant to do that (at least initially).

Mulatto knights.

So, you've been listening for free for six years and the moment you subscribed to ant you got up on a high horse..

No I was guessing what would happen. You don't agree that people would be more hesitant to steal from Anthony than they would to steal from Sirius?

If people upload Anthony's show I'm not going to do anything, I just think there's a portion of the audience that will be angry (perhaps the portion of the audience that attacks anyone who says anything bad about Anthony?).

You're definitely right about youtube listeners paying.

I'm 20 yrs old and have listened off youtube for at least 2 yrs, but I bought a 1 yr sub for The Anthony Cumia show.

It doesnt matter to Op or Jim how you get the show, they will collect the same check from s/xm if you listen or dont.

of course it matters. i doubt they'd see a new contract that promises what are probably some of the higher talent salaries at sxm unless they were able to maintain a large, paying listener base.

Well this is just thrilling. Skip to 12 minutes in which is when he starts talking.

It's good to hear "'Ello Bill!" again.

Hearing that made me feel better about the 10+ missed "Hi, John," "MIKE" and "Oh, Chads" the show has had since the firing.

and the dice voice too, that was especially cool

these shows are going to be amazing

I came to satiate my dire need for an E-rock is fat joke.

I clicked to a random point in the seek from Hungry calls...E-Rock is fat joke ensues....I leave satisfied in under one minute. Can't wait for the real show to begin!

Thank you.

for your service

I hope there will be a way I can eventually get this on my Apple TV...but I'm guessing subscription streaming is going to be browser-only for a long time. HuluPlus and Netflix figured it out. Maybe Roku, as they have very lax criteria for adding channels. I would buy a Roku for this.

Don't steal Ants shit. Stevey,Logan,Jay, videOandA, etc.. Do the right thing.

This is different from stealing from a billion dollar corporation who does not promote them, this is really a mans personal livelyhood now.

Thank you for your service, but do the right thing as a fan of the talent.

Steven just uploaded the free test broadcasts. He's not going to upload the show when it starts August 4th. Neither am I.

I agree with you but without a doubt there will be free streams of it.

It's a free test broadcast dummy.
