Andy Kindler attacks Ant at MJFL (speech tweeted via Paul Provenza)

22  2014-07-26 by GRIZx


Andy who?

Amazon Kindle.

Kindler, what's he startin' a fire or sumptin?

He's just trying to drum up publicity for himself. Let him promote Ant, and just ignore him.

Andy Kindler even stood out as lame on Everybody Loves Raymond.

Think about that.

"I was going to write a joke about this, but CVS wanted 50 cents for a pen. Who am I, Elon Musk? Too current? Who am I, John D Rockefeller? Too obvious? How about Cosimo de' Medici? Anthony is coming across like Cosimo Kramer. Get it? I've fused history with Seinfeld. Could I possibly tag my jokes any more? Where did everybody go?"

I think he's trying out for Family Guy or somethin'

Nah, Family Guy is actually funny sometimes


This came up in another thread, but I was a fan of Kindler based on his appearances on some podcasts. Until he went after Carolla for some comments he made. I'm not a huge fan of Carolla, but I defended him and tried to engage Kindler with civility and engage him in discussion about it. He VERY QUICKLY got defensive and immediately blocked me. I've gone back to his TL a couple times since then and found out he also has a grudge against Gervais.

tl;dr Andy Kindler is a twat and it's no wonder he's not more famous. He attacks other comedians.


Time line.

are you a comedian

My muddah thinks I'm funny.

Fawk yeah

oh ok i thought you meant like you were a comedian engaging him on twitter... if you're just some random fan i'm not surprised he would block you. ps i love you

He's not random... He's AndrewInMN

This headline says all I needed to know about what a "too hip for the room" cunt this small man is:

"Talking to Andy Kindler About Why He Can't Stand Ricky Gervais, Adam Carolla, and Jay Leno"

So edgy, I cut my ballsack tea bagging him.

He praises the television show "Maron" while shitting on "Louie"

How can anyone take him seriously?

He's a sycophant. He praises Maron because Marc puts him on his show. He probably trashes Louie because CK didn't cast him despite having a lot of comedians on. Also he avoids thrashing anyone with actual influence in the business

Word on the street is that O&A would never have him on the show. Imagine every other comic you know,even lefty's like Proops or Patton and "alternative" like Louie/Ari getting on one of the best&popular radio shows. Except for you. That's why he's a bitter,angry fuck who only attacks people when they're down. He probably wanted to go after O&A for years but couldn't get the balls to do it. He's the very definition of a hypocritical piece of shit and that's why he gets people so angry.

Maron isn't a bad show. To bash Louie and praise Maron at the same time though is completely ridiculous. They're basically the exact same show. I agree with the other guy who said the only reason he did that is because Maron put him on his show and Louie probably never even considered him for a part.

Couldn't agree more. Not a Marc Maron fan, personally. OK, we get it, he's angry and disillusioned. Louie is a fucking genius.

And FWIW, that shitty Paul Provenza show was a snooze fest. How he could get so many great comedians on a show and make it boring is beyond belief.

Sounds like sour grapes to me. Let him cry alone.

The fact that he's still talking about it must mean the fans really got to him.

Up until like a week ago people were furious with Bill Burr and others for not bringing up the situation. Stand with Ant is still fairly large on twitter and his new show doesn't start for a few weeks. Kindler does a state of the industry address which is basically a year in review. Of all the criticism this generated, is this really a strong point? Seems counter intuitive to the speak the "truth" mentality generated by the show.

I guess he got mad after getting turned down so many times.

misogynist is just the douchiest word ever

How could it be a douchier word than 'douchiest?' It's literally douchiest.

The fuck is he even babbling about?

Bitter douche is digging his own grave.

The only thing worse than someone trying really hard to be edgy is someone trying to appear edgy by saying things that they know are the complete OPPOSITE of anything edgy. I bet this Alfred G Molina looking cunt has at least 20 minutes of "What's the deal with Facebook?" material in his act.

Andy Kindler is not edgy and looks nothing like Alfred Molina.

He's "edgy" in the way that lib fucks think they're "edgy" in "taking on" Fox News and what some hayseed Republican county dog catcher in Arkansas said about abortion.

I wouldn't know because I didn't want to give him the attention of GIS-ing him, or doing anything besides clicking on the link in the OP. I guess I should do more research in my abrasive one liners next time sweetie-yums.

I think even Ant is over it by now. Why's this guy so pissy?

Because, taking into consideration Kindler's entire career, a tin knocker from Long Island is funnier and wealthier than him.

From his wikipedia page (yes, I had to look him up to try to figure out who he is):

His material often covers the comedy industry itself, criticizing other comedians for being too predictable. At his annual state of the industry address at Montreal's "Just For Laughs" festival, he criticized Dane Cook, Louis CK, Chelsea Handler and Jay Leno.

So he's a stand up whose shtick is to jump in other's shit. Ironically his criticism of Ant is predictable.

Sounds like he's a critic who happens to try his hand at comedy

He's going after all the hard targets, like a man who was summarily fired in less than a week via email because he called a black woman a cunt and a nigger publicly. I bet he's got some barn burners in his set against the Catholic Church, FOX News and George W. Bush. Sure, its a smidgeon past its use-by date, but when the material is that good, how can you blame him for saying it?

Past its used by date? This dunce is still doing Leno jokes.

I sure hope he's not stingy on the chin jokes.

Nigga looks like Egon from Ghostbusters.

Without the sex appeal.

Credit where it's due...That 2nd ones pretty accurate when it comes to about 50 percent of the audience.

True, but what do you expect from an audience of dullards, dopes and aspiring child rapists? I think the last thing that any O&A fan would be accused of is being too smart for the room. And that's the thing that I love about this crowd, they know how to keep things nice and stupid.

Aspiring? Did you even watch To Catch a Predator?

Just my episode, TBH

Whooooaaa nelly! Looks like Hitler missed one.

I saw this coming from a mile away. Hopefully this brings in more subscribers for Ant. I'm happy for Andy Kindler as well, seeing as this is the one time a year he gets to perform in a full room.

Google this guys name and the suggested result are his name followed by : ricky gervais, louis ck and adam carolla.

This guy makes a living from shitting on more successful and funnier comedians so that people will hear his name.

He's a comedy parasite.

All he does is pick apart the material of people who are funnier and more successful than he is and call it "hack" or "racist."

He's not a comic, he's a bitter critic.

Can someone explain to me what MJFL is?

Michael Jordan Foot Lotion™

I tried masturbating with that stuff to see if my dick would grow bigger


Montreal Just for Laughs

Thanks, babe. I feel pretty stupid for not putting that together.

Im not creative

Don't worry, it took me a little bit too

fuck that four-eyed pube headed fuck..

But enough about Patti

He said fuck, not unloveable cunt.


What is an Andy Kindler?


This guy is just trying to ride the wave of relevancy with Ant's recent buzz. A "Pest Attack" will only give him what he wants. Ignoring him would devastate him more.

...why am I trying to reason with jilted O&A fans?

You gotta love a failed comedian with 89k twitter followers giving the keynote speech about the "state of industry". One would think you'd need 2m+ followers and at least a successful TV show or HBO special on your resume. That shit is far more offensive. Fuck him.

edit: I'm talking about Andy Kindler you savage fucks. Is this a pro-Kindler sub now?

He's just a toolbag who is playing to the uninformed majority.

I agree. Fuck him.

Are you talking about Jimmy?

No, Andy Kindler.

Norton has over four times the followers of Kindler, plus HBO and Epix specials.

I tried to like Kindler, because he's one of Maron's boys. But he's a hack, who thinks he's Wuhl and Klein. He's also in a show my nieces watch.

Saw him on that terrible Anthony Jeselnick show, and he was fucking terrible on a show that was terrible.

Be more funny!

He acts like being non-PC is hack. As if calling someone else a "Racist" a "Nazi" or "Hitler" is really breaking new ground. Andy Kindler is one of the best bandwagon jumpers in the biz.

He kind of looks like Bobo. THIS CAWKSUCKA IS HILARIOUS

Gurian has a better 5 minutes.

The dude is dislikeable, but I kind of liked his gimmick here. It seemed like a more subtle Neil Hamburger.

He's the jewish Chip. Chike. Or Cheap.


Chaim Chaimerson.

It seemed like a more subtle Neil Hamburger.

No, it didn't.

Yes, it did.

His act is pretty mainstream. He was on Everyone Loves Raymond for fuck's sake.

He's not doing bad jokes on purpose. He's just a shitty comic.

Andy Kindler is a bitter piece of shit. I don't want him to succeed and fuck him, but that aside. If you think those jokes were straight forward and without sarcasm and irony then you have zero ability to read either. Jim Norton would of took the same roll on Everyone Loves Raymond had it been offered so don't act like that is some moral or quality indicator. It was a damn fine gig that any comedian sacred to the show aside from Patrice O'Neal or someone established would of taken.

There were a couple of jokes that were purposefully bad, like the Descartes joke, but I doubt the majority of them were intended to be ironic. They were of the same caliber and style of his Tweets, which definitely weren't ironic, along with other non-ironic material of his that I've seen. He does use a heavily sarcastic tone, but since he does that for all his jokes, you can't use that as a gauge of sincerity. I get the impression that his tone, along with his hack-y saves, are just his way of protecting himself when people don't laugh at his shitty act.

Either way, though, he sucks. Just telling deliberately shitty jokes in and of itself is hardly a revolutionary act, and I don't think it's fair to put Neil Hamburger in that category.

They were still shitty even if they were. Look at Norm MacDonald he is the anti-joke king. It doesn't work either way.

He did the rhombus joke on Maron's TV show. Either he's a shitty comedian or he is extremely dedicated to acting like one ironically.


There's nothing sub=par about being able to suck on your own balls, dude. You earned every cent of that 200 dollars.


of course whoever this guy (never heard of him sorry), would do this on a friday since theres no show tomorrow

He did it on Friday because that was the last day of the festival .


Fuckin' home run, Kindler!

I'm proud to say, I couldn't pick Andy Kindler out in a lineup. I never watch sitcoms ESPECIALLY cbs sitcoms. Why is no pro-anthony comedian or celeb addressing this douche? Afraid to burn a bridge?

Here's the whole speech EDIT: Some of it is horribly uncomfortable the jokes fall flat, he spews a lot of crap out at Carolla, Louis CK, towards 'the business' & at the end at Ant. He mentions & criticizes Jimmy's defense of Ant in his keynote address [he doesn't attack Jimmy just his argument].

Wow, he called us "racist misogynists".

He is super edgy and original.





This piece of shit must be one of those "anti-comics" Norm was talking about.

He's not an "anti-comic". Just a standard hack.

He's an anti-comic only in the sense of when comedy and him mix the result is always unfunny



I didn't even come remotely close to laughing once at this clip.

Breathy dope with real shitty delivery and not great points

When you google him, the sixth Google recommendation is Andy Kindler Not Funny. That sums it up right there.

This guy is a little late to the Ant hate.

Who the fuck is Andy Kindler?

Who the fuck is this guy?

Why should we give a fuck, he has no bearing on Anthonys sucess or failure.

He sounds like a fuckboy looking for attention.

Why should we give a fuck? Downvote this horseshit off the page, this guy is no body, this is the same as saying Joe, the welfare collector with 4 kids from 3 women, from Asbury Park NJ, thinks Ant is a rascist.

Laugh and move on, fuck this guy.

Andy Kindler is a twat, regardless of his opinion on Anthony

Damn, I'm disappointed in Paul.

Andy Kindler? More like Anal Cumdrip

That fag really loves talking about Ant. I think he wants to suck his dick.

So someone needs to direct where the hatred of this sub should be focused. Pitchforks are being raised, and at this point, it looks like the entire countryside is going to be burned.

I've not too familiar with Paul Provenza, but I've heard his name. His twitter shows that he just did something with Bob Kelly, Burr, Maron, Attell, and Dom Irrrera. Not exactly the anti-O&A comic set. Was he tweeting that stuff ironically?

I've never heard of Andy Kindler, so is his anti-Anthony vitriol real?

I doubt Provenza is taking any side really.

Has that ever stopped this sub from trashing somebody, though?

Not voting Republican is enough to get on this sub's hit list. Friend of the show DL Hughley got trashed because he didn't ball wash Ant enough according to the fans. The boys addressed this on air the next day.

He's probably just live tweeting lines from the thing.

Those tweets are pretty funny.

I'm thinking of pest attacking this guy

haha what an awful post

Fuck you, you fat alcoholic. Get a job.

Wait, Andy Kindler attacked something during his annual vicious takedown of the comedy industry? My heavens!


Kindler's "bit" is to shit on people in the industry. I guess a lot of folks just aren't getting the bit. I'm sure he thinks he's paying tribute to a great man in his own way.

I doubt it's a bit. He's gone after other dudes before, including Gervais and Carolla.

That's the bit.

He's shitting on names bigger than himself to get attention. It's not some well thoughtout mastercraft genius comedy bit.

Never punch downward,old comedy rule.

You're partially right, however a more accurate description is that it's bitterness disguised as a bit. He doesn't roast people out of respect, but because he genuinely hates that other people in the industry are more successful than he is. He makes it pretty obvious that he thinks he's better than the people he's talking about, which is the maddening part of it all because the dude is a straight up hack.

Pretty spot on.

Cue a million faggot pests raging about SJW and the liberal media and our PC culture and the pussification of America and whatever other horseshit they can parrot.

All those things are what NEED to be addressed and attacked.

You're one of those morons who think white privilege is a thing, aren't you? How cute.

Cue a liberal douche bag trying to act like pussification isn't happening

There's just no place for the white christian male in this crazy world anymore :(

I miss the time where men could be men and I could beat my wife while loudly talking about the inferior nigger race...

So fucking original

Is Provenza agreeing with him?

Even if he isn't, fuck that liberal cunt. His fake edgy green room show was nauseating.

A bunch of PC liberal comics patting eachother on the back for attacking edgy targets like Fox News.

The amount of buzz words you fit in this post was impressive.

More like DEpressive asumpthin

He had Colin, Burr and Patrice all on at some point. Hell, he had Penn on with Tommy Smothers, who got mad at him for being friends with Glenn Beck.

Yes, we really should be shunning people who don't agree with us on politics.

Provenza's skill was to get all those great comedians on a show and still have the show be boring.

Pity he lost to Conan for the Late Show back in the 90's. Well not really.

He was just live tweeting his entire speech.

That show is awful. A snooze fest.

As far as I'm concerned, Paul Provenza gets a pass just for directing "The Aristocrats"

Provenza is a whole shipwreck unto himself. He and Jeff Altman never got the whole "if you can't make it in comedy by a certain age, salvage your dignity and do something else" concept. If he wasn't friends with Penn and didn't con him into making The Aristocrats, Provenza would be on par with Elaine Boosler.

Blah blah liberal blah blah PC blah blah Obama blah blah Tedious cunt.

True, but what do you expect from an audience of dullards, dopes and aspiring child rapists? I think the last thing that any O&A fan would be accused of is being too smart for the room. And that's the thing that I love about this crowd, they know how to keep things nice and stupid.