As Opie and Jim move forward with the show, the absence of Ant is becoming the elephant in the room.

0  2014-07-25 by EskimoEscrow

Especially with the past two shows. Everyone seems a bit somber, and also a little on guard, not sure if they should bring up Ant or not. It was a relief to hear that crowd member from yesterday ask them about Ant, even though there isn't much to say. I just wish Opie and Jim would make some sort of decision so we're not sitting in purgatory until October.


It's almost like he just got fired. Holy shit people.

" I just wish Opie and Jim would make some sort of decision so we're not sitting in purgatory until October."

Decision regarding what? They are under contract till October, not sure what more there is to decide.

"We're leaving after October" or "We're staying after October"

I imagine that will be decided during the negotiation process, which hasn't started yet.

I would love to hear them hash it out on the air, ask the guests what they think ect... Nobody talking about it at all just seems weird.

Think about that logically for a second. Let's even leave the Anthony situation out of the equation.

Pretend you're a radio host on a platform that reaches two full countries, rather than just the New York market. You're on a contract where you're, right now, getting paid $10 million a year (the actual amount is unimportant). The contract renews yearly. You (like /u/Carthac mentioned) have a family to think about. 2 kids, a wife, probably some pets. And others. You'd like to either make more, or about the same.

Now, sure you can talk about how you might like to try a podcast at some point. But are you really sure you'd be the type to say, "You know what? I don't care what Sirius offers me. I want to do a podcast. I'm gonna give away my content for free, since everyone seems to think $5-7 is too much."

Do you really think Sirius, or any company at that point, would try to extend your contract, much less for $10+million a year? Or that they'd try to knock you down to say, $20,000 a year. Or give you that dream of giving your content away for free, and keeping you on the same schedule, while working for nothing?

It makes no sense for them to hash out contract negotiations in public. No other athlete/entertainer does it. Why would O&J be different?

Calm yourself sir and enjoy what it is. Think of yourself in their shoes, and what you think the appropriate decision would be, with family/wages in mind.

They can't announce anything without finding out what the next contract offer from serius will be. Maybe it's a great offer, maybe they'll take anthony back at serius, etc. Many maybes.

serius just hasn't been the same since they merged with zm

that's 'sterical

I think they need to see how the show plays out by then too, if they're enjoying the show and get back on a roll, they'll be more likely to stay. There's no reason they need to decide if they're throwing in the towel or not right now.

"We're currently running a show with 100% more comedians and 100% less conservative tirades."

Erock is the Elephant in the Room

no... he's a dinosaur... marching, marchimg

There is no decision to be made. Enjoy the show or don't. Theres not much more to say


Best way to explain this to you guys.

No one is sitting in purgatory stupid. Either listen or don't.

It's not an elephant in the room, because they have talked about Ant many times.

It will become less and less of an "elephant in the room" as time goes by and the new reality becomes more familiar.

I think Opie's inability to be funny combined with his fake I'm running out of air laugh that has to overshadow everyone is the elephant in the room.

I totally disagree. The show has been much more relaxed and easy going. There is no "yes man" constantly agreeing with everything Opie says anymore (Anthony). So Opie is forced to actually be self-aware, and it's more interesting.

If only Opie had "changed" when Ant was still around.

How many times during today's show did people comment on awkward silence and low energy even with 7 all star comics in the room. It was still a good show though (how could it NOT be?).

You can't say that and get away with it here. People will downvote the shit out of you, yet will not actually argue the point one bit.