Montreal Comedy Fest Day 2 - VISUAL

7  2014-07-25 by SinisterExxaggerator


This is the most potentially awesome show, Dipaolo, Burr, Jefferies, Attell, Kelly, Shaffir, and Maron all on together. They all kept mentioning how many awkward silences there were, how none of them had any energy, and they were complaining how tired they were, but that's not what was wrong. This made me realize Opie wasn't the one who steered the ship, it was Ant. When there are comics in the room, Opie shuts up and does nothing, Ant was the one getting the conversation to funny places. There were 9 comics in the room, and they didn't know what to talk about, that is Opie's fault. It was still awesome though.

Edit: It is ridiculous that every time it starts to die down, Opie jumps in and says let's get some questions from the audience, or does anyone want some tequila shots. Fuck Sirius for firing Ant.

Edit2: Pete Holmes inadvertently created the best part of the show, when he came in at the end. They all hilariously bashed him, and he takes it well. That's all it took, they needed some direction to joke.

Maybe he should have invited Brother Wease.

Bob Kelly looks uncomfortable in his fat.

Why, would you be comftable in his fat cocksucka? Tsss

Did anyone hear Opie try to read the word "metropolis"? Holy shit.

Whats the point of the visual if we can't see Jimmy the whole time?

They should've had this level of video in like 2009. At this point, there's no excuse to not have two cameras.

Especially with Sam's shitty interview videos. They're pre-recorded. They should be edited. The camera just fucking moves. How bush league. Is this a publicly traded company or not?