Ant on Big Duke and O's radio

25  2014-07-25 by shameofyou


Great interview. Cant wait for his show.

His description of how the show will be at around 1:10 gave me a boner. It sounds like it's going to be awesome.

Listening now. Man, the way Ant describes what the show will be sounds great. Not just political rants, but comics ripping each other apart, Ant and Kevin Pollak in the theater watching Columbo and then MST3K-ing it, etc.

It really sounds like fun.

Have not listened, but if he can get Kevin Pollack, it would be a huge get.

I also hope all the frends of the so called show extend Ant the same courtesy they did Opie.

Most of them avoided even saying his name on the show.

But I doubt that, it is about exposure and ticket sales, which is why you have not seen Burr or CK. They got too famous for the show...

"We see them on the way up, and on the way down"

Gregg "Opie" Hughes.

Everyone but Vos.

Vos is an exception.

His career has always been on the way down.

No easy feat when you start at the bottom.

Considering Pollak lives in LA, and is on a TV show and runs his own podcast, I don't see him showing up more than once every couple of months.

He's selling it, but if he thinks he's getting celebrities and comics to his house five days a week he's delusional. I'm not counting Joe Curry or local guys as celebs and comedians.

What about four days a week? Think that's possible?

Four days a month maybe. Afternoon heading east on the LIE is just about the worst place on earth to be.

But he'll have a black guy called Carlton there! Won't that be fun? Won't that prove that Ant actually loves black people and totally doesn't think they're savages?

"Happy to be here Anthony" back in full force.

In all fairness, Opie and Jim have got a happy to be there vibe too.

This situation has destroyed all of them, and took them out of thier comfort levels.

How many times has Op stated he is trying to figure things out, and he says it in a sad way? Alot.

These two need each other, and both know it.

True love

Opie needs anthony (or a sidekick in general) Anthony can stand alone.

you ever see a solo lftc show before?


you ever see him drink his way through a half barrel on lftc? it's not pretty.

It was also for fun. Not as in income but as in fun. Hell his fun lftc was why Rogan started his podcast. So will Ant's show devolve into being wasted 30 minutes in, wandering around the McMansion mumbling about politics? Maybe.


Could be the first reason to listen to Big O and Dukes in a year.

It is too bad. These guys were good when they were on WJFK in DC. fter they got canned by a station flip, I was hoping they'd get picked up by satellite. In their prime, they would destroy Covino and Rich.

The podcast was decent too until Chad Dukes ruined the show with all his fake hillbilly nonsense and his crew of flunkies cackling in the background.

Yeah, I used to follow these guys too, but their show became too much about promoting what was in the premium content/live shows then actually doing a show. There was more metashow then show. I think I am going to resubscribe though because Oscar and Dukes, when they are on, are a great duo.

Well said, sir.

Correction OP: It's Big O and Dukes, not Big Dukes and O.

After listening to the first half hour of this show, I take back every bad thing I've ever said about Opie.

Damn how true. Sound like fans of the show. Probably better than any of us would do though.


didnt care much for these guys but they did do a great interview with Ant

"I wont name names...but they wanted me to apologize". Alright guys, was it Opie or Jimmy? Cuz if it was anyone else, he would of said their name I think.

one guess

In no universe would Opie or Jim ever suggest that to Ant. My guess is it's one of his lil 20 year old girlfriends.

My theory is Billy Burr (please don't interpret this as a Burr hate crusade. I love ol' redface). He's been twitter silent about the whole thing, but we know from Ant's twitter that he called him a couple times to talk about it and show private support. He's got a black wife and has been picking up those sensitive LA vibes.

That's just my theory and it's mostly pulled directly out of my ass, so don't run with it.

Billy Burr is as anti-apology as the rest of them.

Big O and Dukes, you quay.

Big Duke and O's Radio Show. No wonder these two never made it to satellite, their name scheme is backwards. You see, the O and show flow. That's how you executive post.

Mike talked about Ant on the Mike O'Meara Show today as well and was surprisingly friendly about Anthony considering how venomous the war with Don and Mike was.

Are you posting from 2002?

Big Duke 6 eagle thrust; put on psy-war op, make it loud. Romeo fox trot, shall we dance.

Is that what Ant was mumbling, staring down a gun barrel, as he reached over the sandbags to unlatch the front door when you went to his party?

No. It's what Robert Duvall says over the radio in the chopper in Apocalypse Now, in one of my favorite scenes of all time.

His description of how the show will be at around 1:10 gave me a boner. It sounds like it's going to be awesome.

Is that what Ant was mumbling, staring down a gun barrel, as he reached over the sandbags to unlatch the front door when you went to his party?