Ho boy. The Opester has a new viral video out.

16  2014-07-24 by [deleted]


And Ant wants to do his own thing for a while? Not surprised.

This man earns between 2 - 3 Million Dollars a year.

The worst part is his production bullshit before and after. Like someone would steal it or would see it and not know which genius made it. "I must know who cut these two golf clips together and added a fart noise"

Not any more

Jesus fucking christ.

He thinks acknowledging in the title that the video is unfunny and childish will excuse it from being so, but nope. It's still terrible.

The intro and outro sections are about as long as the content.

I'm convinced that Opie has no idea of what funny is. He can only gage funny based on what other people laugh at.

How long ago do you think his wife tapped out on hurrying over to see what her husband is excited about making?

Can't believe i laughed at that.

With gems like this,things are looking good for the Opster come October.

Farts are always funny.


I'm just picturing him laying in his bed in his hotel suite in Montreal with his MacBook on his chest, giggling like a child at his own rancid creation.


I'm laughing so hard. But not because the video is funny. Just imagining Opie watching this and having that dull spark of an idea ignite in his noggin for a hot new viral video. It's so drastically far from funny that it's hilarious.

Like when an old-timey videogame score clicks from 9999 back to 0


"You got high hopes if you lose me? You got high hopes if this gig falls through? Whaddya gonna do, spin records?"-Anthony Cumia


I really want these two to just tear into each other at some point. Think of all the shit that would come out. It would fuel this forum for ages.

what the fuck is wrong with this man? he has been surrounded by funny people for 20 fucking years and he thinks this is good?


I am sure daddy Ops lil kids thought this was a hoot, so he posted it ASAP!

I hate daddy married Philly Crew Opie, he is such a scared pussy.

I want back WNEW opie, the one with balls, the one with vision, not self preservation, and worrying about armcandy and the 2 toddler anchors, dragging the ship down.

I loved daddy Vos, opie and Bawbys daddy stories the other day, made for riveting morning zoo radio.

UGGGGGGGH. Get off the internet. Hasn't he done enough damage?

Oh I get it. The fart blew the ball into the hole.


Does he actually do the production in this or is it a Sam/Sal responsibility?

could have used a better fart sound effect.

New basketball shot video.

He's gotta be trolling at this point, right? Turning it into a bit? He posted this saying "feast your eyes" and "you're welcome." He can't possibly be serious, right?


My fantasies of murdering opie and his entire family are such a regular occurance and jaded that they're starting to get really weird now. Lately they all involve Seinfeld references.

Do none of you realise he's trolling you?


Well what he got out of it is people laughing at him and saying how much he sucks. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

I'm actually laughing because you know he was laughing. This is so terrible [jimmy voice]

THAT'S THE B... Well, you know


I actually chuckled.


Let the 2 week hate hiatus resume... And, they're off!

You somehow imply that criticism of his completely douchey ways is not valid and based on his actions...they are


THANKS FOR WRITING IN ALL CAPS, BLACK CHICK!!!! (I'll see your three exclamation points, and raise you one)

I liked it. Calm down


Haha I get downvoted for enjoying a silly fart joke and not hating. Euuurrrgggjhh!

As Larry "Snortin" Norton once famously said to a young Opie in Buffalo: "What're ya doin, Greg..."

Ten year old me would have loved this.