Montreal Comedy Fest.

18  2014-07-24 by snoopkhat


I'm a long time listener... been listening since the opie and anthony days

what time?


I was there and wanted to smack that guy pretty bad

I'm going tomorrow, how many people were there? The email said you may not get a seat, what time should we arrive? Were people stuck standing?

I got there at 6, bunned with my friend outside and then headed in at about quarter past.

There were about 20-30 people there, no line really, just standing in the lobby before the conference room. We all waited until about quarter to 7 when they started letting us in, after Sam had started the pre-show. It was quick to get in they check your ID and if you have one, your bag.

Throughout the show there were empty seats - I think people who came later were too respectful to grab them. People were standing against the walls but not too many. It might of been because of the lineup (tomorrow is way better) or maybe not everyone honored their emails. In any case I hope it's like that tomorrow, because I am very tempted to attempt to get in, even though I don't have my name on Friday's list. I mean, if there's empty seats why wouldn't they?

So they fingered your bag?

Yeah but it wasn't Jimmy, I'm not sure how I feel about it

Thanks for the reply. Any chance to grab a pic with the boys or did they jet after?

I jetted right after, had to get to work.

People were snapping photos with Kenny, Sam and some of the guests during the breaks though. I'm quite sure those who stayed after could meet and greet Greggorio and Yimmy and take pics, that's how it worked last year.

Edit: someone else posted pics and yes, Opster was there to meet and greet after the show. Not sure about Jim, he probably had to get more nervous for his key note speech thingy

Dude, what's going on? What show am I watching right now? None of them seem into it, maybe it's a shit crowd? Tom Papa seems just annoyed.

Sound's fucking awful.

This crowd seems shitty

Yeah, it's not going great though the bbbboys, especially Jimmy is being very funny... I think the crowd stinks.

They're French Canadians. What could you possibly expect?

I'm Canadian and HATE the fucking french Quebec assholes. Pompous uptight pricks.

I won't ever visit that shithole province. Tabernack!

Thank you. Been there as well. Do you have any idea where this sense of self importance comes from? "Great, you speak french. I speak 4 languages. Thanks for being a dick for literally no reason." Bizarre place.

The pompous French attitude definitely exists. Montreal is pretty nice place to visit forthe most part. There are lots of great bars and restaurants etc. Just don't go anywhere else in Quebec. They will refuse to speak English.

We did not have the type of revolution against the british as you americans had. Rather we had british rule while recognizing the uniqueness of the french:



Quebec sovereignty movement:

The Quebec sovereignty movement (French: Mouvement souverainiste du Québec) is a political movement as well as an ideology of values, concepts and ideas that advocates for sovereignty for the Canadian province of Québec.

Several diverse political groups coalesced in the late 1960s in the formation of the Parti Québécois, a provincial political party. Since 1968 the party has appealed for constitutional negotiations on the matter of provincial sovereignty, in addition to holding two provincial referendums on the matter. The first, which occurred in 1980, asked whether Quebecers wished to open constitutional negotiations with the federal government (and other provinces) for the intended purpose of establishing a 'sovereignty-association' pact between the province of Québec and the rest of Canada. Approximately 60% of Québec's voting public rejected the idea put forth by Parti Québécois leader René Lévesque. The matter was dropped by the party for most of the 1980s, especially after the patriation of the Canadian Constitution without the consent of the Parti Québécois government, and the creation of the federal Charter of Rights and Freedoms which enshrined the protection of the French language and French-Canadian culture in Canada. In 1995, after two failed attempts by the Mulroney administration to secure Québec's ratification of the Constitution, the Parti Québécois held a second referendum, though on this occasion the question was, albeit obliquely asked, whether one wished for the independence of the province of Quebec from the rest of Canada. On this more precise question, the response was again in the negative, though this time by a far closer margin, with only 51% against the proposal.

Though the Parti Québécois has long spearheaded the sovereignty movement, they are not alone. Other minority provincial political parties, such as Option nationale and Québec Solidaire, also support sovereignty, but are not always supportive of the Parti Québécois. The Quebec Liberal Party, Québec's other primary political party, is opposed to increasing political sovereignty for the province, but has also been historically at odds, on occasion, with various Canadian federal governments. Thus, Québec politics is effectively divided into two camps, principally opposed over the sovereignty issue. Quebec sovereignty is politically opposed to the competing ideology of Canadian federalism.

Interesting: History of the Quebec sovereignty movement | Parti Québécois | Jean Chrétien | Front de libération du Québec

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Gotcha. I was only there for 3 days on business so I really have a narrow view. Been to other countries and if you're cool, generally, they're cool with you. Czech Republic is a great example.

"I hate the entire population of a province based on laws that are already pretty controversial in that province. But they are the assholes."

Hypocritical canadian cunts like you make me sick. Die in a ditch.

Go fuck yourself to death you troll bitch.

The camera placement / work stinks, and the video quality is about as good as a cell camera. I'll stick with the audio.

I don't care... I don't caaaare...

Good thing all I can see are mics and some fat guy on a couch

isnt that Gabriel iglesias?

Why is the sound so shit? someone contact someone and tell them LOL

That dude from Ottawa who told boring stories about running for council was a total shart. Every time they offered Petrole he'd shoot his hand up and when they finally gave him some he just talked about the least interesting thing ever (his wife). I went into full facepalm mode and Opie could see it was bombing fast, I'm so thankful he rudely interrupted.

Then that "fan" spent the rest of the show playing with his phone checking facebook and texts. My friends who are actually fans could've gotten in, ya mook.


Shitty crowd, shitty show. Opie & Jim are really suffering without Ant.


maybe because the production on the youtube video is shitty, but i'm about 75% though listening to it, and they are killing it.

lots of quick, razor jokes from everyone.

and as excellent as everyone else was, lil' jimmy was on fire.

"Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available"

Isn't that inconvenient, I guess I should uncheck the "Force HTML5 player" option in Magic Actions.


I was there and wanted to smack that guy pretty bad

what time?

Yeah but it wasn't Jimmy, I'm not sure how I feel about it