What was Opie "issue" with Judd Apatow?

7  2014-07-24 by JMueller2012

Anyone know what/when this was?


I thought it was along the same lines of the Jonah Hill beef where Apatow started blowing off the Boys for Howie.

Opie kisses his ass when he comes in as a guest, and then shits on the movie he's promoting after he's long gone.

Stern related. It's always stern related with opie.

He can smell his own.

Apatow's a cunt. He's at the forefront of the pc-pussification of comedy, and he hasn't done anything that's made me laugh since The Larry Sanders Show.

Did you catch that exchange between Apatow and the entertainment reporter who dared to ask that skank from "Girls" why she was always naked on her show?


Wow, what an embarrassing response their panel had.

Why do feel the need to shoe-horn tits into so many scenes?

OMG! your sexist!!

What a bunch of trite cuckold morons.

Anyone who is white and likes Judd Apatow really is a cuckolded goy.

"Yes jews! I will laugh at your jokes! Haha I totally agree with your left wing social commentary it's so funny and incisive!"


Had to be when that Paul rudd/Leslie Mann movie came out after sandy hook (there was a fake kid shooting type sceen in the movie) . So early 2013. I have no more information.

That movie was "This Is 40".

No, Opie didn't have an issue with it as I remember. There is this scene in the movie when Paul Rudd's character's leech of a dad is asking for money again. The dad is played by Albert Brooks. Rudd refuses, so his dad who remarried and had more kids, cynically asks him which kid he should get rid of then. The kids playing outside are not privy to the conversation. The Dad walks outside asking Rudd which one he would shoot. The dad picks up the garden hose and sprays the kids with it as though he was executing them by firing squad. The kids were playing in the water anyway so they laugh and think it's a game clueless of the sinister context. It was a short, dark humor segment.

The boys on O&A were talking about how it was ballsy leaving that scene in the film. The movie was released a week after the Sandy Hook massacre. They applauded it as I remember.

So, I think you are mistaken. Opie's problem with Apatow is probably the fact that he makes the same type of movie every fucking year with the same actors. Trendy comedy with a happy ending where it all comes together. Isn't that cute?

That, and the fact Apatow is a Howie fan and has repeatedly turned down O&A (I think).

He was on O&A at least once, remember the one when Dice came in? Judd used to do comedy and work at Pip's in Long Island, a legendary club. He's known Dice since they were kids.


I was just trying to provide time frame.

Yeah, It's all good. I have this autistic recall sometimes with inane conversations they have. This was one of them. Did not mean to bring the downvotes on you, just accuracy.

Like wise all good. I know down votes are unavoidable in this sub lol

Im really psyched for the new one with Amy Schumer. I think he writes great female characters. That said, I absolutely loathed This Is 40, fucking loathed it. Walked out 30 mins in. But other than that I love everything Apatow's ever done.

Why do people walk out of movies? You already paid good money for a ticket and set aside a certain amount of time to watch it. Suck it up and see if the movie gets better. If it doesn't, then you can bitch about the movie.

I paid money to invest time in a story and a creative project. If I realize 1/4 of the way in I have no attachment to these characters, the story, the stylistic choices of the director, and overall direction of the movie, there is zero reason for me to stay there and waste my time any further. Im just going to get more frustrated. Not one single time in my life that I ever forced myself to "stick it out" for something I knew I hated did the movie turn me around. Never once.

Ok terrific.

You liked Funny People?

Loved it. I know this is blasphemy, but it's my favorite movie of his. It actually got me on a stand up stage for the first time.

Amy schumer wrote Trainwreck, I think apatow is just directing/producing.

Oh, really? No kidding. That's interesting. This will be like Apatow's "Jackie Brown," maybe.

See, I loved This is 40 and felt that it really captured a unique period in married/family life. The relationship between the protagonists mirrored mine so much that it really hit home.

So essentially single people will not relate to it and neither will lovey-dovey married types either...which is understandable

My wife and I related to a lot of it but it's so poorly structured it infuriated me and Rudd was such a dumb businessman I hated him too much to root for him. Albert Brooks was the high point.

I used to be involved in the music industry (like the character) and it really is made up of people making awful business decisions

Here's my problem with that movie, maybe it's personal. They filmed that entire thing around my neighborhood, and the part of town I work (job #2) and live in. (The house was two blocks behind my apt, and every night you could see the huge studio lights lighting up the neighborhood.) That Leslie Mann character is every obnoxious, wealthy, entitled, miserable cunt I have to deal with on a constant basis. They are such fucking hate-able people, and that's what every marriage I see in this part of town is like. The husband is an emasculated pussy, and the spoiled twat wife treats the entire planet like they're "the help." Within the opening five minutes, Im just thinking "There is no way I can sit through 2 hours of this whiny bitch." I can't stand wimpy male characters like the guy Paul Rudd plays in this either, it drives me crazy. Leslie Mann I usually/used to like, but it's getting to the point where her shrilly voice is like nails going through my fucking head.

It also bugged me so much that he didn't just make a Knocked Up sequel. I want Ben & Alison back, I loved those characters. Not these two fuck wads.

damn. I'm a big Apatow fan too but haven't seen This is 40 yet and have no real plans to. I think his wife was hot but she's ancient now

Freaks & Geeks was fucking great.


Yeah 'e prob'ly don't like semits asumpthin

Like wise all good. I know down votes are unavoidable in this sub lol