Do any of you guys Golf ?

12  2014-07-24 by adolfin99


How important are the clubs?

I dig the casual, conversational interview, but I'm almost certain I've never heard a guest say, " why did you just ask me that last question?"

I'd imagine every other show edits that type of stuff out of the broadcast.

While that was a really odd question, I love the fact that they left it in the show.

Haha like 4 people get this. Nice work.

I don't get it. Care to enlighten us?

From Jim Norton's Vice show. He asked Dana White and Mike Tyson if they played golf.

Yes, I know, I listened to the show. I meant what was the purpose of asking if they played golf -- why golf?

he explained that...

I'd imagine every other show edits that type of stuff out of the broadcast.

While that was a really odd question, I love the fact that they left it in the show.