That fucking lying sack of cunt. Just who the fuck does she think she is!?

0  2014-07-24 by [deleted]

Why is it that almost every intern turns out to be a liar?

Just watching Her, that movie where Joaquin Pheonix falls for his computer voiced by Scarlett Johansson...

About halfway through, that hot piece of ass starts singing a song to the split-lipped sap - and I'm thinking to myself: 'ang orn a minute?!...

...Lo and be-fucking-hold it's the same little ditty which that sweaty mess intern played for them in studio today.

Here's the song from the movie.

...And here's that little Led Zeppelin motherfucker playing the guys her song on today's show.

Listening back to it, Jim says "I wanna hear your song" and she plays this one. Afterwards they all tell her how good it was and she plays it off like it's her song. Then Opie tells her that everyone on his twitter loved the song, and she still says nothing.


Someone get this to E-Rock or Sam and expose this broad.


I believe she said it was a cover and a hundred people did it... But she liked it for a minute.

I could be wrong



She totally did




She mentioned that's where it came from. I heard her say something about Scarlett Johansson. Was half paying attention but I remember that part.

...They let an intern sing a song in studio? I know they pander to female interns but jesus christ.


I think at this point they would have pandered to anyone who helped kill time until Soder showed up.

That's true, Opie did say on friday anybody who was walking by the studio can come in.

She said it was from the movie Her when they were first talking about it. This makes you a LIAR!-WHORE! LIAR-WHORE! AND YOU KNOW IT!


You have to listen before Derosa was on the phone.

Better question is why are you watching "Her"?

The curse of the intern has returned!

She doesn't explicitly say that it's her song, but she just let's everyone else think it. Which is just as bad.

she explicitly says it isn't her song and everyone covers it

It kinda seems like you started off by trusting the bitch. All holes are lying whores. Why didn't you assume that going in you sap?

