Is it just me or has the Opie and Jim show been better than the last few months of O&A? There is a new spark.

28  2014-07-23 by Tell_Em_Fred


There has also been comedian guests basically every day, hard to judge (unless they don't plan on stopping or if these are interviews for a new 3rd mic).

I think Dan Soder is a good third mic. He's funny, does impressions, and is available. Has done radio, is good at it.


Soder has said he's not available to do it. stupid


It's absolutely the comedians. There has been a total of 15 min with only Opie and Jim (a lot of Sam), and it isn't very good.

They are trying harder than they have for the last few months, but Opie and Jim don't have the chemistry. Plus Jim is still playing 3rd mic, they either need Soder to step in or Jimmy step the fuck up

Does nobody else think that the people who are getting paid should be the main attraction on the show and do most of the work. If you have good comedians on it's going to be good but if they can't do a show by themselves then they need to bring someone else in full-time or just disband and move on. It's like they are leveraging exposure to get comics to provide the content for their show.

You clearly didn't go to the Fez Whatley school of broadcasting.

Glad you can come up with all that after only 15 minutes of airtime after losing Anthony who'd been vital to the show for 20 years. You sir are a dope.

Yeah, I listened to the show. How about the countless days Anthony has called in sick, and it was the Opie & Jim show? Same thing, fuck tard

Better than ant and Jimmy shows which had absolutely no direction at all and just one liners all day.

Totally, I hate laughing too

Holy fuck, please tell me this is a joke?

Yeah, its been great despite the loss not because of

It's just you. Last week was much better than expected but this week has been a watery shit. There's no spark. Sadly for Jimmy, most of it is Opie's fault because he feels the need to speak more.

Not to defend Opie but jimmy hasn't exactly stepped up to the plate. He's still hangin in third mic slot

I agree. Our handsome jimmy is not anthony, nor does he want to be. He has stated over and over that he doesn't want his name in the show, he doesn't want to be second mic, etc. also, the thing that was clear for years and now is obvious is Jim played off ant a lot... Uncle Paul, chip, Edgar, Craig schenkel were all usually bouncing off ant, op would and still does ignore most of the characters. Ant helped in the creation and back and forth of these guys. I watched the Kevin pollack chat and Jim couldn't remember where Craig came from, I think it started from some douchey salesman doing workplace adds for introduction to jobs, Jim ran with it just to annoy ant. Jim without ant doesn't have a guy to bounce off of

It's a good point but Jimmy has never been a co-host. He's a 3rd mic that's always sniped in and made funny comments and he still does from time to time. But losing Anthony was the death sentence for this show.

Right, so you think that would be a great chance for Jimmy to step up, not continue to fuck around on his phone for half the show unless it's literally him and Opie.

You're asking Jimmy to fill shoes that are much too big for him and he knows this. I think when he was on his phone today, the show had already started circling the drain. He was looking for when the Vice show had been posted so he could promote it. Jim realizes the radio show may be over and he's trying to make the Vice show successful.

Yes, I understand. That doesn't excuse being on his phone all the time, etc. I'm not asking him to "fill shoes," that's his decision to not step up and participate. He checks out on his phone all the time, especially in the last year or two. I wasn't even referring to today.

True, but Opie is damp rag that smothers funny.

Today was good unless it completely died towards the end. Didn't hear that part. The first few hours were good. Didn't turn to a podcast like I did the day before.

Other than a couple of shows that were packed with comedic talent, no. No, it hasn't "been better" since Ant was fired.

I miss Ant, but I think O&J have stepped up to do a show as best as they can without him. It sucks that took Ant getting fired for them to remember that bringing in comedians everyday is good radio.

And it isn't good enough.

It was so weird reading O&J, especially because of the rhyme between J and A. My mind is so used to O&A haha.

But I agree, they stepped up the show as much as they could and it is really doing well for the show.

Um, if by "better" you mean desperately trying to fill the void, then sure.

Don't get me wrong - there have been solid shows. But, I want to see what it's like when it's just Opie and Jim for 3+ hours. Then I'll decided if they really have a new spark.

I'm looking forward to Ant being set up for jokes by his Nassau county contractor buddies.

It's just you opie

No, no it hasn't.

This thing is going to hit a brick wall once the comedians get lazy and they can't use them as a crutch every single day.

They need a well-informed, smart guy in the room to carry the show when serious topics come up.

That smart guy was Anthony.

Otherwise, its just going to be two frustratingly, ill-informed people discussing shit.

All you've got right now are two ill-informed dummies.

And Ant is informed?

Much more informed than Opie or Jim. Ant always had more broad knowledge and trivia. Ant would go home and look at shit online or at least fuck around with his toys. Ope goes home and tries to act like a good father. Jimmy goes home and jerks off or thinks of standup bits.

Yes, recently with the daily public apologies, media coverage of shootings, Deblasio, George Zimmerman, ObamaCare, Ant had gone off his hinges. Compared to Opie and Jimmy though, he was always the intellectual.

They should not even touch the serious topics. It's embarrassing.


I read your post like the old David and Bobo Show promo, with Intern David saying "I think it's a fresh new taste in radio."

Edited with timestamped link, because I'm a fucking creep.

They have to be better, they have to step up a bunch if they expect to last past October.

They need someone in the studio who actually pays attention to the world - Opie does NOT follow the news, he's too wrapped up in his kids and taking pictures of Sunsets with the Philly crew, and Jimmy is either on a stage, watching porn, or polishing his Kiss memorabilia. Ant actually watched the news, understood the issues, and had an opinion. How many times did Ant bring up something, and Opie and Jimmy would have no clue what he was talking about?

Soder tried it today, talking abut the planes being shot down in the Ukraine. It's a big story. Opie's only comment was "Yeah, well there's a war going on" and Jimmy...I don't recall Jimmy said anything.

Ant could have done an hour on that story alone.

Soder I think would be a good third mic, but I'm not feeling the same energy as his last appearance. One African voice bit, the rest was trying to get some ideas out without Opie walking all over him. Where the fuck is JIM?

And, speaking of Jim, Ant would have done an hour on Jim's first show, EASY. Tearing apart every little nuance and mistake and eye twitch.

Jim does not go after Opie the way he went after Ant, and Opie does not go after Jim, at all. Now that I think about it, they're very polite to each other, have been since they had that argument years ago. I think they're afraid of each other. Or something. But this show has no future if they consider each other off limits. They attacked every aspect of Jim and Ant's life, for years. Opie is for whatever reason off limits?

Bah. I think about this too much. I just want a funny show.

Soder's still relatively new to the show. He won't have the same chemistry with the boys as Vos or Kelly would. I still think he's the strongest Ant replacement candidate out there, even if he doesn't want the job. (Much like how Elizabeth Warren won't run for President. Humph)

Soders's a great fit, though, I'm already tired of the same lame voices he does. Main reason I stopped listening to YKWD.

You're a fucking idiot. His voices are great, though I will agree that he goes to the woman/gay voice way too often.

Just you

It's just you. Opie's pulling out all the stops now. He's blowing his "Funny Mofos" load with the comic support; he can't hold the show alone. Music breaks, "lists", Laughing Sam, "let's say 'Hi!' to..", and hilarious & ironic opening music can go only so far. Then again, if you really like Opie's dreck, then please do continue paying Sirius and "treat yourself" to "The Destroyer's" pathetic aggregation.

That's just your opinion, man.

Well he always had people in for the show to make it a whole. That is how O&A got started. Opie did have his own show back in '94 that was getting attention before Ant but he(Opie) was smart enough and spotted talent to bring the show to another level. Opie not carrying the "brand" on his own is nothing new. The partnership with Ant and a solid team brought them success.

Oof what corporate dreck. I'm glad to see that the show never really stood on principles.

This same thing was posted like two threads down.

I hope Soder stays with em.

They just started bringing back comics for the whole show. Imagine if it was the way it's been the past week, but with Ant still there, how great it'd be.

I agree with you, but i pose THIS question.

Did it take Ant getting fired to get the best shows of 2014 and why?

Could they not have gotten Ronny B, Gervais, DL, Bobby, Soder, Vos, Florentine with Ant? So why havent they been booking these guys more frequently over the past (?5?) years ?

Obv. they need people to do the heavy lifting. Think of what Ant could have contributed had he been there

I agree Ant could add to these shows if he was not going on a solely political rant and instead used his views comedically to add to the shows rather than kill the vibe.

It's just you

it was nice to have an intern segment without creep level RED.

Ant would do his best to mention 3 things: His house, his pool and his movies theater.

Its just Jew.

I miss Ant. I do not, however, miss his politically driven rants but, overall, show ain't the same. Show is still good, mind you, but I keep expecting Ant to chime in with his zingers and it's hard to get used to it.

But that became all the time.

I dont think so.

Yea I don't feel myself getting nearly as frustrated or worked up during the show. It's a lot more like a fun hang. I was getting worn out about some of the racial stuff, political stuff, talking about being incredibly rich, etc.

It's a despiration for a new hook. It can do so much when you backed into a corner. Opie has a new dynamic with Jim, and it's a whole new learning curve

It must be your big imagination tricking you into thinking so, Tell Em Fred, all I know is the show was much better when everybody had legs.



It's different. You may like it more. It's not the same show and as such shouldn't be compared to The Opie and Anthony show.

Gotta agree with it being the guests. Anytime it's just Opie/Jim/Sam it's been the drizzling shits.

I'm the first to say this so this may come as a revelation to you guys but I think Dan Soder would make a good third mic. Think about it.

It's better than I thought it would be without Anthony. Life goes on.

Everyone needs to stop bitching a fit. The show will be fine. Opie is very quick with a quib.

the show is awful as-is, they stepped up the hosts initially to fill the void but you're delusional if you think that will last, it's opster panicking and actually trying for once, give it 2-3 months

Sirius XM has way worse shows. They will re-up Opie if he wants it.

Nice try XM

apart from the first day or two I've found it utterly boring to listen to. There's not a "new spark", there's NO spark now.

youre utterly boring, stop listening

You're superfluous to the planet, it already has enough cunts, stop existing.

youre the cunt to begin with? what is this, hypocrit day? LOL

No it's Malignant Cunt Day, in honor of you and your ancestry.

ugh, you hack

jesus, have I been arguing with an OnA clichébot all this time?

just shut up eh?

"he does these impressions of canadian cunts, you'd think it was the real people"

ugh how embarrassing

  You will give up before I do

Tim Sabean is gone. He was a cancer to the show/channel.

Which type of cancer ? Did it metastasise? What was the comedic radiotherapy that reduced the radio tumour?

You're panicking.

Yes, actually. I don't miss anger in the morning.

I don't think there's any new spark. It's just that Ant's tired rants about politics and race are gone. Take away two things that have been dragging the show down for years and of course it's going to feel fresh.

No joke. They could be very well interviewing for a third mike. I miss Ant but having a show out of your basement might not be the best move in the long run. I hope I eat my words. Regardless Opie is kicking ass and so is the show. It seems more, dare I say it, "FUN", since Ant is gone. Mixed emotions.

No it's Malignant Cunt Day, in honor of you and your ancestry.