The Jim Norton Show, Episode One [Part One] Discussion Thread

4  2014-07-23 by ChippyDontPlayThat


5 minutes in, self-deprecation overload.

Did you make it through or bail? I bailed.

Bailed. It's unwatchable. He's just not good in front of any type of crowd

Watched this hoping for the best.

The monologue was okay but the interview just seemed awkward.

Either it was edited badly or some of the questions were just segued terribly.

I think Jim has just picked the most famous and available guests he knew. Not sure about Dana as a guest. Mike was a great choice though, he's just an interesting guy with the life he's had - although he sits like a shy teenage girl.

If I could make any changes, I'd drop Bailey Jay - what is she contributing at all? I think Jim's just trying to be the edgy guy.

I'd give Jim a desk and change the setting around - you can just see him holding his A4 pages with typed notes. It just looks extremely low-budget.

He kind of said at the start that it's a working progress though so it will probably get better.

Didn't they bash Scorch for wearing an all-black suit whilst sitting on an all-black couch and not having a desk?

I think Jim's just trying to be the edgy guy.

It's easy to criticize him for this tendency, but when you take that away what's really left? I'm not calling him substance-less, but trannies and AIDs is his identity as a comedian.

If you have to give him some unique topical identity then yeah, that's it. But his real strength is his outrageously quick wit that has allowed him to absolutely kill over the years on O&A especially when the right comedians are in.

IMO, that's the problem with this show - he shouldn't be interviewing people like Tyson, he should bring in funny people he can riff with - Vos, Quinn, Florentine, etc. I don't want to just describe tough crowd but really I think everyone here would agree that Jim is better on his toes in a room with comedians than most comedians (including himself) are on stage. He has SO MUCH potential to be funny and interesting but it's just wasted on this pasted together talk show where he's subduing his comedy to interview guests he doesn't mesh that well with.

The problem isn't that he's trying to be the edgy guy, it's that he's put himself into a show where he HAS TO try to be SOME KIND OF GUY, when he's so much better off being natural. I don't blame Jim, he's said himself plenty of times so I don't need to re-iterate that anything successful he's been a part of fails (which is so fucking unfortunate). Maybe this Vice show is one of the few things left he was able to get passed. It's just so unfortunate that Jim is still trying to find something that will make him widely popular when he's such a fucking talented, funny person. And it sucks that people bash him when they don't think this show lives up to his potential.

I don't think it does either, but I thought it was funny and I fucking hope it's super successful for Jim's sake.

If he uses all his sexual deviant jokes in the first episode what will he do in later episodes?

Rinse and repeat.

To be honest I didn't watch it all the way through because it was making me feel too awkward and uncomfortable. Some of the jokes were funny but the use of the O&A sound effects in the first sketch was very lame and a little too drawn out. I think Jim needs to make a complete break from the O&A show if the point of those sound effects was to remind people of it. If he's going to do his own show then it needs to be completely fresh and his own, not littered with stale O&A chachkis.


"Monologues" are just stand-up comedy routines in a different venue, how could you possibly dislike them universally?

If you didn't like Jim's here, that's fair. Personally I found a lot of it very funny.

I really wanted this to be good. I'll watch the ones that come out, but I wasn't high on the first episode...

Poor Jimmy

I want Jimmy to succeed, but the show wasn't good. He's very awkward. I didn't finish. I can't see anyone other than hardcore fans watching his show.

He needs to keep his head in one position. Look at Oprah. She doesn't move her head. From certain angles, Jimmy looks like he has Progeria. He needs to avoid showing Progeria face. Stop moving around and being so fidgetedy. Be still. Be deliberate.

Camera work was a miscarriage.

He needs to avoid showing Progeria face

Weirdest show business advice, or in fact any kind of advice, I've ever heard.


I like it. Not bad for a first episode. I hope it improves. The audio needs to be fixed in the future.

Audio is a bit weird about 10 minutes in. So many self-depreciating jokes. A noticeable lack of blinking though! Not a bad start so far.

One Step Too Far was hilarious.

The show is good. For those of you who don't like it there are two uncle Paul bits to come and he already committed to Chip in public. Chip needs to be more well known.

Also the sound is for the whole site. I watched his interview and the same thing happened.

I think those hipsters at Vice might actually tune in due to Bailey Jay. How dare you dislike the show that means you hate the transgender!?

VICE probably wont be taping more of these.

Loved it.

OMG I have never seen Jim do stand up. That was so uncomfortable and awful. Self deprecating jokes didn't make it better. I couldn't last through the first couple of minutes

Jimmy's intro is fantastic. He's getting a good response but he deserves even better.

By the way, wasn't Jimmy the one complaining about Scorch not having a desk on his talk show?

I watched the exact same intro. It was horrid.

I liked his Jim Ross impression during the One Step Too Far segment.

Wow, I'm actually scared to watch this now.

If the hardcore Jim Norton fans are savaging the show, I can't even imagine what the hipster dbag Vice crowd will say.

Don't let the armchair producers turn you off to it. It was great.

The VICE crowd will like it. The negative reactions here, and overanalyzing of everything is always overshadowed by reality.

There are some laughs, but it is way too awkward and uncomfortable, and not in a good way.

Jim--we get it, you have low self-esteem and like trannies. MOVE ON!

He's a great radio personality, funnier on the air than maybe anyone ever--why isn't that enough?

I actually really liked it was good and yeah it had some awkward moments but the awkward moments were cool because they were natural and made the show feel real.

Just remember its basically a pilot. You have to give stuff like this room to grow.

I went to the second taping (the REAL Rick Ross). And It will be better than this tyson/white interview. I feel like we already heard a lot of Jim+Tyson/White before on OnA. This Rick Ross guy told his story, and it was something new for me, and the jokes Jim stuck in there in the middle of this fairly serious interview, were great. Watch ep. 2


Good show, but the shifting back and forth during the monologue was dizzying.

Bailey gave me a boner

Bailey Jay adds absolutely nothing except a novelty that wears off in thirty seconds.

I enjoyed it but I wish he'd ease up on the self-deprecation. Holy shit.


Well... that was pretty ugly

Don't let the armchair producers turn you off to it. It was great.

The VICE crowd will like it. The negative reactions here, and overanalyzing of everything is always overshadowed by reality.