7/23/14 Live Listening Thread

17  2014-07-23 by snoopkhat

Dan Soder in studio.

Intern ?? https://twitter.com/kerrianne82


The one thing I hate about Opie. saying the Clippers should just walk on their contracts. Duh.

Ducking hypocrite.



If that's the only thing you hate about Opie, you need to listen closer...lol

For some reason Opie is probably the guy on the show I relate to the most. Just how it is, but it's goofy little things like that which bug me.

Opie talking about getting douche chills from Joe DeRosa being "too needy". Pot, kettle....

How was DeRosa needy?

You think Opie actually backed up his comment? He said it hoping the intern of Jim would continue this non-sequitar and make something out of it.

"I'm funny too though, right?" "Oh, not as funny as Jimmy?" "This story relates tangentially to me, right?"

I think bashing Derosa everyday just might save the show.

but that means we have to hear him

I fucking hate when they talk to female interns.

worshiping the ground those two sluts walked on last year made me cringe like no other

You just don't understand the bit, Maaahhnn.

Did Opie bash Doc Rivers for not walking out on his contract?

They both did. Pretty funny they didn't take 1 second to stop and consider what they were saying.

Didn't they say that they'll get sued if they walked out.

Rivers wouldn't?

Yeah I don't know. I think if they fired Jimmy, O&A would probably walk out or make some kind of a loud protest because Jimmy actually needs the show. But with Ant is a bit different since he has already made a fortune out of the show and he doesn't seem particularly depressed about the firing.

I'm not shitting on them for not walking out. I know they are in a tough spot and would get sued, but when they attack someone else who's in basically the same position they come off like fucking idiots or hypocrites.

Rivers didn't walk during the playoffs because the commissioner flat out said Sterling will be gone very soon. They didn't know or recognize that fact and still attacked the dude. One of the dumbest things they've done in along time.

That intern's song is so sweet and feminine that I got my period while listening.

I don't believe you. Let Jimmy sniff your arm pits

I liked it too.

Not her song

It is really disturbing that a not at all famous 14 year old girl essentially gets lynched by the internet and becomes an international news story because she took a selfie at Auschwitz. This girl should not be treated like this; is it going to take one of these kids to commit suicide after being harassed by the media for this shit to stop?

No, it would never stop there. It's just the way the shitty world is now. The Ultrarich have completely sealed up the whole thing. There's no more fighting left to do.

Soder is not the 3rd mic we deserve....he's the 3rd mic we NEED.

His African guy kills me.

I wrote daht sohng when I was worred daht eef eet waz a lie-on or a tie-gah. I deed naht know. So I said, "Em I wrong?" And I wus. Eet wus a pantha.

I love Dan Soder on the show, he's hilarious. Jimmy seems like a dog when you bring your newborn baby home for the first time; I'm sure the chemistry will improve. (It could just be that Jim is nervous about his Festival keynote which is actually a really big deal).

I hate to say this...but Jimmy looks over the console and sees a younger guy who will already be playing the same size venues as Jimmy on his next tour...and already has more tv credits and general buzz in the industry. Soder is destined for greater things.... while Jimmy "is what he is".


Im with you & ready for downvotes. I hate Soder with a vengeance. I only came into this listening thread to see the highlights of the show, because I can't sit through 3 hours of that unfunny fuckwad. Maybe his stand up is good but I think he stinks as far as off the cuff shit/O&A format.

Bob Kelly is the worst. He has to be one the stupidest comics around. Everything about him sucks. Fuck that fat titted piece of shit.

Listener:"Yeah, they shot down two more planes in Ukraine today, not passanger planes but y'know..."

Jimmy: "That whole Middle-East thing is a mess..."

What's her twitter?

She's not a gargoyle but JESUS they give a lot of attention to mediocre girls.

They are 40/50.

Anything 20 years younger is going to look good.

It may just be a case of office hot.

At least she's hilarious on twitter...

"Thai food and Manhattan go together like...Thai food and Manhattan" FAWK YEAH

Opie keeps mentioning that she's attractive, and Joe derosa hit on her. Radio of the mind.

That's sadder than Denny trying to pretend there was a crowd in studio on St. Paddy's day.

What a hipster.

I'm a sad man that spelled her name 10 different ways to find her twitter https://twitter.com/kerrianne82

i gave up after 3 tries thinking "THERE ARE INFINITE KARIANNE POSSIBILITIES THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!" God bless your creepy perseverance.

Good news for guys who like running trains: https://twitter.com/kerrianne82/status/241351142167158785

Dibs on third!


Hope today is better than yesterday's travesty.

Am I the only one who likes Bruers stories. I thought a lot of his family stuff was pretty crazy.

It wasn't "OMGZ HILARIOUS" radio, but it was captivating...to me anyway.

Exactly. Not everything has to be hilarious. It was interesting and relatable for me atleast

I like them.

Love 'em. Comedy that makes me ponder my own mortality is rare.

I really honestly got choked up at the end when he was virtually saying goodbye to any semblance of his sane mother. That's shit I'd love to say to my parents but I know I never will. (We all live in different states) I suppose that made it all the funnier when Opie dropped in the audience laugh though, I'll give him that.


Yay this!

Any pics of this whooooaaah?

THAT'S the fucking intern they were calling cute???? Holy fuck she's a mess. Even without the sweat pits I'd call her a 4/10 at best. With the pits, take your 2/10 and shove it up your ugly ass.

Dan Soder's story of being held at gunpoint during a robbery reminded me of what a great storyteller Jim Jefferies is and how he brilliantly he told the story of his experience being held at knifepoint during a robbery on O&A:


Is the web player fucking around with anyone else?


How is using a free service they provide piracy?


Ok, I'm happy now. "I don't give a fuck about you or your life unless these mics are on" is a great line.

Good show today. Maybe Soder's good vibes are just contagious.

Didn't see that hangup coming...

Flawless execution, though.

Listening to the show, Opie dissing "Half Pops" was hilarious to me as I remember him RAVING about them when they were on WNEW.

let's just have a fun time everyone we all need each other during times like these

I made chili! You need to eat at a time like this!

What skulking cunts are downvoting Stevey? YOU FUCKING ANIMALS

Hmm hmmm, yeah, y'know you're right?

What does ol' pit stains look like?


Recurring circlejerk TIL about that picture being a boy because John Hughes was such a great guy etc. etc.

not bad, but her look is very old for a 22 yr old ... not gonna get younger looking from here


She is a 1 at best. Those eyebrows, yikes.

I have no idea what people were bitching about yesterday. Breuer was great, and no Christmas songs were played.

Most stories can be told in less than 3 hours.

"Wait, I think I have another totally personal soundclip on here that no one in the world should ever hear...here Sam...play it, tweet it, pinterest it, facebook it..send it to the world!!"

I'm sure they can...but I wasn't bored at any point, so it wasn't an issue for me.

You're a special snowflake.

Wiggle wiggle (boop-i-bip-boop)

It's usually Ant that hits on the female interns, so I guess Joe has taken over those duties.

YaY Dan Soder I told you all he should be 3rd mic!

i wonder where Joe Derosa's entertainment career ends up ... he's like a jackoff of all hollywood trades, master of none

Fawk yeah! Now dats a home run if I ever saw one cocksuckas!

master-bater of none tsss

^ I lol'd

DeRosa will only get a coffee date if he gets ozzy and Randy Rhodes to perform together again

Rip her Twitter


You're kidding

How did it happen

He played so fawkin hard his string broke and cut his fawkin head off! DVVVV DVVV

The show has been great so far. Stop bitching.

I agree. I'm enjoying the show today.

Great Soder line

Your from Mexico, do you know about Spain?


Who'll bitch like pissy faggots about today's show? Who knows.. probably all of this sub.

Start the downvotes.

edit: Thanks, cunts. Predicable faggots are predicable.

edit: Thanks, cunts. Predicable faggots are predicable.

Yeah, who would have guessed baiting people by calling them pissy faggots would result in downvotes?

Fuckin moron.

Who would have guessed calling me a fucking moron would result in upvotes, you pissy faggot.

Good one mate.


Hmm hmmm, yeah, y'know you're right?

That's sadder than Denny trying to pretend there was a crowd in studio on St. Paddy's day.

I made chili! You need to eat at a time like this!

It wasn't "OMGZ HILARIOUS" radio, but it was captivating...to me anyway.

I love Dan Soder on the show, he's hilarious. Jimmy seems like a dog when you bring your newborn baby home for the first time; I'm sure the chemistry will improve. (It could just be that Jim is nervous about his Festival keynote which is actually a really big deal).


I like them.

Love 'em. Comedy that makes me ponder my own mortality is rare.

What skulking cunts are downvoting Stevey? YOU FUCKING ANIMALS

His African guy kills me.

I wrote daht sohng when I was worred daht eef eet waz a lie-on or a tie-gah. I deed naht know. So I said, "Em I wrong?" And I wus. Eet wus a pantha.

I really honestly got choked up at the end when he was virtually saying goodbye to any semblance of his sane mother. That's shit I'd love to say to my parents but I know I never will. (We all live in different states) I suppose that made it all the funnier when Opie dropped in the audience laugh though, I'll give him that.

You're a special snowflake.