What's your personal worst of O&A?

10  2014-07-23 by BurtWard

Hear me out. I find it great that we lately have had a surge in revelling in the greatest moments of O&A. But I have a strange desire to hear the literal worst of O&A. I would love to hear some shit radio; bad interviews, failing bits, cringe events. But what I would love to hear most is just general uninteresting radio and occasional unprofessionalism. (O&A are pros but we all have off days.) I would actually love to hear a show that was a slow news day with no guests and nothing to say. Does anyone have any particular moments of some lame radio? I hope this doesn't turn into a circlejerk but whatever.


Any UFC interview


Joe Rogan


You're truly an idiot if you think that's how UFC works.


I've heard a lot of them, I'm an MMA fan. They aren't all complete troglodytes. Some are though.

The only listenable part was Norton being thrown into some weird submission hold at the end.

I'm still annoyed when Jimmy was so excited to interview Brock Lesnar and threw a hissy fit when Norm wouldn't leave the room. I rather listen to Norm over Brock anyday





Jimmy can be frustrating.

This. A big fucking [SIGH] is had by me when one of these uninteresting douche bags are in and Mr. Norton gets giddy with excitement. Also, Dana White annoys me.

The Belle Knox interview and then putting the Belle Knox interview on their podcast. That's not a fun kind of bad in any way, though.

They spent way too much time on this 4. I also hate any porn chicks that try to act like it's empowering. Yeah, making me spurt cum really puts you on the same level as Condolezza Rice.

Actually, Condolezza Rice and her ability to stir a libido has been a problem for the show in the past.

They defended that interview by saying they were just trying to have fun. Opie also claimed he invented the term white knight, when people called him it.


Oh lord

Ouch, I actually listened to this one a couple times (podcast) and liked it. Could see why it's not the best but I was holding out for Lady Di to join in with her nonsense.

Lady Di saved this interview with her questions. Even without Di it wouldn't be the worst thing ever. It was bad radio, but not THAT bad.

that porn hoe was real boring tho

Wasn't Sam feeding Di the questions to ask?

Who cares? But yes. Yes he was.

So really it was Sam who saw that the bit needed some humor and saved it. otherwise it would've just been 3 men agreeing with some dumb college freshman that sucking dicks for money is empowering and inspiring for women and white male privilege is the only reason people think she's a whore.

All appearances of Donald Trump Jr.

It's 'Don.' Get it right.

You don't like hearing Opie try to relate to him by talking fly-fishing?

  • 05-06 when they would bring superfans on and try to incorporate them into the show.

  • Twichels bits

  • When they would bring the show to a screeching halt with comics so that East Side Dave could come in and be the center of attention by doing some stunt, like shoving a balloon up his ass.

  • Walkovers

  • Everything on that Demented World CD from WAAF

  • Trying to make bits with interns when a lot of them were just boring, untalented, try-hards.

  • Those periods over the last year when they would just watch Youtube videos all of the time.

Strongly agree with most of those, although I thought the walkovers were alright. The Nigga/Nazi Challenge and Rich Vos doing announced stand-up in starbucks wouldn't have taken place without it.

Those YouTube bits suck audio wise but then watching them on VideOandA's channel made them amazing. Jimmy watching the rollercoaster video and seeing it going up quickly, saying 'they should stop this' is worth every second.

That time Anthony broke down and started welling up on air back in 2006. Whew, that was rough.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Co_yWmPqlq8 Go to about 6:40

Man, somehow never heard that. Thanks for sharing, buddy

Fuck man, that was hard to get through.

Ouch. That one got to me.

Ugh. What a baby. First time I have heard him talk about his real feelings about his ex wife

Brutal for a tough dude to break down like that

Speaking of Gene Simmons in this thread, that was one of the worst moments of the show I'd ever heard, that time he was in and stopped Danny from hitting the keyboard keys. (I hate Danny, but that's besides the point) The entire interview he was stand off-ish and rude, and passively/aggressively insulting to the boys, and they sat there and fucking took it, like pussies. I was like "Jesus, gone are the days of hanging up on Tommy Lee and calling him a pussy/blowing the interview."

I think that's even the famous "Maybe I'll fuck your girlfriend" appearance. He was just a total cunt to them & they did nothing. That's when I realized the show had def taken a turn, they would never stand for that shit back in the day.

Oh that's a good one and a great example.

Any time that was spent with Intern Jackie and whatever the other one's name was. Just because the hosts acknowledged that they acted liked smitten asses didn't make it interesting or listenable.

Whenever Troy engaged in some Quanspiracy talk. Just a bunch of Alex Jones/Truther talking points strung together with a passive aggressive, cunty, and cowardly "I'm just asking questions" attitude. His argument with Danny will actually make you side with Danny, if you can believe such a thing is possible.

The worst shows I ever heard them do were the ones after the Aurora theater shooting and the Boston bombing. 3+ hours of hammering the topics without any insight, analysis, or humor, with Jimmy screaming about how the media wasn't covering the events ENOUGH. There's not one redeeming minutes between the two shows.

There aren't too many characters where you can completely graph on a downward slope my enjoyment of certain people on air. Roland, Danny, and Troy are all on that graph.

When you wrote 'Danny' I thought you wrote 'Denny' and it still made perfect sense.


The Boston Marathon Bombing manhunt coverage they had was awesome! It was all going down in real-time, and I remember most of Brighton and Watertown had pretty much been shut down and they were listening to police scanner chatter as the BPD closed in on the guy. I dunno, I thought it was great.

That was later, though. I mean the first show right after it happened. I believe it was basically them watching the news for three hours, during which not a whole lot of new info was breaking. Same thing with the Aurora shooting. They were eventually able to wring some material out of both events (mocking the "messed with the wrong city" concept, ripping on Jamie Rohrs), but the shows immediately following them were horrible.

One bit I couldn't make it to the end of was Kid's snooping through their parent's bedrooms. It's obviously staged, because of the amount of complications it would involve to really do it, and is extremely hacky. They put it out on one of their podcasts not that long ago, which amazes me because it's practically unlistenable.

Jury Duty is a close second. It's the worst made-up Opie story, which is saying a lot.

I've never listened to the jury duty story. I read what people were saying on here that day and decided to skip it as I didn't think my body could handle the cringe factor of a grown man fucking digging himself into a deeper hole of lies.

It's worth a listen to fully appreciate how much Jim & Ant humour Opie throughout, pay attention to their reactions.

I seem to remember the Opie story about selling candy at school was fucking brutal to listen to. It was just lie after lie and he couldn't find an out that would seem feasible. Is it similar to that?

Not really, it was more of a bragging lie where he thinks he's really gonna impress everybody with his fake story, and it just bombed. It was like a r/thathappened post.

Just listening to it now. I'm ten minutes in and it's possibly the most boring thing in the world. I think it's about to get remarkably full of lies as Opie has done his slight voice change to "now listen to this guys...".

Edit - Yeah, none of this happened. I can't handle cringing like this. It's reminiscent of that scene in The Sopranos before Pussy is killed when he's bragging about the girl he fucked. "Hey Puss, did she even exist...." BANG.

What made that story even sweeter was that he told it to Ant and Vos who really know their gambling.

ahhh, the infamous Jury Duty story. Do you have the clip of Opie stickin' it to the maaan? He rips up his seat-belt ticket in front of the cop, because Opie is fucking badass and ain't got respect for the lawwww

This is probably tied for the worst made-up story Opie has told.

Sounds awful. Thanks.

the kids snooping bit was real. this is me when i was about 13.

Really? Assuming you're not lying, that's amazing. The chances that not only would a random caller's parents happen to be out when they were doing this bit, but you just happened to find two dildos and girls gone wild DVD's in their room are so small. Also, even when you were 13 you had no problem speaking on air. Congrats.

i made a post and a few comments about it a year or so ago, but yeah this definitely happened. Also, keep in mind that this was WNEW and they were HUGE at this point, so tons of kids were listening.

my parents were always at work, and i had already started looking after the bit started. i found a weird back massager thing and called the show. stinky told me to stop looking and wait for me to get on the air. i knew it wasnt a real vibrator or anything, but i figured id ham it up fuh da show. they called my name, told me to keep looking, and i opened the cabinet next to the bed. it was at this time i realized i made a huge mistake. it made for a good story though, especially seeing as the bit was on youtube and now their podcast.

Jesus Christ, you were 13 in that clip? I remember hearing that, I think I was 22. God damn it, I'm old...

Opie is Tucker Max.

How about that Cronut saga from a few months ago, which by the end Jimmy and Ant were even going "enough with the cronuts." Another horrendous episode I still have nightmares about was when Jim, Sam and Ope came in the day after Hurricane Sandy, and kept talking about "Storm-troomping." The entire thing kept coming back to something about Sam's wife giving him a hard time about going out, and Opie came back to it almost every single break, it wasn't even funny the first 5 minutes they talked about it. It was honestly one of the single worst episodes I'd ever heard, it was painfully unfunny and not a one of them had shit that day to talk about. I was like "Please just go home, boys..."

That sounds like perfect exampls. Thanks

Notoriously bad bomb appearances from stand ups who just didn't work with the vibe of the show are good choices, too. Colin Kane is the quintessential "wrong comic for the show" appearance.

Ugh, Colin Kane. Mike Birbiglia and Vic Henley were some other infamous examples of comics that didn't mesh with the show.

That sounds perfect. Any other examples?

Birbiglia was already mentioned but holy shit is it uncomfortable.

Remember the old days with Pablo Francisco? "Tainted BLOOD." Or Mario Cantone, yuck. Vic Henley is one of the worst comics I've ever heard on there. Def put Birbiglia up there too. Ralphie May. I know everyone loves Tom Papa but it's automatic tap out for me when he's on. His incessant phony cackle makes me want to murder children. (Cute children, too. Asian kids.)

I forget the bitches name... she was a Russian sex doctor or something. They had her on twice. Oh god was it bad. I think they called her Doctor Z. She had big tits.

The one where Patrice rips her shit to pieces is phenomenal. You just have to tune out Opie and some shitty comic (who's name currently escapes me) constantly butting in with "You should show us your tits huehuehuehue"

For some reason I dont recall Patrice being there. I just remember her awful voice and the interview going nowhere slow.

  1. Any food bit
  2. Any "chick" t.v. show segment. Jon and Kate, The View, 90 Day Fiance
  3. Any time Ant is out AND Joe Derosa or Tom Papa second chair. Oof.
  4. The Bam Margera Sex Tape Meltdown (Career Low for Opie)
  5. Anthony Cumia Sincerely Endorsing Eugenics (Ant's Career Low)
  6. Belle Knox Interview (Career Low for Jim)
  7. UFC people who don't natively speak English
  8. Cringeworthy fake stories and lies from the Opster. Candy Man/High School Bookie is the nadir of that. Jury Duty is quite douchey, as is any story of "I was so poor as a kid" or when he acts like being a caddy was like being a Mafia associate. He "can't talk about it." Yuck.
  9. Trayvon Saga. George Zimmerman didn't think about this story as much as Ant.
  10. Youtube on the Radio, discounting maybe one or two times, like Happy Days Interracial Wedding.

Is the Bam Margera stuff available to hear anywhere? I see it talked about so much but can't find it anywhere.

Edit: Thankyou gentlemen, that seems like the whole thing.

this i havent heard any of that stuff, rumor is, you know who shot down any youtube video of the incident by flagging it with copyright

all ive heard was a 1min clip from him yelling at ant for not taking it more seriously

Here is what looks like the full episode.

There seems to be links to the better parts in the description.

Anthony Cumia Sincerely Endorsing Eugenics (Ant's Career Low)

You should call up dog breeders / farmers and tell them they're working on totally outdated and unfounded science.

It's weird how lefties are suddenly against eugenics when in the past it was always thought of as an enlightened and progressive idea. Hippies I guess.

Oh god, when Pablo Francisco was on and just kept saying "tainted blood, muppets with AIDS" in the movie guy voice because he couldn't think of anything else funny. Everyone just started ignoring him and it was so awkward/annoying. I think as soon as Pablo left the studio, Anthony just raged. This might have been back on WNEW. Can't find a clip online unfortunately.

Edit: This might be it, or at least something similar - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSj_UjiySHg

Ah fuck, I just posted this above before I read this. You beat me to the punch.

Those are the worst type of quests. Glad he's career fall off a cliff.

'He wasn't very funny on the radio, and kind of annoyed me, so boy am I glad that his career has taken a turn for the worse and his family's livelihood is in jeopardy.'

They're comin after his livelihood

haha is that a Joe Derosa vs Troy Quan reference?


Zimmerman trial

90 Day Fiancee

Mike Baker or Ann Coulter

"Its me Bobo"

Intern Matt

every time sam opens his mouth and they don't steamroll over that fag immediately is awful radio. And I am genuinely bummed whenever Jim isn't in.

Skidmarks The only time I cringed so hard I had to keep taking breaks to get through it.

(6:40 if the time link doesn't work for you)

Jesus Christ. This would have been a perfect Jocktober bit.

Thanks for the link, ya bozo

James Rolfe, aka "Angry Video Game Nerd". He had funny videos playing his scripted "AVGN" character, but their interview of him as a person was terrible - he was a total bore.

They got him his own radio show on the channel, but it was supposedly very bad. I haven't listened to his radio show yet, so if anyone who had heard of this care to comment?

That guy stinks. After the second video I saw of him and I had enough. He is the biggest example of alright we get it.

His older videos are just a bunch of poop and dick jokes, which do get old. He's a bit more nuanced about the games now. He still has plenty of corny shit and dick jokes, but the episodes have more meat to them. Not surprisingly that's what the "old school" fans are bitching about nowadays.

His accent bugs me too. "This game plays like AHSS!"

If I remember correctly, a lot of people bashed James for being a bad interviewee, but in reality O&A never gave him a chance to talk.

I think James was just not very comfortable back then doing interviews. He was just starting to get popular and he still had that shy insecure air about him.

Spending 90 minutes a day watching Youtube. Tosh.0 can get away with it because we're in on the joke, listening to someone describe a video on the radio is shit

There was one time that for some reason pissed me off way more than it should have. It was when they had Intern David, Bobo, Stalker Patti, Steve C and Erock doing Whose Line is it Anyway bits. They did a couple and it was hilarious, and they were teasing the next bit where they we're gonna play the "speak only in questions" game. Anthony and Danny played it out to demonstrate how it worked to people who didn't know and even they were terrible at it. It would've been so funny to see how miserably David, Bobo and Patti would fail at it but Opie fucking says that there's no time for it because that pig Lisa Sparxxx was waiting outside so they bring her in and proceed to spend the rest of the show doing visual jokes on the radio with her saggy narrow tit.

I also hate any time there are comedians in the studio tearing the shit out of each other and they (Roland) bring in some celebrity to totally piss all over the chemistry with their stiff, phony, boring personalities. Pete Rose was an absolute fluke and an outlier. A good example is when Keith and Rich were in studio this year and they brought in the drill instructor from FMJ. I'm sure he's an interesting enough guy, but I wish they wouldn't waste having great comics with great back-and-forth in studio by throwing a big wet blanket that has no idea how the show works on it.

And thirdly, I hate when the show talks about pop culture shit. I love O&A because it's so outside of pop-culture and it feels more like real life than most entertainment/media does. The few times a year I actually leave my apartment and socialize, no one talks about the fucking Kardashians or any of that shit. That's all stuff people on TV pretend people care about. I hate when O&A veer from what makes them so great, being like regular people but with the talent of famous people, and go into TMZ mode. Sam's pop culture obsession is the only thing I really hate about him.

Any live event just sucked, got to where I just skip them and then the next show they would replay anything worth listening to anyway.

Porn chicks sucked. I hate that fake porn chick voice. Only thing that made it the least bit listenable was Opie being bored and condescending or if Patrice was there, he could turn it into gold.

Making Big A read was not that funny to begin with and then it just went on and on, excruciating. And then when it was that plus Twitchles..the worst.

The "We Are The World" song.

Pretty much this (just beat me to it). I still haven't listened to more than 20 seconds of it.

Other than that, probably most of the WAAF stuff. I hated them when they were on 'AAF. I'm surprised that I got back into them when the NEW stuff was syndicated to BCN.

Oh, and MMA/sports interviews (with some notable exceptions - Pete Rose, Tyson, David Tyree). But that's not really their fault, further than them agreeing to the interviews in the first place.

yuck. I remember them really stretching that out and building up. Oof

Have you heard of a little thing called Real Rock TV? YAHHHH!


Any "Lost" discussion was a major dial turner.

This thread is seriously lacking in the links department

I'll source a few them.

The apology clock bit was interesting at first but got old and they never stopped. It was basically the same conversation almost daily.

That last super show was fucking horrendous

The Opie and DeRosa show. I doubt that travesty is even uploaded anywhere.

VideOandA put up all their old Real Rock TV skits, and Ant and Opie are both awful douches


Colin Quinn getting everyone pumped up, brother Wease decides to simulcast letting everyone down. Show goes 0 to 60 then immediately back to 0, it was amazing, it was like a close friend died and they just found out, all the fun in the room vanished

lol this is the one where that tool keep saying ppl never made fun of GWB, i had to turn it off cant stand that phoney

when opie snatched stalker pattis wig


Ope didn't snatch it, wasn't it Ben or someone outside? TAKE. THE WIG. (Too lazy to sit thru the clip) How can you hate the "Patty Wig Snatch" episode, that was a classic!

Nah it was Opie that snatched it.

Wig snatching scenarios are pretty funny but the second hand embarrassment for this one was a little too much for me. I couldn't sit through it. I just felt extremely uncomfortable.

I did too, but in the way it was intended. That was back when the show was on the air in Buffalo and I was an average Joe drinking my container of cowffee, and a bunch of dudes at the plant were so pissed off at how mean they were, they stopped listening, ha ha. Like "Those guys are fucking assholes, fuck them." God damn it, I miss the WNEW days.

The interview with the guy with the world's biggest scrotum was an example of a completely nothing interview. Not so-bad-it's-good, not so bad it's cringe, just a long boring interview where the guy goes through a torturous chronological lecture about the history of his medical problem, and keeps mentioning the name of his doctor.

Really thought the boys would destroy him or go to town on the jokes given such good material, but everyone just sat back and let it run into the ground.

Any watching videos. Food segments. Porn stars. The apology bit.

Agree for the most part, but sometimes the video segments work out pretty well. I think that the Branson/Brady Brunch promo, Happy Days Wedding, 1950s party planning, and Club Piscapo bits are all classics. The existence of channels like VideOandA help tremendously too.

Here's the media found in this post.

Link User
Kid's snooping through their parent's bedrooms FaithNoPatton
Jury Duty FaithNoPatton
YAHHHH! Lasagna_Hat
Here nomadlives
this is me when i was about 13 tgrokz
Skidmarks TheBobWhookidSamShow
_______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________

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Any Roland bit

I hated the Paris Hilton interview. O&A kept trying to polish a turd with that one. Should have cut her loose 2 mins in. Instead it was a 10 minute, enraging drivel-fest.

Not the shows fault per se, but they really didn't have to keep her for so long.

Wow. I couldn't disagree more, I thought the Paris Hilton interview was brilliant. The fact that they gave her the opportunity to have a good/funny interview and she didn't reciprocate, so they eventually started subtly mocking her was fantastic. And the silences at different parts were great, Paris Hilton is shallow, untalented and stuck up and they let her die on the show perfectly.

I agree that was something interesting to see.

It was just painful to listen to - it made me want to reach through the radio and punch her.

It wasn't their fault but, in the past they would have absolutely blown her up. They treated her with kid gloves. If I remember correctly, Anthony asked Jimmy if he was upset with the interview and he said, "No. Let's just talk about her new show."

It was very un-O&A like.


The Pao mail order bride thing.

Shut up Opie about it I don't care in the slightest

They've had some bad guests that they didn't go cringe with - Henry Rollins was one. They should have gotten along with him, but none of them were comfortable, and Hank gets a real stick up his ass when he's not cool with who he's with, and he had a big one that day. Total disappointment.

The guy who played Doc in Back to the future was almost a complete train wreck, and the guy who played Damon in Fast Time At Ridgemont High for Ant's birthday was a total car crash.

I hated most of the road shows - Vegas, wherever. The Montreal shows were boring as fuck.

Worst bits: • Dicks in a box. Just stupid. • Anything with Roland, especially with food involved. • Danny with sand in his vagina • Train • Anything with wrestling and Sam • Donald Trump Jr. • No Filter Paul. Always hated that cunt. • Shitting on the beach.

And, the most annoying twat who ever appeared on the show, if he was on, radio off: Ian Halerin.

You mean Your Highness. Show some respect.

His highness is hilarious. If you ever get the chance, you should listen to the episode where Kurt Metzger and Jim Jefferies fought with him.

Ian used to come into my work sometimes out here in LA. I had never seen what he looked like, and one night I heard him talking to his chick at the counter, and just by his voice I go "....Ian?" It was fucking amazing. Then like 2 or 3 times after I met him, he would reference me by saying "I have listeners all the way out in Ventura CALIFORNIA that recognize me!" (Im not in Ventura, the place is ON Ventura, in Studio City) I hated Ian at first, but that fucker grew on me. He makes me laugh.

That sounds actually great. Love those guys

This past year was pretty bad. Specifically the Lady Di stuff and the apology clock.

I actually don't mind the shows when nothing is really going on and they have no big news topics to talk about. That's when you get silly stuff like when they were messing with the online feed or when they randomly played club music for like half an hour. Outside of when good comics are in, the O&A I like the most is when they are being silly and immature. The more I listen the less impressed I am by the anger and "edginess".

Di's intern week was some of the funniest, most literally (literally) insane radio I've ever heard. Everything following that to the day Ant was fired fucking sucked.

If you're talking about the Lady Di internship, that was one of the better things of the year so far for me. Totally agree on the apology clock though, holy shit did that drag on for too long with nothing new added. Turned into just a way to eat up time each day. A lousy way.

The Amanda Peet interview. Instead of talking about her totally interesting new movie, Opie just pulls up some topless scenes of hers and talks about those. And then he says the angle of the camera makes her tits look bad. "No we're not scrambling, we're on Mr Skin." So fucking cringy. And then the fucking calls, I won't spoil that though.


I mean I can only take so much Opie at his worst for one day but that sounds horrendous. thx

It was worth it to hear the anger and embarrassment when Opie said, "What happened? You used to be hot."

The whole CBS/XM split show era just was total shit, to me, as an XM sub. I know the boys made shittons of money from being on regular radio, but after two or three years, whatever it was, of listening to them uncensored, hearing them do hours and hours on regular radio was shit. Just total shit. And the XM half of the show was shit as well too, because they were tired and lazy from the CBS show.



Not sure this fits the theme, but when they were shit talking Sarah Jessica Parker and then she somehow fucking heard them and called in, and crushed them all, that was... something.

Most times when Vos is in.

this i havent heard any of that stuff, rumor is, you know who shot down any youtube video of the incident by flagging it with copyright

all ive heard was a 1min clip from him yelling at ant for not taking it more seriously

Here is what looks like the full episode.

There seems to be links to the better parts in the description.

That guy stinks. After the second video I saw of him and I had enough. He is the biggest example of alright we get it.

If I remember correctly, a lot of people bashed James for being a bad interviewee, but in reality O&A never gave him a chance to talk.

And thirdly, I hate when the show talks about pop culture shit. I love O&A because it's so outside of pop-culture and it feels more like real life than most entertainment/media does. The few times a year I actually leave my apartment and socialize, no one talks about the fucking Kardashians or any of that shit. That's all stuff people on TV pretend people care about. I hate when O&A veer from what makes them so great, being like regular people but with the talent of famous people, and go into TMZ mode. Sam's pop culture obsession is the only thing I really hate about him.