Anyone seeing Rich Vos at Governor's on 7/1 - 7/2?

0  2014-07-22 by KetoLubber

Edit: I mean 8/1 - 8/2.

Rich will be at governor's both days... Friday & Saturday.

I am going to both shows.

Anyone else?


Don't you mean 8/1?

Fuck my life. Yes.

No, but I'm planning on going to his upcoming shows at Yakov's and at Lucky's.

No, but I think I'm seeing Bonnie at McBoob...err McGoobys.

What, you want me to tell you so you can rape me? I'm never going to fall for that again, Tyrone!


If anyone else is going maybe we can meet up and hang.

Fuck, I always forget to check who's playing. Saw Joey Diaz there last year, it was great. Love that place.

Well you still have time to get tickets. You should go.

No I'm pissed he sat in Anthony's chair. Fuck him.

It wasn't that bad. I think you're being a little overdramatic.