Looking for a Breuer Clip

0  2014-07-22 by jparsons101

Looking for the time Jim talked about when he was going to separate from his wife, she was prayed for by the coffee shop girl, and became born again. Could not find it on YouTube.

Anyone have it?

Also, my first post on reddit, so go easy on me for anything I did wrong.


Thank you!

Here ya go buddy. I almost forgot about this story. http://youtu.be/Co_yWmPqlq8

I deserved that



A great story, exemplifies his story telling ability, and shows his real side.

LOL. A story telling ability akin to your second uncle boring you about his holiday in spain and showing you the slides. The guy is a black hole of banality.

Hey when I was a kid these old people down the road who I didnt even know treated me to a wonderful 3 hour slide show. Mom & dad didn't enjoy it as much as I did. I still remember and I wanted to go back. They wouldn't. I was six and I bicycled to their house like 3 times. They fed me dinner. It was awesome. I don't know what was wrong with me.

Was their last name Sandusky?

Show me on the little doll where were you touched.

I bet the man of house fed you something else too