I wish Opie and Jimmy were more outraged by Anthony's firing and angry at Sirius.

0  2014-07-22 by NoremacMartin

When Anthony was fired they just sat there and cried. They should have called Scott Greenstein a pussy faggot. They should have called SiriusXM hypocritical cunts. SiriusXM marketed themselef as a bastion of free speech, an environment completely uncensored and unregulated. They have porn radio and other controversial material.

For years the boys have fought and made noise over every little political correctness issue, and now when they are personally affected by it they do and say the least. It's bullshit. It seems like Opie and Jimmy just took it in the ass, and didn't even fight back. Just closed their eyes and thought happy thoughts.

It's obvious Opie and Jim are scared and want to keep their jobs. Fucking cowards.


Why? They are just trying to keep their high paying jobs. Blame Ant he is the one who brought this all on himself.

DAMN straight. Hell of a lot of hate on two guys who did not fire Ant. They did not instigate the confrontation. They made their support known and continued their show. Why should they blow their own gig up? They have a staff of needy freaks they need to support. It isn't all about you, or all about Ant. It's about Sam, Sal, Travis, and the Consumer.

Anthony seems happy. What good would the O+J outrage do?

Well then why did we have to sit thru the last couple of years of the show reporting on apology culture again and again.

Listening to the three of them reading newspapers about who got fired and listening to them watching TV of people begging to keep their jobs ... when the moment the wheel stopped at their show, past day one, two of them now suddenly have had close to fuck all to say on the matter.

All those people they rightly criticised and ridiculed were "trying to keep their high paying jobs" too - but that wasn't deemed a good enough excuse at the time by Opie and Jim, so I don't see how it works now.

They said not holding the line, not fighting back on apology culture would only continue to make things worse and worse ... when it was their turn under the big light, they shrivelled, were found wanting, with fuck all to say outside of "breach" and dutifully walked the company line.

You're a faggot.

Anthony has always and will always be a racist.

Oh, he's always been a racist, not just this one time on an unbelievably embarrassing-to-the-company national stage? Why didn't you say so? Firing rescinded!

Which means that management should have lowered the hammer on him a lot sooner than it did.

Opie and Jim are absolutely doing the right thing by staying with SiriusXM and keeping their jobs (even Ant has said so).

They're going to re-sign. Live with it.

Hey your right they are hypocrites. We all are. This is the real world. They will never make anything close to what they are making now. Ant on his own will need about 50k subscribers to keep the same amount of money he is making now.

I think at one point Ant said he would've done the same if Opie got fired. It's all business. Though I think he'd be a lot more vocal about it.

This is a shit post. Downvote and move on.

These guys don't want to lose their jobs just because Ant got fired. If you thought they were gonna take some sort of principled stand and say "fuck the man!" and risk getting fired/sued you bought in to their on-air personalities a bit too much. They are real people with bills. They want to keep their cushy high paying radio jobs for as long as they can.


If there contracts are tied together like they said, isn't Sirius I'm breach by dropping Ant?

Which means that management should have lowered the hammer on him a lot sooner than it did.

Opie and Jim are absolutely doing the right thing by staying with SiriusXM and keeping their jobs (even Ant has said so).

They're going to re-sign. Live with it.

Oh, he's always been a racist, not just this one time on an unbelievably embarrassing-to-the-company national stage? Why didn't you say so? Firing rescinded!