Is opie jokin or retarded?

0  2014-07-21 by [deleted]



His jokes and retardation are indistinguishable from each other.

I just hate it when he tries to play off his own idiocy as a bit. I really don't mind the guy, but that gets on my nerves.

You don't like it when he fails to read a word to himself, then fails to pronounce it out loud, then, when everybody is just staring at him, pretends like mis-pronouncing the word is a bit?

It's a disorder let him be.

FINALLY, someone comes out and says it!

He went to SUNY Geneseo for 4 years in the early 1980s, so that makes him a subject matter expert on all US/Canadian diplomacy issues.

Tl;dr: Frat brother fucked a Canadian chick when she crossed the border to buy cheap cigarettes and discounted clothing.

he worked for WPHD fr a little while and lived here. I honestly don't remember him being on the radio but he talked about it enough. Not that it makes him an expert but it's not like he never lived in Buffalo.

I haven't listened to the show yet so don't know the context but Canadians do swarm us for shopping. The Walden Galleria is easily 60%= Ontario plates > NY

How long have you listened to the show and not realize Opie doesn't know what he is talking about?

You're just trying to smash Opie for the sake of it. Like most 'Opie-haters' you're just making shit up or searching shit out to smash someone on. I'm not a particularly big fan of Opie myself, but that's just not what he said at all...

Opie: "...20 years ago you met a girl in Canada?"

Caller: "I met a girl on the internet who was in Canada."

Opie: "What part of Canada?"

Caller: "Niagara Falls."

Opie: "Niagara Falls; right over the border. The girls right over the border are really desperate, cause they can smell it, they can smell--[laughter]... I lived in Buffalo, it's not just a joke! These women wanted to be in America badly, and they could see Buffalo from the shoreline; it's that close..."

Caller: "She'd go shopping in the US, just cause they had better food. That's her idea of going out shopping; to hit the United States."

Opie: "When I lived in Buffalo the girls from Canada were really a lot of fun and loved to party."

Joe: "The Canada chicks?"

Opie: "Yeah, cause they were right over the border and had to go back at night."

Joe: "Canada is just like a gigantic New Jersey...[conversation moves on]."

You can't just put things in quotes and then that means the person definitely said it.

Maybe he should work for Gawker.

what did u prove?

i learned you're a cunt.

He said 'what did u prove?,' not 'what did u learn?'

he also said ppl that don't live near the border don't care as much because they're not so close to America. He's an idiot and so are u.

Do you type like that because you're joking or are you retarded?

if you're going to correct ppls grammar all day long,this is the right subreddit for u


That's true, great point.

They are around Thanksgiving, that's for sure. Also, French-Canadian girls are fucking adorable. Those noses tho.

Why not both?

What a hoser. Sorry.

can a man just bust balls?

lets stay strong for week 2

thats the bit.

Oh fuck off already, your schtick is so goddamn tired, just stop and get out of here


Do you type like that because you're joking or are you retarded?

That's true, great point.