He can't be this dumb.

25  2014-07-21 by bcb77

I don't normally rip Opie, but I have to today.

Opie's discussion of the Anne Frank House was mind numbing. He actually thinks that the Nazi's were looking specifically for her. He even said that the people looking for her should have torn the walls down to find her. He can't really be this retarded.


The Opster's more of a math guy.

Don't forget that he can really shoot the lights out on the old b-ball court.

Id pay an exorbitant fee to see how terrible opie is at basketball. When he whines about Obama playing and being a nerd it sounds like he is yelling at himself

ant + yimmy + colin = would be the triumvirate of comedy

heres why: (im listening to the colin show with nikki benz)

1: colin eggs ant on to do his impressions 2: ant eggs yimmy on to do his characters 3: they both berate colin for being an old man 4: opie sucks the humor out of the room. its funny that he always talks shit about robin quivers, when hes the white male version of her but with more verbal crutches (hold on hold on. pause. i was howling. jeeezus!)

Ya, Ant was the only one that would play along when Jim did his characters. Opie doesn't get it, so he invented this genius bit where he acts like he doesn't get it.

I would say this, plus Ronnie B so there's someone who can steer the show well and make sure it flows. But that might be too many funny people leading to everyone getting stepped on.

I would like Amy Schumer in the background for her wonderful chuckle/laugh. I submit hers is the best.

yeah he can add and subtract! Don't figure it out before him though "hold on hold on hold on"

I hate how Opie "quickly figures" how old somebody is from the birth date and announces it so proudly, like he just did some dazzling magic trick. TA DA! Fuckin' dummy.

I saw a poll somewhere that showed 98% of people believe they're average or higher in intelligence. Just goes to show how content the true dummies are to "admit" they're "just average." And how hilarious the opster is to think he's actually above in both math and science. Ya know, just two of the numerous subjects out there, nothing too cerebral....

Had he not met Ant he would have been Scorch.

Yes...yes he is. Opie and Jim are complete dummies when it comes to history/politics/law. Ant, the smart one, was about equal to a college freshman with his knowledge. The lack of intellectual curiosity on their part is incredible.

....and their analytic skills are abhorrent. At least you could follow Anthonys arguments and see how he based his opinions. The other two start with an opinion based on their feelings, and then automatically crumble when asked for the rationale.

You know you are talking to an empty-headed when he uses phrases like "period" and "everybody knows that".

Sounds a bit like Bobby. "You know what dude, Israel has a right to that land in Jerusalem." "But Bobby the Palestinians were there already." "MMmmaaanaaa..."

Jimmy also? I can usually follow his arguments pretty well. He always held his own when arguing with callers, but he did seem to crumble whenever Ant disagreed with him.

Jims positions are steeped in logical fallacies often times. ie the NSA issue and society's voyeurism. He is certainly not stupid, in the contrary. But he doesn't think out his opinions to the full extent. Great guy though.

Did you say that Jims positions are steeped in logical follies?

haha. I guess I did.

Jim's strength isn't logical debating, but when it comes to destroying someone in a back and forth trashtalk and making them look ridiculous he's one of the best I've heard. Like when he was arguing with that men's rights lawyer and it started out civil and then it kind of just devolved into shit-talking and Jim made him look very, very silly.

The thing about Jimmy is, he is wrong a lot, but he admits it and TRIES to be better. He really tries.

Jim is good for bringing up points in ethical/moral dilemma. I believe he has a method to assessing issues although sometimes he comes of as hypocritical.

I really think Ant is well versed on a lot of subjects. He has zero academic credentials but has taught himself quite a bit. As an engineer I've always respected Ant's knowledge and laughed at O&J's ignorance of even the simplest of concepts.


Which is rather scary.

Annnnd we're back.

Read the post, thought this exactly.

This is what I was talking about saying that the show lost its "intelligence" with Ant gone. Even with his silly rants on race and gun control, he could have easily chimed in and explained this particular story for Opie. Opie and Jimy pretend to know history..and its embarassing.

colin is smarter than ant; they should both host a show with yimmy on 3rd mic as the little brother character who jacks off too much instead of reading anti-semetic history websites

Nobody on the show ever holds Opie truly accountable for his misinformation. I've listened to every single show since Oct. 2004 and the number of times that Anthony and Jimmy either skipped over or gently corrected Opie's erroneous assertions is astounding. He is treated with kid gloves, and now with contract time winding down I expect Jimmy to be even more passive and aloof with regards to Opie's pronouncements.

That's a great point, but it's only the tip of the Jewey Iceberger......

In addition to being a dispenser of bad info, he's also a chronic liar, and he chimes in with the unfunniest lines imaginable.

That's like the unholy trinity of douche-baggery.

Luckily for him (in the past), those unfunny lines used to get steamrolled over, because almost everybody else was being funny, and nobody called him out.

But now?!?


Big words in there buddy. Maybe they should hire you.

Reminds me of what Karl Pilkington said, but atleast Ricky Gervais was there to put him in his place.

Holy shit, I love Karl Pilkington.

Head like a fuckin orange

Alright (in whiney Manc accent)

Now, how's my head sposed to be shaped?

When the whole Rob Ford saga was going down Opie kept saying "he is acting crazy on the floor of Parliament" "he's going after another guy in Parliament." and you know, I did like they said, I let it go but he kept doing it all week and I finally tweeted him "Dummy. Rob Ford is a mayor not a member of Parliament. Rob Ford is in Toronto. Parliament is in Ottawa" Its constantly this kind of shit.

He knows he's dumb too, which is why he's self conscious and defensive. But he brings a lot to the show, so I give him a pass. Who could forget "Give yourself a bell!"

what does he bring besides setting the direction for the show? He is more like a producer and could do the job off air. Its the others that bring talent. At the very minimum he should just sit there and not say anything and only chime in to switch gears.

He doesnt even set direction well as evident by the fact that he rambled on for 90 mins about his vacation that went nowhere or changing the game of thrones discussion to a story about his kids or when he cut ant off about hia jaguar to talk about his highschool or a thousand other examples. He is a complete detriment to the show

The only credit I give Opie is that he was the one who found and brought to the show Ant and Jimmy. He was obviously smart enough to see the potential in them.

Name one thing he brings to the show that the listeners actually appreciate.

My post was a joke btw.

The fact that he hates people who would correct him on "could care less" just shows what a boob he is. "Everyone knows what you mean", I'm sure they do, but who cares? It's fucking wrong, hence why is fun to bust Voss' balls about celebrity names and common sense screw ups. Everyone knows what he is trying to say, but he's a dummy so it's funny. That attitude sums up why Opie is so insufferable.

Their knowledge of history was pretty poor.

Opie can't even remember recent history. He kept saying it was Jon Stewart who made the Eddie Murphy\Beverly Hills Cop reference in Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. It was Jerry who made the point, in Aziz Ansari's episode!

I also think Jimmy said he knew for sure Auschwitz was in Germany.

You haters. He's just dropping some real knowledge hammers

Well it's taken a week but everybody has finally turned against the opester again.

Not that you're wrong, he IS a hateable, blithering idiot

I don't hate Opie at all, I was just amazed by the idiocy of his statement.

He really is that stupid. Why couldn't he have been fired instead of ant????

but ''that's the bit'', guys.

you don't get the show.

This is just another reason why the show needs Anthony.

Opie and Jim are fucking dummies.

You're going to hear a lot of frustratingly stupid shit without Ant in the room to correct them.

I was more annoyed that they didn't know Auschwitz was in Poland...

I'm surprised he doesn't really think Peter Griffin was there eating potato chips.... wassat?

Seems it's back to business as usual, eh gang?

It's like nothing's changed.

They should have torn the wallssss down, right? Why didn't they tear down the wallsssss?


  • Cartographer Joe DeRosa

Karl Pilkenhorn, step aside!

Auschwitz is in Paris.



Well, he had an interest in those subjects and put time into them, so he had stuff to say about them. How intelligent that stuff was is debatable.


THAT'S THE B..... ah, fuckit. It's hard to care nowadays.

Did Jimmy also say Berlin was in Poland? I didn't notice any cheekyness when he said it, and he was in fact-mode at the time.


You're absoloutely right, they were actually specifically looking for Anne. I heard it was Hitler's top priority.

World War 2 actually would have ended if Anne Frank surrendered herself. Hitler said if she turns herself over they'd call the whole thing off.

That's right, he said they'd call the whole thing off.

Here's a full transcript of what Hitler actually said about it:

"Anne listen, if you come out of there I'll forgot the whole god damn thing. It will be just like nothing ever happened. Anne ... baby, I think you hurt my head real bad. Anne...Anne! You got a big surprise coming to you! You're not going anywhere! Go check out the Nazis outside and see what I mean. Hahaha, go check it out! Hahahaha..."

Hello, I am Godwin's law bot!

I'm calculating how long on average it takes for hitler to be mentioned.

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This post 4791.0 1
Average Over 8433 posts 138633 38
Median Over 8433 posts 16285 4

Current High Score: 2 seconds

Number of bans this bot has received: 216

Number of times this bot has been replied to with the only content being the word hitler: 363

Graph of average over time available at www.plot.ly/~floatingghost/0

No new high score, try again next time.

This thing needs to go away.

How does this get to stay but we lose Philly Crew Bot?

It doesn't mean the German army was hunting her down! There are plenty of people who currently have warrants out for their arrest and they're not hunted. They are just found when paths cross. If anything she had someone equivalent to Dog the bounty hunter searching for her.

Hund Der KopfgeldjÀger

"How'z it? Where are the Franks, brah? Call Beth if you hear anything."

All Jews were considered criminals by the Nazis. They weren't deporting her sister, they were sending her to a "work camp" aka concentration camp. The Nazis were looking for all Jews, not just Margot. But, apparently you didn't know that.




Section 2. Arrest and death of article Margot Frank:

Along with the other occupants of the hiding place, Margot Frank was arrested by the Gestapo and detained in their headquarters overnight before being taken to a cell in a nearby prison for three days. From here they were taken by train, on 8 August, to the Dutch Westerbork concentration camp. As the Frank family had failed to respond to Margot's call-up notice in 1942, and had been discovered in hiding, they (along with Fritz Pfeffer and the Van Pels family) were declared criminals by the camp's officials and detained in its punishment block to be sentenced to hard labor in the battery dismantling plant. They remained there until they were selected for Westerbork's last deportation to Auschwitz on September 3, 1944. Margot and Anne were transferred to Bergen-Belsen concentration camp on October 30, where both contracted typhus in the winter of 1944.

Interesting: Anne Frank | Otto Frank | Fritz Pfeffer | Bergen-Belsen concentration camp

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They were ratted out. And in this case I think we can side with these "criminals", don't you? Im German. I have read her diary.

the law's the law

I know that I was thinking that hind sight can be applied. I really felt sorrt for her reading that book. It wasn't easy knowing the outcome.


We read it in 7th grade and the part where she wants to touch the other girl's breasts made me uncomfortable.

Is that because the teacher caught you jacking off?



They talked for an hour about some kid who smiled in a concentration camp picture. Meanwhile Stalin 2.0 just blasted 300 people in the ukrainian tundra for shits and giggles. I thought he was steering the ship Also Joe acted like,"Ant who?" for the whole show. He's shoulderless and spineless fucking shifty arab half-breed with his unfunny show.

this is where you know Opie has no idea about anything,thus doesn't want to start a subject where he has to shut up for 5mins.