Anthony AMA?

61  2014-07-21 by anonimescu

I think he might do it. He has his show to promote and likes to endlessly debate trolls and retards on twitter.


Anthony, to be honest, is really terrible at arguing on the internet. Reddit won't like him and will just tear him apart.

It wouldn't be the whole of reddit, it will mostly just be this sub.

If its the O&A sub I think that is a great idea, but if its the ama section I just picture the average redditor being much much too sensitive for Ant's humor and it would devolve into a shit flinging contest when they pull up some of the things he's said in the past.

Have you ever looked at any AMAs?

All people do in AMAs is ask nice questions, and any questions that are even remotely ball-sy, or slightly offensive to the person asking the questions are immediately down-voted. If he did one, all the top rated comments would be praising him before asking a question about impressions or something similar.

Anthony isn't Bill Nye or NDT, or Aaron Paul, or someone else reddit has a hard on for.

Spike Lee, Jesse Ventura (even before this sub got involved), Woody Harrelson, Morgan Freeman and many others have all had hostile IAMAs over less and Ant sure does like to argue on the internet.

They weren't exactly hostile, people weren't out and out saying fuck you, sensitive issues are sometimes mentioned but it's always in a way that doesn't offend the person answering Q's.

If the hivemind caught wind that he was right wing they would do everything they could to destroy the AMA. It happens to nearly everyone with politics to the right of Karl Marx.

Poor consewvatives, awways being oppwessed, arencha?

Dat big bad liberal media is da probwem!

Well it's true.

baby talk is always the absolute last resort of someone who's extremely desperate to win an internet argument. also, you're comments on this sub are all painfully unfunny.

Can't wait till we solve our issues on the battlefield

Revolution soon comrade

Have you ever looked at any AMAs? All people do in AMAs is ask nice questions, and any questions that are even remotely ball-sy, or slightly offensive to the person asking the questions are immediately down-voted.

I guess you missed the Woody Harrelson/Ramparts fiasco. It didn't end well for Woody.

Or, more relevant to how I would expect Anthony's to go, Frank Miller's recent AMA blew up after someone posted a three year old blog of Miller going all Travis Bickle on Occupy Wall Street. I'm sure Anthony would argue back more, but it would still be a disaster.

Really hope he does it.

OWS was a shitshow & I don't blame anyone for shitting all over them.

They needed to organize behind an idea or a set of ideas & get one or 2 people to speak for them. They couldn't do that, so they came off as a bunch of hippies squatting in public places.

Yeah, totally agree. It's more the silly way he bashed them that makes him hard to take seriously, but it's even more silly for everyone else in that thread to fill the whole AMA with comments about two paragraphs he wrote three years ago.

If he did it in this sub I'd imagine everyone would tear everyone apart.

I think the main problem is him trying to argue in 140 characters or less

This could be true also.

He's terrible at arguing in real life, which is why he constantly resorts to yelling like the nigger he is

For once we agree.

Ant is terrible at arguing on the air. I've never witnessed him argue in person, so I can't say what he'd be like "in real life."

That said, yelling at your opponent and telling them to "go fuck your mother" really does nothing to support your argument.

ask him via twitter

Let's all do. Also @TheCumiaShow

Wow he's got a genius marketing team over there.

Twitter, URL, and Facebook are all completely different.

I think twitter wouldn't allow @TheAnthonyCumiaShow as it was too long, same for AnthonyCumiaShow.

Maybe he shoulda went with CumiaRadio

The creepy fan that started @BeavisCumia is the one who started @TheCumiaShow. Ant had no call on that one, but he should've perhaps been ahead on that.

Nobody cares about that shit.

You're actually right, nobody does care about it. But the fact that your can't understand why it's important makes me think you're pretty dumb.

(Hint: it has to do with the people who DON'T obsessively beg for retweets, subscribe to the show the first day, and check this subreddit every thirty seconds.

Enough with the fucking twitter

you are right, he should call him on ant's private mobile phone, because they are very close.

Did nobody else notice how much he loathed his fans through the years? Good luck with this.

loathed with good reason. bunch of mouth breathing, cuckolded, rednecks.

Yep, while being one of my favourite "comics" he is still just an illogical foaming at the mouth racist.

And apparantly 50 year old man, white knights.

very white knights

Can't wait till this is all in the past and i can stop seeing these anti white cowards talking shit about Anthony

we get it ya fucking libtards

silence cracka.

DAE ant waysis redneck fans? xxDDD

Upvotes to the left

That's the kind of logic you get from FBI STATISTICS!

He loathed callers mostly,he's the guy that invited fans to his parties.

It would be a good time giving him such a stage to rant on the people who would inevitably call him racist.

But ant is absolutely racist, why is it a bad thing to call him out on it?

What good does that do?

You call a pedophile a pedophile, does that make him want to stop molesting kids?

You call a racist a racist, will he instantly change his views and love all black people?

You call someone a fat disgusting mess, will he stop consuming and move the Opster a little further down his Hero list?


Agreed. And it's a non-racist FACT that Anthony is racist.

It's called confirmation bias you tool. Facts aren't racist. Yuck.


It's the classic Alex Jones structure that the boys loathe. I HAVE THE DOCUMENTS, THE FBI CRIME STATISTICS ARE...shut up. What stats? What do they conclude? Black people are more violent than white people? You want to have this be a known fact that people have to agree with or they're sheep? For fuck sake, who is disagreeing that Ant's twitter rant was not a racist rant? Animals, savages, etc. I love the guy, but it is a FACT that his twitter meltdown was brutal, not a P.S.A of FBI stats.

Just to clarify, in the same way there is "white trash" that describes a subset of white culture, there is no question that the equivalent exists in the black community. But it is stupid to say typical fat, trailer living, rednecks for all white people.

It's mainly Ant's niggermania friends defending him lately.



So take it to Stormfront you crying woman


This is my favourite aspect of you. You're not a guy that's interested in sociology or statistics. You're a fucking dullard. It's obvious to everyone reading that your not a bright guy and your not even good at being an insult slinging jizz. You're a worthless pile of fuck and you're trying to use "science" and "data" to shine a light on something that the rest of us are to stupid and/or liberal to see. Just go on being a racist cunt, you're attempts to try and prove why your views are factual is embarrassing. Anthony himself admits he is a racist. Who is this for? What's your endgame you galoot?


anthony takes the race thing way too far but when did "science" and "data" become something to scoff at? I don't see any arguments being made by you or anyone else against the FBI statistics. It's just dismissed "cuz u a rasist cunt". There's a crime problem in the black community, there's an obesity problem in the US, and asian guys tend to have smaller hogs. These things are all supported by data, and that doesn't mean all asians are cuckolds or that all americans are horribly lazy, self indulgent pigs, or that all black people are savage animals (by that I even mean obese americans aren't inherently despicable gluttons and black criminals aren't inherently irredeemable savages etc.) I just don't see you explaining why FBI statistics are bogus, just you insulting his use of them as evidence and expecting everyone to take your complacent dismissiveness as gospel because he's an awful, evil racist and you're the good guy. So tell me, why are those statistics so unreliable? Did the FBI just make them up to keep the poor black man down? Do you have any argument against it other than the angry demonizing reaction you've been conditioned like pavlov's dog to have when a white person even mentions race?

I wasn't saying anything of the sort. Follow the thread, the first guy said that Anthony is a racist in the same way you do in the first sentence of your post. This guy said "facts aren't racist", which in the context of his use implies that Anthony is never being racist, he is just reciting facts. The scientific community should not be "scoffed" at, but do you think there is any scientist outside of the fringe that conclude that black people are more prone to violence? And where are these fucking statistics? We're having a debate over statistics that this other poster suggests confirm his views. What do I google? Black crime in relation to other races? I wasn't trying to be a SJW or the good guy, just the comment "facts aren't racist" made me groan. I appreciated reading your measured response.

At this point in time, this is the worst idea ever. Anthony has never taken going back to SiriusXM off the table. He has been very vocal about being able to move forward on his own. However, unlikely his return doing an AMA doesn't help that.

UPDATE: ANTHONY IS DOWN FOR AN AMA The mods from this Reddit should reach out and offer to set it up here ASAP. twitter post from Cumia

everyone can't wait till he gets his show up and ready? i see an AMA backfiring with how shitty the rest of reddit is.

Yes, it's the rest of reddit that is shitty. Not us, no, we're golden; it's the REST of reddit that just doesn't GET IT, MAAAAAN!

The rest of reddit doesn't understand the context of something from the show. I'm sure you have forgotten about the cake stomp fiasco.

It needs to be moderated so all the SJW cunts can be deleted and blocked..

Starting with you and everyone defending Ant. Sick of hearing about it. Everyone has moved on.

Opie & Anthony could maybe do an AMA in this subreddit but I don't see them gaining any traction in /IAMA. They're just not that well known outside of their fan base. Maybe when they were on terrestial and after being fired for Sex for Sam.

Why the fuck would he walk into enemy territory. Reddit fags and bloggers/'vloggers' would just piss him off. I wouldn't, plus he basically does it on twitter anyway.

Drink everytime he types "Blame whitey?"


He doesn't have the balls

You wanna do an AMA tough guy?

You are a coward who never gets laid

YEAH AM I. I didn't realize you knew me.

Well you better go, Lazlow is looking for your mouth I'm sure...

Hey are you the same dude that was on the show back in the days

No, he's that ex-producer failure pile of garbage Danny Ross, real name Daniel Rothstein.



Mrrrmmphh, well, can't win them all, right gang?


Dude, half the posts here when we aren't defending Ant's Twitter Rants or Opie's cake stomp videos are "I miss Patrice, here's a five hour YouTube video I made of all his best appearances on the show!"


Then stop giving him attention.

People like you make him feel like he's doing something worthwhile.

Hmmm, on closer examination you are correct.

It's a troll calm down. If you remember there used to be (and sometimes still are) alot of posts like "if Patrice were alive him and Ant would debate this...". This user is obviously trolling those users that would normally say that.

I know this is satire, but its getting old mate.

It wouldn't be the whole of reddit, it will mostly just be this sub.

If he did it in this sub I'd imagine everyone would tear everyone apart.

If the hivemind caught wind that he was right wing they would do everything they could to destroy the AMA. It happens to nearly everyone with politics to the right of Karl Marx.

I think the main problem is him trying to argue in 140 characters or less

He's terrible at arguing in real life, which is why he constantly resorts to yelling like the nigger he is

This is my favourite aspect of you. You're not a guy that's interested in sociology or statistics. You're a fucking dullard. It's obvious to everyone reading that your not a bright guy and your not even good at being an insult slinging jizz. You're a worthless pile of fuck and you're trying to use "science" and "data" to shine a light on something that the rest of us are to stupid and/or liberal to see. Just go on being a racist cunt, you're attempts to try and prove why your views are factual is embarrassing. Anthony himself admits he is a racist. Who is this for? What's your endgame you galoot?