DL was wrong on black women and education.

1  2014-07-20 by justindd911


DL is a closet racist and an apologist of black crime. People like him are the worst because he forged a great career due to hard work showing that anyone can be successful and he still whines about muh oppression.

Maybe you should have listened to DL when Patrice was in. DL was against voting for Obama because he is black and Patrice was all for it.

That's one way to look at it. Another way to look at it is the difference between whites and blacks in the entertainment industry.

If you're white in the entertainment industry, and you blatantly "sell out your race", your family probably won't even notice.

If you're black in the entertainment industry, and you blatantly "sell out your race", your family, friends, congregations, prior project tenant neighbors, former school principals, and childhood neighborhood bullies will all vilify you vehemently.

It's a racial difference that only occurs in certain industries. One of them is Entertainment. The reason is the Entertainment industry - being famous in general - is so visual.

Compare with the white-guy cliche of going into business and ruining the environment. Even if that got you an 8 page article in Time and 5 years in jail, how many people from your upbringing are going to know about it? 30? 35?

DL was wrong on a bunch of shit. He's not a very intelligent person.

But he uses words like "conflated", he must be smart.

edit: sarcasm.

He was trying to say cornflakes.

I legit laughed out loud. Thank you.



ME: Nobody cares why you edited!

Clearly, LizardKing. You cared enough to comment.

Love ya, miss ya.


I disagree, I'd say he's a smart person who happens to be wrong on a lot of things.

You'd know, right? You're a real fuckin' brain yourself.

Going to college and graduating college are two different things. And what counts as college these days? Is pheonix online college covered in that blanket article? Nearly every stipper, hooker, and amateur whore that I've met is going to college.


Just another talking point-y foxnews msnbc nugget of shit. Everyone does it, including and especially unser fuhrer.

How it works is I say some big bold attention-grabbing statement that I know can be backed up or refuted based on what context I later claim to have meant it in, we argue back and forth about the context, but I win because the main thing anyone remembers is the initial big bold attention-grabbing statement.

Who was the last black woman you were interested in hearing speak.........about anything?

Who was the last black woman that knocked you out with brilliant ideas and observations?

Who was the last black woman to make you laugh (intentionally)?

What was the last great book you read that was written by a black woman? The last great film or tv show that was written and directed by a black woman?

On a serious note, I thought Debrah Wilson from Mad TV was pretty funny, and she used to be fucking hot too, but to be fair, she is more mullatto than full on negroid and now she looks like Dave Chappelle's evil twin.

You're absolutely right.

She's as nutty as a fruitcake, though, as chippah's muddah would say.

She's friends with Artie Lange (they were on Mad TV together). She went to a psychic back in the Mad TV days who told her that they had a bond that went back to a previous life. I can't remember if the psychic said it, or Debrah made it up on her own, but Debrah walked away believing that Artie had been her mother in a previous life.

And that's how the horrible sketch "That's My White Mama" was born.


She called into Artie's show once and she was a good guest.

But yeah, I'll listen to her talk.

So that's 1.

Do you not watch the O Network?


Plenty of fine musicians and artists. I'd always be interested to hear someone like Alice Coltrane or even Lauryn Hill speak.

perform/sing? yes

speak? no

Hill seems bat-shittier than a fruitcake. I once heard her say something cool, many moons ago (about artists doing what they do because it hurt too much to not do it), but she went off the reservation a long time ago.

The only reason I'd want to hear Lauryn Hill speak now is for the trainwreck factor, which isn't what I'm talking about.

I think there has to be so much regret in her soul for popping out all those kids rather than giving her gift of music to the world for the last ten and a half years. She wasted half her life and now I think that is why she is a bit nutty.

Alice Coltrane isn't even the best musician with the last name Coltrane, and fuck Lauryn Hill.

So you only appreciate one person per surname? That's a little weird.

Anyway It's not like there's any shortage of black female musicians.

I'll throw Kara Walker in as a contemporary artist. Granted Paul Walker and Scott Walker are better known, but I haven't let that hinder my enjoyment of the artist.

Wow, way to twist what I said. First sign of being butt hurt. Alice Coltrane is fine, but she isn't really "interesting" in comparison to her whole genre, much less her husband, which is where the original discussion stemmed from. Please understand what context is before lashing out like an irrational black woman aka most black women.

I think the enrollment number is wrong too. Are they counting online scam colleges and beauty school?

Enrollment is probably dead on if you take in account the fact that once they get their school pell grant checks they immediately drop out if there isn't a penalty or time limit.

That's the effect of colleges becoming more competitive but blacks being held to a lower standard due to AA.

What does Alcoholics Anonymous have to do with this?

I get zooted all the time.

Faaaawwwkkkk yeeeaaahhh!!!


As I was listening to that in my car, first my jaw dropped, then I started yelling, ASIANS YOU DUMB FUCK! ASIANS!

Wow what a surprise, and here I thought places like Detroit were chock full of educated women because one of 'The Original Kings of Comedy' said so. I'll never trust him, or that chubby moon cricket Cedric the Entertainer again.

The only reason for that is the wicked white man and us putting them in slavery one hundred billion years ago...

I legit think he was misquoting a stat that was referring to enrollment being up for black women. I've always liked DL, even back on the BET comedy show where he'd just go down the front row and nail every single persons outfit and face. I've seen all his specials, etc. I think he's funny. I was a bit confused when he was on the show the other day because on other shows he came off a lot smarter, and on O+A he was soapboxing for no reason, it wasn't even really part of the discussion, much less to misquote a probably incorrect fact. I don't mind people having opinions or getting political, but I hate when people start quoting stats because it's always such a small sample size - then applying it to everyone / everything. Historically you can do that, but present day stuff is just guesswork.

DL didn't mean all black women led the education stats...just certain black women.

You know,like Ant didn't mean all black women were savages.

Stupid cunt.


ME: Nobody cares why you edited!

He was trying to say cornflakes.

Wow, way to twist what I said. First sign of being butt hurt. Alice Coltrane is fine, but she isn't really "interesting" in comparison to her whole genre, much less her husband, which is where the original discussion stemmed from. Please understand what context is before lashing out like an irrational black woman aka most black women.