Epic Patrice and Norton pic

138  2014-07-20 by [deleted]



This sums both of them up pretty well.

I agree. spawns 30-post argument

It escalated very quickly. Hell, I gave the guy an upvote cause he agreed with me. But then it just got out of hand.

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Upvoted. I was going to make the exact same comment you did.


I'm being downvoted for saying I had a similar thought as the guy getting upvoted. Reddit makes no sense.

You didn't contribute, you just latched on, that's why.

Latched on to something I was pretty much typing and then went to agree with because yeah that basically sums up the photo. Faggot. Aids. Die. Fuck off.

Don't get pissed because you left a completely meaningless comment and got called out on it.

Stop being a whiney bitch and realize karma means nothing

Oh yeah that's right I forgot the only way you can agree with someone now is by upvoting them. I just thought it was funny that someone else had the exact same thought after seeing that photo because that photo does sum them up pretty well. Sorry for you know making some conversation. I know its a pain anytime an Opie & Anthony fan has to actually read.

Cry like a bitch much?

Wow you're the internet's toughest fighter

Yeah that's me, the toughest guy around. I spend all day pointing out stupid worthless comments to morons.

Does it not annoy you when other people say stuff like "I came here to say that" or "This."?

To you, the writer, it may mean something and you probably feel like you're contributing because you actively participated, but to the reader what you said amounts to an upvote. We would have gotten the same out of your comment if you just copy and pasted what you were replying to.

Basically, people don't care who you are and if you agreed with the person; I know that might be a hard concept to grasp, but it's the truth. You only matter as a number next to the person's name.

Note: This is all null and void if you actually contribute an additional thought to the thread.

Yea because in real life you never relate to someone by saying you had the same parallel thought too especially over something funny. Sorry for communicating that. Figures a bunch of reclusive cunts would react negatively to such a thing. I guess next time I'll just upvote. I know reading is to hard.

Okay faggot! What's next?

Do you realize how much those parallel thoughts happened in this post alone? I guarantee it was very many, except most people didn't comment and realized that what happened wasn't special, unique, or interesting for anyone else but themselves.

If you have the same thought, say so, and maybe add to it...that would make it unique, and therefore would add to the overall submission.

I'm not trying to down on you...just trying to help.

Figures a bunch of reclusive cunts would react negatively to such a thing.

Finally you say something smart.

Well at least I didn't call you names, hell I didn't even downvote you initially.

Came here to say this!

I think this is the first time I've realized how big Patrice was.

He was a big guy, but it also helps that Jimmy and the girl are tiny.

He was a big guy



Jimmy is very short. I think he's only 5'6".

When he's got high heels on

Mommys shoes


Pete Rose would like a word with you.

she was about to find out as well.

he was huge (yeah i know vos, norton, and hart are like 5 feet tall but still

Jeez, I never realized he was so fucking tall. I guess only seeing him on a stage you never have anything to compare him to.

I spot Oakerson, Patrice, Norton, Vos, Florentine, Hart and Robinson, shitting on everyone.

i didnt think Vos was that short. imagine how small his hands must really be

At 2:19 you see fat Amy Schumer! I would trow her one.

Okay I have to know. Are you serious, or are you making a joke like calling someone a fat Brad Pitt? I have no clue as to whether or not Schumer used to be fat, and the chick in that video is such a land whale I can hardly even see a resemblance.

nah I'm not serious I just thought she kinda resembled Schumer and I think I remember her saying she used to be heavier. My little joke bombed judging by the downvotes.

Yea holy shit, just look at the size of that fucking head.

Jimmy's probably 5'6 so patrice has goto be 6'6?


Yeah, he was right around there. I'm 6'5'', and when I met him after a show he was about my height.


Nice fawkin tits.

Looking through the album, I didn't know that this was a real picture. I thought it was a Photoshop...


Who's the fat pig on the left?

Jimmy looks so fucking weird when he's staring at a girl with lust.

best expression ever on patrice. holy shit haha

Let's play guess the ethnicity of the girl. I'll go first. I have no idea.





Who's the girl in the picture anyway?

Jim Norton



Jim may very well be just as female as "she" is.

I did wonder if all those upvoters had the ability to do simple math.

2 (-)1 (+)1 = 2 penises


Epic pic, but I'm guessing not as epic as one taken two seconds later after Norton has nosedived into her tits.

What a great shot. Encapsulates them both perfectly.

I'm assuming Patrices briefcase of dildos was in the room.

That black person in the picture has big tits.

Dude, tag it NSFW. I almost had to have a really weird conversation with my fiancée and her grandmother.

Who gives a care?

They'll just see Patrice and realise you need some side.

stop being a loser


So original

This sub should just be named after Patrice because that's all that's ever posted.

Oh go to heck, you piece of garbage.

Language !


Upvoted. I was going to make the exact same comment you did.

Oh yeah that's right I forgot the only way you can agree with someone now is by upvoting them. I just thought it was funny that someone else had the exact same thought after seeing that photo because that photo does sum them up pretty well. Sorry for you know making some conversation. I know its a pain anytime an Opie & Anthony fan has to actually read.

I agree. spawns 30-post argument

I did wonder if all those upvoters had the ability to do simple math.

2 (-)1 (+)1 = 2 penises

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