Tough Crowd on dvd?

3  2014-07-20 by LacanZizekFreud

Is it possible to get both seasons on dvd, I've had enough of the grainy youtube clips.


Probably never because it would be a pain to get clearance to all the news clips they played. Also it would most likely only sell like 89,000 copies.

Perhaps more than that.

Never thought of this. Has the Daily Show ever put out a DVD?

I remember they released some "Best of Indecision 2004" disk.

I bought it and indeed it's just the in-house clips and interviews

Then it's probably not the news clips thing

Well one show I liked back in the day was Cheap Seats, and they could never release a DVD because they showed tons of sports clips.

Shame because I'm pretty sure it all exists in HD. There's an HD clip of Giraldo VS Leary on the Comedy Central Tribute to Greg Giraldo.

A DVD of people discussing current events 10 years ago is not likely to happen.

I'm pretty sure you can buy them off of Colin after a show.

Nope. I tried making a petition once and like 12 people signed it.

A good 90‰ have been uploaded to YouTube and outside of this sub and maybe a few other fans of comedy there's just no demand for a DVD of people talking about current events that happened a decade ago.

They could release it as a download on iTunes/Amazon. Still, doubt it.

its on piratebay ripped off youtube

Does anyone know where you can watch the episode with George Carlin?

And half the cast is dead