opie still so bitter over stern

0  2014-07-19 by asdsadsadas2222

posting his own stern rant on his youtube in thirdperson. he is so fucking bitter and whiny and passive aggressive.

and a bunch of homos wwill say im whiny so let me just shut you down right now b4 you start moving your fat fucking sausage fings


kill yourself

Great post, please make more

Oh wow, you told us

Do you think he shouldn't have said anything after Howard was taking shots? He has to address it, and since he doesn't like the guy it's going to be an angry response.

What did Howard say?

The last I heard he said that it's not his place to say anything, although he did throw in a passive-aggressive cunty jab like "I can't believe he didn't quit; if Fred or Robin got fired I'd quit. But whatever."

Did he say something more than that?

Nope. That's all he said.

Doesn't seem that bad.

I mean the passive aggressive bit was shitty, but he didn't crow about it for an hour, as he easily could have.

No, he was being his usual passive aggressive self when talking about O&A. Again, I think Opie has to say something when a caller brings up what he said, and it's not like they spent the entire show on it.

LMAO I love posts like this. Cry more, faggot!