DL Hughley's joking comments about (paraphrased from memory) "Anthony got his ass kicked by a black chick" was ignored by Opie and Jimmy.

4  2014-07-16 by ryanasimov

Sure, it was a joke but it seemed like the usual kid-glove treatment of DL was really exaggerated today.


He also said "Black people are the most educated people in America."

Did the whole room burst out laughing?

If I recall, Opie said bullshit after that comment. He said it jokingly, but at least it wasn't ignored.


Correction: "Black Women are the most educated people in America."

I don't understand what he meant because he didn't give a reason as to why he made such a statement.

By "educated" he means black guys teaching them a lesson.

Fire this man!

I think a subreddit ban is necessary. Comments like this are abhorrent and don't represent our views here...

Yeah that or we can grow some testicles.

I was joking

The downvotes were ironic

I take being told to grow balls seriously. I already have two and getting another set is going to be uncomfortable and potentially bad for my health.

I cant convince you that i knew you where joking. I was just keeping the joke going. Noticed i said we should grow some testes.

:-( I'm ashamed of myself

I've let the Opie and Mike Tyson show down

Dont be ;)


Not really. No one is banishing him to the woods. Voicing your opinion even by downvotes is totally fine.

Topshelf Antism you ask me.

I think it is because they have a highest percentage of their race/sex in college. Although the degrees attained, college performance and overall intelligence seem suspect to me.

Yeah, being enrolled in a college doesn't correlate to intelligence or how educated a person may truly be.

I see those DeVry commercials. Black women, all of em.

Agreed. College actually indicate absolutely nothing.

I worked in Atlanta with some college degreed black women, and with that said, I respectfully disagree with D.L. Hughley.

Edit: Point is, education does not equal intelligence.

He never mentioned intelligence. He said "educated". I agree with you though. Education doesn't necessarily add to your worth or your ability to raise decent human beings.

Completely agree. College isn't hard. Just show up to class, study a bit and it's almost impossible to fail out. Of course, this is dependent on your major.


Well the matter at hand is the term "educated." DL claimed that black women are the most educated. However he gave no falsifiable (verifiable) definition for "educated" therefore we must choose something that is verifiable like percent with at least a bachelor's degree.

If you can come up with another metric for evaluating education then by all means, please enlighten us.

Sounds like DL could use some education himself.






I still think he's wrong. Asians or whites, I would think, would be the most educated people in America. I am saying this without looking at stats, but just an educated guess.

No see that would be the opposite of an educated guess.

Hey idiot, regardless, my guess was correct. but good for you, adding nothing as usual.

"the Census reports 50 percent of Asian American over age 25 have at least a bachelor's degree, as well as 34 percent of white Americans, 20 percent of African-Americans, and 14 percent of Hispanics."

That's not an educated guess. You guessed.

Common sense was the education behind my assumption. I was right. What is your point?

That's a hunch at best shithead.

You're going to sit here all day and try to be argumentative over something that has zero impact on your life, but while doing so, your grammar has been atrocious. Do I call you out on it? No, I don't give a fuck if you can't write correctly. But I do suggest you learn how and when to appropriately use a comma.

You used educated guess when you were just guessing. All to sound authoritative about something no one gives a shot about.

except for you, obviously.

You're cunt-hurt because you were laughed at.

People laughed at me? By whom? You? Anyway, I was right and that's all that really fucking matters. Good night, sweet cheeks. I've wasted more time than I should have on you.

No shit.


He is absolutely wrong in saying black women are the most educated people in this country, as stated below. While black women currently comprise the largest group of people enrolled in college, that does not take into account the people who have graduated or attended college in the past. Asians overwhelmingly are the most educated people in this country, followed by whites.

"the Census reports 50 percent of Asian American over age 25 have at least a bachelor's degree, as well as 34 percent of white Americans, 20 percent of African-Americans, and 14 percent of Hispanics."


I find this a little difficult to believe.


Relax, I'm not arguing. Just saying it's hard to believe. Bunch of sensitive girls in here today.

Found a few websites that state that black woman comprise the highest % of enrollment in college (currently, or within the last ten years); however, if you took our population of 350 million and compared it across race and gender, the statistics would be much different.

"Only 4 percent of blacks age 25 or older in 1962 had a college degree, while 10 percent of whites did. In 2012, 21 percent of blacks had a college degree and 31 percent of whites did, meaning the gap grew from 6 percentage points to 10 percentage points."

Overall, white people are more educated, but in our current state, the largest % of people attending college are black women, which does not equate to black women being the most educated people in the country.

This link only has stats up to 2010, but there's no way they closed the gap with Asian men in the meantime http://www.census.gov/compendia/statab/2012/tables/12s0230.pdf The current enrollment stats mean that maybe someday black women will be the most educated group, but as it stands, it's the asians.

Are they calling Everest Institute a University now?


I'd like to know where this data comes from. How could you collect data and infer this fact? Just a number of college-educated women? I know a lot of people who have college educations and they are dumb as fucking rocks.

He never gave any source and the two dipshits interviewing him did not ask for this from DL or the hole he brought in with him.

It from the 2010 census coupled with data compiled from some study done by a national educational foundation. It takes into account enrollment, not graduation.

Enrollment doesn't necessarily mean education. What a meaningless point made by DL.

No doubt it was pointless. What is weird is that in the same study, white men are second to last in terms of enrollment, where white Hispanic males are dead last. If you look at a different set of numbers, the gap between white men and black men who have college degrees shows a 10% disparity, where white men are clearly in the lead.

They don't produce the raw numbers in the study, just show a graphic, and as an analyst myself, I can manipulate figures to benefit either side, regardless of what the numbers support. So, without seeing the actual raw data, I think it's bullshit.

Meant Hispanic, not white Hispanic.

Of course, the study is flawed or as you say the results have been massaged to support the hypothesis. I hate that shit.

It from the 2010 census coupled with data compiled from some study done by a national educational foundation. It takes into account enrollment, not graduation.

She "schooled" Ant.

Agreed, she really rung his bell...

He said in 'our society' re hear it. Meaning the black community.


DL was great. Dudes fucking funny and stands by Ant even though he thinks he might be a racist. Don't know why you guys are bashing him.

Because they wanted over the top uncle tom lip service, and they were let down. They're all for opinions, just not someone else's.

Im not a big fan of DL comedy. But i did like the discussion today, he didn't agree with what happened to ant whilst not coming off like he was kissing ants ass. He was being honest and people on here have a problem with that which is funny because thats all they ever complain about on the show.

Fans are getting really sensitive when it comes to Ant.

*ant fans, and have always been sensitive when it comes to ant.

This is along the lines of what Norton means when he said if given days to goof on it, Ant would have been saved.

Jimmy is talking about it now on his advice show.

Getting your ass kicked by a women and not beating a woman are two different things. However i wasnt there and i dont know if Ant tried to fight back.

Would you, though? Can you imagine the backlash there would be if you dented some bitch's snout or broke her arm because she was attacking you? No one would ever believe you and now, in addition to being a racist, you're also a woman-beater. You just can't fucking win!

Add to that, it seems the only witnesses would have been 5 black people who likely would never take your side against a poor ho/stripper admitting that she instigated the fight.

They also ignored his racist joke about Asian drivers.

I usually like DL but this was one of the few funny things he said.

Care to reword that?

How's this? DL is usually funny on the show; today he was not.

Fair enough. I think he got some good lines out and considering how openly he spoke about race shit and Ant I still like him plenty.

I'll give him this, he always speaks openly about race. He's very honest and doesn't read any bullshit into it. Maybe that was his main point while on the show which is fine but he just wasn't as funny as I have come to expect from him.

DL is one of the worst guests ever on the show. Always boring as fuck, and those unwelcomed weird points of view.

Maybe because they're still kind of sore they lost a partner over something so goofy.

I know some of you think he's funny. I think DL Hughley is a predictable race baiter who has never made me laugh ever.


I cringed so hard when he said that Anthony tweeted "something about a race war and the whites are losing" Ughh. I really really hate when people form opinions without having the most basic info on a subject.

Are you talking about Anthony or DL, because I'm pretty sure Ant did tweet something like that. He certainly has said it on the show before.

Yes, I believe his exact tweet was something like "It's a battle, and white people are losing."

Culture war.

I agree, the Whites are in fact winning. Good point.


Bring on the ACShow I say, someone needs to put these fucking youths DING DING in check.


Another autistically racist chase to the bottom of 'edgy', as usual.


I agree.

He even said the most Americans who died were from each other. YEA ASSHOLE IT WAS CALLED THE CIVIL WAR.

GET simple facts straight and don't filter everything through racial motivation. He even misquoted Anthony, which changes the point entirely.

He even said the most Americans who died were from each other. YEA ASSHOLE IT WAS CALLED THE CIVIL WAR.

Hughley is right. Both white and black families were divided by the Civil War.

Educate yourself, you ignorant fuck.

That wasn't his point idiot, he was talking about human casualties of Americans were mainly done by Americans.


Why did you bring up the Civil War?

BTW, did you crunch the numbers? Shitloads of Americans died in WWI, WWII, Korea, Viet Nam, Iraq I, Iraq II and Afghanistan.

I haven't crunched the numbers, so I'm legitimately asking if you know WTF you and DL are allegedly talking about.

His main point was about gang violence and saying American on American violence.

I'm not speaking about American casualties in general, but ones done upon the other. And so was he.

Again, why did you mention the civil war? Approx 610,000 people were killed during the Civil War.

Americans generally kill one another at the rate of 13000-15000/annually since 2008.

I'm too lazy to go back further, but the math is not on your side re: Civil War.


Good luck. We're all counting on you.

Steve Harvey, while not my style of comedian, at least knows how to put himself in a position to be funny. Hughley is as out of place as Tom Papa on O&A.

Tom Papa would not have put money down for Intern David getting a happy ending.

Fire this man!

Topshelf Antism you ask me.

*ant fans, and have always been sensitive when it comes to ant.