
0  2014-07-16 by [deleted]

I haven't been a daily listener in maybe over a year now, so what's with the Roland hate? I feel I missed something.


He's an arrogant prick who feels he's better than everyone else due to his ability to eat more than the rest of the population. His voice is annoying, he books predominantly shit guests, has tits and he uses his fragile emotions to hold people hostage when it comes to tearing him to him.

He should really take a look in the mirror at himself, but he can't, because they don't make mirrors that big.

Short version:

  • He's a disgusting slob
  • He's sensitive, so nobody bashes him like the rest of the staff. Even O&A would hush themselves when they started digging in
  • He books TERRIBLE guests like the Cronut Guy
  • He is the reason for all the awful food segments, just so he can stuff his fat face
  • He has no on-air ability


Don't forget he's an obnoxious "foodie" who brought his own special desserts to an ERock-hosted party, and looks down at and refers to normal food as "pedestrian".


The big incident recently was Roland after months of build-up, not booking the cronut guy to come in. The cronut guy wasn't sure about coming on the show because he thought they were making fun of him, and Roland was just like "Well, alright then." because he didn't want to ruin his relationship with him.

Jimmy was rightfully pissed off, and O & A were annoyed/confused but there was very little bashing of him on air because they don't want to upset Roland, even when he blatantly fucks up.

His "relationship." Ha. Roland is a junkie and he didn't want to piss off his favorite pusher. Crackheads are more dignified.


KaveMonkeyKram summmed it up pretty well.

Have you watched that scene in Platoon were that obese sergeant is gunned down by the over running VC? Wish he could recreate that. Roland is a horrible shit head.

He books a has-been reality star and his dumb family on the day that they come back on the air after what was a nuclear holocaust for the show.

It wont take long for you to wish cancer on that turd.


KaveMonkeyKram summmed it up pretty well.