Ant would have re-signed.

12  2014-07-16 by snoopkhat


Of course they would have, it's how it's always been at XM. The management complaints increase during contract renewal years then come October, they re-sign and do it all again for another 2 years.

Did anyone think they wouldnt? They were going to be poster boys for XM in 2015...

Anthony has really let himself go. Shit and Beavis turned into a puppy.

Easily said on this side of the incident. In an alternate universe, they'd have run their mouths between now and October, ultimately resulting in a week off air as a show of force, and a triumphant return the following Monday with talks of a new studio and how they beat the maaaaan. In other words, the same, different year.


2014-07-15 20:35:20 UTC

RT @KyleJBaird:you hope to work w/Op & Jim again? ..seem to think u'd rather go alone.

-Yes, I'd have re-signed. I wasnt LOOKING for an out

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