Howard Stern comments on Anthony's firing [7/14/14]

0  2014-07-15 by [deleted]



I was actually surprised that Opie didn't spend more time on this today. If they didn't have a studio full of home run hitters he prob would have torn into Howie for a good 30 minutes.

I can believe he's never heard the show, he has his staff listening though, and reporting to him whenever his name is brought up.

Not knowing them is a lie, though - Ant hung out with him in Atlantic City, and I believe Opie has met with him, too, in the past. Their shows, crew-wise, are friendly with each other, and all of them have said Robin has been very friendly to them in the halls and in the elevator. Gary I think is on their shit list, because he used to hang around the studio to try and steal guests, but they all know him, too. There's no WAY he doesn't know them, at least casually and by sight.

I hope to god this kicks Opie and he becomes The Destroyer. Fuck this wig wearing horse fucking asshole. He didn't know them, didn't he put a fucking gag order on them??


wiggie needs more compression on his voice. quivers, hurry up and die already. fred, fuck off with that fake laugh, that's cancer cunts job.


Laughable. It's so clear that he is/was threatened by O&A but equating Robin with Ant was like comparing Ed McMahon with Carson. Ant was never a sidekick, replaceable, or a stupid laugh track for someone else.

The other problem with Howie is that he fails to see that there was always plenty of room for both shows. By being a bitch about the situation instead of realizing "this could easily be me", and maybe discussing how the situation was shitty ala Adam Corolla and others, just makes me think of a jealous, insecure girl who lost a prom queen vote.