just for shits and giggles...

0  2014-07-15 by [deleted]

without knowing shit about ant's contract... does anyone know if LFTC could be considered a violation of any possible non-compete clause?

and also...

why the fuck can't ant sue for wrongful termination?

i mean he didn't say anything directly racist, in fact if what he says is true (and i do believe every word of it), he showed incredible restraint in not at least drawing his gun on that pig when she was yelling racial slurs and attacking him...

seems like the complete opposite of "abhorrent behavior"

shit, while we are at it... defamation of character in the wording of his termination?

i'm not a lawyer, so feel free to rip this all to shit... but hey why the hell not. i mean fuck em right, what else does he have to do... put that "fuck you" money to good use.


Ant said he no longer has any contractual obligations

It's all a big confusing mess. He was fired and I would guess that means he is no longer bound to his contract. Ant is supposedly going to sue SXM for the rest of the money owed to him. I guess it all boils down to what is in the contract and what parts of the contract were broken by both of them. It will all come out soon, and I'm guessing that SXM will win unfortunately. They can shell out for lawyers and keep it tied up for years.

He's a contractor not a salaried employee

He won't sue for wrongful termination, he'll sue for breach of contract, and based on what's been said, this is already happening

Basically he'll sue and get paid out for the remainder of his contract

Hoo Hoo. I invented suing SiriusXM, Robin.


My guess is they terminated his contract meaning they arent paying him so he can do w.e he wants. The no compete is only if they keep paying him i believe

Well Opie has said the past 2 days that they didn't fire him for his racist remarks. They fired him because of the "violent remarks" he made in his tweets. They also said that they didn't really read their contracts entirely so there is probably a morality clause in the contract that gives the employer the ability to terminate an employee if they exhibit conduct that the company deems immoral or against their image. I'm sure Ant had a lawyer look over everything and if he had a chance to sue and win they would have.

"why the fuck can't ant sue for wrongful termination? i mean he didn't say anything directly racist"

If it's a typical morality clause whether it is racist or not won't matter, they can just object to the morality of it. Contracts are written by lawyers to be as ambiguous as fuck.

As for Wrongful Termination, unless they messed up and breached termination language in his contract, he'd basically need to be able to prove he was let go for reasons other than their official statements (financial/personal revenge/political/etc...). With so little time left on his deal, that would be a tough sell. As long as they're being on the up and up, and they feel his behavior damaged the company, they can pretty much just fire him. They can be kneejerk, reactionary dummies as much as they want, as long as that's what they actually are. If he can prove they're being inconsistent, that's another grounds for a lawsuit. But, this is a pretty unique situation. "Your honor, as you can see, Martha Stewart was merely suspended when she said 'I hope a home boy beats her to death" in 2009...'"

Wrongful termination is tough, because in a lot of states you have to prove bad faith on behalf of the employer, and you have to prove you were fired for either doing something public policy supports, or refraining from doing something public policy doesn't support. ie. you were fired for whistleblowing, or you were fired for not sleeping with your boss. Ant doesn't really fit that element. Not sure what the elements are for New York.

Breach of K is likely the better option, but not having seen the contract, I don't know and neither do any of you.

If there was a non compete clause, I'd assume it was 30 days, which would explain his 8/4 LFTC launch.

He and SiriusXM have (or had) a contract. We don't know what's in that contract. So don't assume anything. I'm guessing they reserved the right to terminate him if made the company look bad. I would also guess that he has no further obligation to them now that he has been terminated.

without knowing shit about ant's contract...

The rest of your comments are irrelevant afterthat.
