Would you listen to an Anthony political show?

2  2014-07-15 by Antoby

When Ronnie suggested a bunch of directions Ant could take his show one of them was about turning the show into a right wing/libertarian show. Would you listen to his show if it was dominated by politics?


sprinkled in yes..dominated by no


Never mind Piers Morgan, I remember when D.L Hughly laid waste to Ants political views on race. Hughly was better informed,more logical and made Ant seem like even more of a fringe nutjob with his views.

A political show with just Ant on a rant by himself would be excruciating. But him inviting people who can inject some sanity into proceedings actually makes for good radio/podcasting.

Wrong. The way I saw that debate is that Ant just decided to back off since DL was a big celebrity and he didn't want to piss him off. DL kept hitting him with anecdotal nonsense and Ant had stats. You can tell any further escalation would have led to a loud angry argument so Ant respectively backed off. He lost the Piers one for sure.

Will give it another listen, but from what I recall, Hughly was just calmly making his points, nothing suggested it would have gotten out of hand in the least, plus I'm sure their prior relationship and the fact that Hughly is a comic would make Ant more at ease in such discussions, rather than holding back to avoid pissing him off.

If it was still funny, somehow...

He would need another voice to challenge him. I love Ant. I disagree with a great deal of his politics but I don't need to live in an echo chamber. I can enjoy listening to someone I disagree with. But if it's just Ant ranting all show with no in studio counter point, hopefully from someone who is funny, then I have a feeling I'd be bored a lot. He needs a fellow funny fuck who doesn't share his political beliefs to be on the show daily, or at least often, for the show to work for me. That and every show can't be nothing but a political talk fest. He best mix in some comedy with his political rants.


Nope, I have always disagreed with Ant on politics but loved the discussion that resulted because of his values. On his own show, at this point in time, he would be surrounded by credulous acolytes that would eat up all his views without any sort of debate


Totally. That's why I liked the original show.

Fuckin' niggers amirite?

Ants political problem is that it isn't that deep or thought out. He parrots what he hears. That's why he guests destroyed (Michael Moore, Piers etc) when arguing. He's a smart guy but politics isn't his strength.

Are you implying that Piers Morgan is smart? He is not. He is just a master of trying to trap you in debates and most of it stems from emotion and not logic so his skill comes more from debate style and not actual words and to me that does not denote intelligence.

Who said smarts. He mopped the floor with ant.


I'm hoping for multiple shows. A comedy show just about general shit, and then a political show with him and someone like Bill Burr discussing politics and world events. That would be amazing.

I would listen, but it wouldn't be my favorite show. I don't like listening to straight political talk. If Ant could make it funny occasionally then it would be worth it.


The answer to this will depend on where you stand politically. I would listen but a liberal would only listen to get mad.

Not entirely. The problem with Ant isn't his views but the fact that he can't have a discussion about them. He'll say his part all day long, but the way he acts when someone counters his argument is fucking annoying.

My point was that liberals would be unlikely to listen. I enjoy his political rants.

The only correct answer in this entire thread.

I support Ant. But one thing be and people on his side of the spectrum will need to learn is being louder and madder doesn't make you correct.

Well what if he had someone on his show that disagrees with him and isn't a Uncle Liberal like Alan Colmes?

Only if he resurrects Patrice.

Absolutely. Especially if they're as funny as Ant. That would actually be an awesome show— I love Ant's rants, when somebody is challenging him.

Ant ranting on his soapbox, all alone? Fuck that shit.

ok sure

No, there is enough talking heads on both sides. And they're all wrong.

I'd give it a shot. If it leaned more towards social and economic Libertarian than Republican warmongering and NSFW racial shit I'd be more interested. He can throw that other shit in but if it always dominated it would probably start to irritate me.

I certainly wouldn't pay for it. The world is lousy with political "commentary" for free.

absolutely not. if it was a serious take he would fail. when he get his "facts" come from sights like storm front or niggermania they will never be taken serious by rational adults. if he did it as a "john stewart for the right" as Ronnie B said it could work. most attempts at this by conservatives have failed cause they people arent funny or fast enough to adapt. the problem is ant havent been funny conservative since 2007, he just became a lunatic that spouts out nonsense most of the time



oh god yes

Absolutely. He's the only white guy in the media who has the balls to talk about blacks and tell people how he really feels

Wrong. The way I saw that debate is that Ant just decided to back off since DL was a big celebrity and he didn't want to piss him off. DL kept hitting him with anecdotal nonsense and Ant had stats. You can tell any further escalation would have led to a loud angry argument so Ant respectively backed off. He lost the Piers one for sure.