Who thinks Opie, Jim and Ant will be doing a Podcast together?

1  2014-07-15 by pekingoose

Leave your name here.

Im compiling a list of fuckwits and dumb cunts.


I think they will all be together broadcasting as a team this time next year.

Opie said he wouldn't be doing some amateurish podcast at Anthony's house.

He wants a full, traditional studio.

Ant's studio is BETTER than their SXM studio. That said, I don't think Opie will be a regular on Ant's podcast.


Well Anthony's studio is set up for video.

Yes, it is. See pics from their SXM studio vs. Ant's basement studio.

Do you even listen to the show?

Do you remember the drama about the lights? Ant consulted a fucking lighting engineer. Idiots at SXM gave the boys some castoffs that made everyone look yellow.


I don't have your experience in A/V but...

I think some of the issues you mentioned could be overcome by using better hosts. Ustream is an 'ok' service. I always found it to be spotty - even in my own limited use.

If Ant can get HD quality A/V and host his own video on his site, he may be able to make a better production.

It won't help with acoustics or controls - but its better than what we've seen thus far.

Look dude, I have actually worked in pro top notch recording and TV studios

Congratulations. I'm very happy for you. Where you've worked has nothing to do with Anthony's home studio.

Have you been to the O&A studio at SXM? Have you been to Anthony's house?

I've not visited either place. I HAVE listened to O&A on SXM and I HAVE watched LFTC.

SXM has NO video and compresses the shit out of the talk channels to the point that there is nearly always some kind of audio distortion.

...every time I've watched LFTC it has sounded and looked awful. Audio has always been a distorted mess and the video...good god

Maybe you need a better internet connection. I watched the "storm of the century" LFTC episode on an old Dell desktop w/ a shitty wifi connection and the video and audio were crystal clear. The only time I've noticed bad audio on LFTC was during drunk karaoke, and I couldn't care less about that shit.

the logistics are non existent.

Please explain "non existent" logistics. I can't even begin to understand that jibberish.

lo·gis·tics ləˈjistiks,lō-/Submit noun the detailed coordination of a complex operation involving many people, facilities, or supplies.

The "logistics" of LFTC consists of Anthony sitting at a control panel/board.

You can't control anything if you're not sitting in Ant's chair, there are no secondary booths anywhere, there's no option to screen phones...

Did it ever occur to you that this might be by DESIGN? Ant wants to run the show. Perhaps he doesn't want to pay someone to screen phone calls & run a secondary booth. Why would he need to do either on the fucking internet?

...the hosts and the guests have to sit right next to each other facing the camera etc. etc.

Oh, like on virtually every fucking TV talk show ever? Granted, virtually every modern TV talk show has more than one camera, but the host and the guests have always been seated next to one another and they've always faced the camera(s).

Finally, have you ever listened to Bill Burr's Monday Morning Podcast? It's wildly successful & Billy boy can barely tie his shoes, let alone run a fucking board. Some of the best episodes have the shittiest audio quality.


OH SiriusXM HAS NO VIDEO. THANKS FOR THE INFO, BOBO! Yeah, the satellite feed is not perfect.

You should have stopped there, sir. The web player and app are the 2 biggest pieces of shit SXM has ever rolled out. Do you even listen to the show? Listeners and the boys have bitched about the web player and app for YEARS! Also, the O&A channel is often distorted when even the weather channels are crystal clear.

You need a pair of ears. If you have actually watched LFTC stuff and can't hear the distortion...

I just googled LFTC audio distortion. Nothing on the first page of google search results even related to Anthony's show. Care to try again?

You really are a fucking idiot, aren't you?

Calling me names does not prove your point. Do you have a point, or are you just running off at the mouth/keyboard?

I noticed you dodged my response to your nonsensical "logisitics" argument. Care to expound on that one? I'm waiting with bated breath.

No, they are always seated so they are facing each other comfortably in an angle...

OK...Does that necessarily mean that they aren't seated next to one another and facing the camera?

Did you ever watch The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson? The host was seated at a desk to the left of the guests. The guests' chairs/couch/whatever were at a slight angle, but they were all seated next to the host and faced the camera.

The same is true for Letterman, Leno, Kimmel, Fallon, Conan, Kilborn, Stewart, Colbert,Larry King, pretty much every talk show that anyone ever gave a shit about.


My point was that if the content is good, people will overlook technical problems. Bill Burr is hilarious. He's also technically retarded, but that doesn't stop his fans from downloading the shit out of his podcast.


Emilio Estevez.


Jim might be semi regular but opie is dumb enough to think he deserves to host the tonight show. So thankfully he is out of the question

Marv Gresto

Turk February: A man of intrigue

Roe Cumia

Is that a Roe Conn joke? Well played. But wouldn't Anthony be the Garry Meier in that scenario?

I saw the title and was irritated.

I saw the first line and was about to tell you how dumb this was.

Saw the last line and was relieved, carry on.

Are you ever going to make a comment that scores in the positives? Faggot.

Are you ever going to move on and stop replying to my comments?

Boo Hoo I was down-voted.

Are you ever going to move on and stop replying to my comments?

Boo Hoo I was down-voted.

OH SiriusXM HAS NO VIDEO. THANKS FOR THE INFO, BOBO! Yeah, the satellite feed is not perfect.

You should have stopped there, sir. The web player and app are the 2 biggest pieces of shit SXM has ever rolled out. Do you even listen to the show? Listeners and the boys have bitched about the web player and app for YEARS! Also, the O&A channel is often distorted when even the weather channels are crystal clear.

You need a pair of ears. If you have actually watched LFTC stuff and can't hear the distortion...

I just googled LFTC audio distortion. Nothing on the first page of google search results even related to Anthony's show. Care to try again?

You really are a fucking idiot, aren't you?

Calling me names does not prove your point. Do you have a point, or are you just running off at the mouth/keyboard?

I noticed you dodged my response to your nonsensical "logisitics" argument. Care to expound on that one? I'm waiting with bated breath.

No, they are always seated so they are facing each other comfortably in an angle...

OK...Does that necessarily mean that they aren't seated next to one another and facing the camera?

Did you ever watch The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson? The host was seated at a desk to the left of the guests. The guests' chairs/couch/whatever were at a slight angle, but they were all seated next to the host and faced the camera.

The same is true for Letterman, Leno, Kimmel, Fallon, Conan, Kilborn, Stewart, Colbert,Larry King, pretty much every talk show that anyone ever gave a shit about.


My point was that if the content is good, people will overlook technical problems. Bill Burr is hilarious. He's also technically retarded, but that doesn't stop his fans from downloading the shit out of his podcast.