Why the video element today?

0  2014-07-14 by EskimoEscrow

They just popped up a camera like they should have done 5 years ago...
Why today? Do you think they will do it more often?


They couldn't have done this years ago and this is something the company cannot be happy with. It was a pretty genius idea because it's basically Opie himself providing a free way for listeners to watch the show which obviously is a huge no-no. This is the first of what I hope to be many subtle ways to piss off SXM and try to get themselves fired as well.

I like this theory.


Well Opie talked about how a lot of fans of the show cancelled their subs and it clearly bothered him. I think he did the free stream today so people who cancelled their subs could watch, hear Opie's breakdown of the situation and based on what they heard today he's probably hoping some of them decide to resubscribe to the channel. If management sees subs dropping and not picking back up they really have little reason to keep the channel around, and certainly no reason to keep paying big money to the talent.


he knew there were a shitload of "canceled subs" fans out there that canceled based on principal, while still wishing they could listen to Monday's show to figure out what the fuck was going on.

all those opie haters out there...once again he proved that he really does give a shit about the fans, and that he really could care less about what siriusxm thinks.

It was a big "event" and Ope wanted it documented so that it and/or sound bites would get out there with the bloggers and other news media. They need promotion now more then ever, especially with Anthony getting the most free publicity.

I'm guessing because of no more PalTalk. That was Ant's thing.

Because 437 listeners cancelled their subs and had limited ways to hear the show this morning.

So we can watch Jimmy eat blueberries.

Sense of history.


So we could watch Jimmy eat breakfast during a break. Zzzzz.