Final FU to the Show by SXM

0  2014-07-14 by Ptone79

By keeping O&J after firing Ant, SirusXM has more than likely killed the show for good. I doubt that they care about Jim, Opie's or the channel's success. They are just giving them enough hope so that they stay on and play nice while Ant does his own thing. I think they are looking to create enough of a division between them so that working together after the show expires won't happen. They have already created a division with the fans, some who feel that O&J should have walked. If they fired the entire show the three of them could have jumped right into podcasting and the majority of the fan base would have followed. Now, by the time the contract is expired Ant will be established in his show which will make it harder for the O&A brand to come back.


Harder? No, silly goose. It will be easier. No "US only" bullshit, they can reach an international audience. No lawyers. They can have WOMEN in the studio again. The best years of their shows were when they had free reign to entertain themselves, and thus, us.

Sirius hasn't divided anyone. They just made it impossible for anything of quality to happen on their platform, which is fucking idiotic. They really don't have a fucking clue to what they're doing.

If anything, I see Opie and Jim watching the freedom Ant has, and getting fired up to get the fuck out of Sirius.

They just need to work out the details. Opie admitted it, he knows a lot of podcasting people, he just hasn't pulled the trigger yet. Scared? Wants a couple more years of Sirius money? Who knows. I think if they can work out a studio they can all get to easily, that's not Ant's house, that will be the hardest thing to accomplish.

I really think, if they're motivated and want to take a chance, and put some real work into it, they could help drive podcasting to a new level. Carolla proved it could be profitable. Now someone needs to bring in the next level of advertising and distribution to make it really compete, salary-wise, with radio.

Kind of like what Louis did with his specials, with the "pay what you want" thing, and making it available everywhere. He really sent a panic through the media with that one, the days of the networks locking up content ended with that.

If I were them, or working with them, I'd be talking to places like Netflix to see if they could break into that platform. Streaming is the standard now, and if you can't get on Apple TV, Roku, the websites, and the Xbox/Playstation world, you're not getting to millions of potential viewers (yes, they'd need a visual element). See if they could get onto Pandora, or Spotify. Cover all of the content sites - Youtube, Hulu, Livesream, etc.

I don't get why everyone thinks O&A need a radio station (and one that doesn't give a shit about them) to be successful. And, it's the same noise everyone made when Carolla went indy - "Oh, he'll never make a dime" "Nobody will listen" "you can't do radio without radio". He proved them wrong.

That's if they have the energy and drive to try. That's the part nobody knows.

A lot of people don't understand how the limited reach of SiriusXM affects the audience. There are fans worldwide and many of them can only hear the show by pirating it.

They have already created a division with the fans

And these fans would be idiots, I canceled my SXM subscription because the show wont be what i've enjoyed but i'm not pissed at all that O&J didn't walk, the amount of money that it would have cost them i'm sure would have been pretty substantial. And who knows what else is in their contracts (non-compete? aka no podcasting until whatever date).

I agree and I hope most other fans do as well. Maybe it's just a vocal minority that's pissed at O&J.

A vocal minority is what got us into this mess in the first place.

Great point

I don't think XM cares anything even close to what you're giving them credit for. They don't give two shits about O&A and/or anything with the show.

Ant went off the deep end, they fired him. Once the contract is up, Opie will be lucky to get a token offer that both parties know wont be taken seriously, no pun intended.

It was never meant to last forever.

But enough about your marriage

I disagree on all counts. The one thing Jim and Opie said today was that Sirius had the option to fire all of them and explode the ship. There is not a huge talent pool of guys who can appeal to a broad national audience (maybe David Lee Roth). Anthony was the loose cannon in terms of the race card and Sirius did what it felt like they had to (which is purely disgusting) however there was never a plan to implode the show. There are not many other possible options to replace it with.

When he said they had that option to fire them all it made me think of this. If they had the option to get rid of them all why keep the one that bitches about management the most? I don't think they care if they don't have anything to replace them with.

Sure, they had that option. But that would also leave them, XM/Sirius exposed to a much bigger and much, much more costly lawsuit. If they knew they could cleanly get rid of all of them, it would have already been done.

The facts of Ants dismissal probably precluded them from feeling confident about firing them all. Without knowing exactly is in the wording of their contracts, they probably felt it to be a more reasonable risk to just get rid of Ant as they are only a few months away from being done with O&A completely. Having said that, I'd bet dollars to cronuts that Ant gets a settlement from his firing. We'll find out down the road for sure, but the cost of settling as opposed to going to court would put the odds heavily in Ants favor, in my opinion.

He almost certainly has a "play or pay" clause.