O & A is now O & J...is the on demand for this show gone??

0  2014-07-14 by Littlebigjohn1


I feel like O&J need either a comic every day or Sam and Erock helping out on mic to keep it interesting

I thought you said keep it interesting. Sam and Opie's back and forth is horrendous

Big Scorch, Little Scorch.....Big Show Ate It......

Sam's the best broadcaster on the planet and I rely on him to bring all wrestling bits to the show

Digging this hole even deeper, are ya?

They should do big Opie, little opie with sam as little opie. THAT could be funny.


Hey I'm just spit-balling here. Bring back AJ poopyshits. They should invite Scorch on to get his take on the Anthony firing. Put Bobo on third mic as a goof. Instead of wheel of meat, wheel of bread with different breads like Rye or whole wheat. Have gang members on to talk about their struggles, every week a guest gang. Get the consumer on as a permanent food segment. Get Jim to perform awful impressions. Have Nicole on to talk about monster pedicures. Natty Ice and churros day. COME MAN THINK OF IDEAS TO KEEP THE SHOW ALIVE DON'T JUST SAY UGH! /s

Your second idea is ATROCIOUS


WITH O AND J IN THE MORNING ::whacky horn::


It's listed as Opie with Jim Norton. Today's episode hasn't been added to the OnDemand section yet.

I haven't seen it on there but it hasn't been long. Also, it states that the show is only 4 days a week now. I am hoping this works out because it's all I listen to at work m-f.

I think it's going to be the best show ever from here on in, brotherman.

I'm all in!