Ant's new show: # wills work: I think

0  2014-07-14 by [deleted]

Ant's new show should be financially feasible. 12k listeners(low estimation) paying 7$/month with no advertisers is 1 million bucks. Without advertisers.

Yes- not what he was getting paid, but room for a couple hundred grand and complete control and ownership+only 2 hours monday-thursday


12k sounds about right.

Did he say its a 2 hour show 4 days a week? Did he say 7 bucks?

Yes, he said 2 hours 4 days a week and I believe he said under 7 or around 7.

I'm fuckin excited about it.

Ant's plan is moving along swimmingly. No wonder he's been happy as a clam since the "attack".

Why does everyone think it will be $7/month? Has Ant said this?

yea,he said it on twitter this morning.


12,000 x ($)7=$84.000 x 12 months = $1,008,000.... So if we can push the sub numbers to 50K, we could get the whole show back?

Lets get marketing boyz!

I swear people in this sub have the financial sense of Daniel Kurlan.