It's gonna start getting weird in a few days.

26  2014-07-14 by EskimoEscrow

Today I felt like I kept waiting for Ant to chime in, even though I know he's gone. Whenever there was a mention of an impression or something, I thought, "Anthony would say 'this' here"...
As time goes on, the absence of Anthony is going to become more and more apparent, and there's just no suitable replacement.
This sucks, I don't think it's really sunk in that he's gone for good.


The moment it happened for me was when Jimmy mentioned Imus and said he couldn't do the impression. I waited for Ant to chime in and...nothing.

we need Soundboard Anthony

Actually, that would be a hilarious way to tribute Ant. Just chop up a few thousand of his quotes and impressions and put them on the soundboard. I'd laugh.

"There's 7 dicks in my ass, and there's always room for 8!"


Even just an "AUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGHHHH" would be nice

What we need is for Ant to call in as Dice but referring to himself as Snoopy.

Just do what they did with Chef on South Park. Except not have Ant murdered by a bear and tiger (lion?).

Same for me. As soon as Jimmy tried to do that impression I knew the show has a lot of work to do to try and get by without Ant.

The only man who can carry this last minute touchdown to erotic completion..Well, his name rhymes with DENNIS FALCONE.

"I'm sorry I did that."

100% i had the exact same feeling right there.

I heard that too. And they just kind of dropped it and moved on. I think it was probably a sad moment for the boys.

There's gonna be a lot of those. Ant had an impression or go-to bit for almost every occasion.

Dice, Vince, Carson, Gilligan, All three Stooges, a ton of other old TV and radio characters including a peerless Hindenburg crash announcer, half of the more memorable departed staff and friends of the show, a line delivered in the right voice at the right time for many different caller names (Hello Bill... / Hi John? How did it happen? / MIIKE!), Springsteen, most of the good E-rock jokes, and so many other topics are going to become sad unfunny minefields.

It may even be time for the inappropriate bell to take its place in the hall of fame right beside the wiffle ball bat.

I was surprised by the lack of chemistry between Opie and Jim. Go listen back to other GRIM shows to see. I think Lil' Norton senses that Opie has a very thin skin and does takes jokes to heart. All comedians that are friends of the show pull back on him for the same reason. For example, if Jim would thrash him for his dumb chain your dragon video,the mood in the studio would get weird,like you made a wrong joke in front of your aunt or something. The opposite is true for Jim&Ant,where it was apparent that they like each other more as a person and are cool with bashing each other for their faults. Opie is just a weird guy.

I think the overall weirdness of the situation played a huge part in today's show. It's not like they could jump right back into being what they were in the past.

Agreed. It's like the Patrice or Otto show where everyone was deflated.

Holy shit, it's like everyone expected them to perform like automatons while their business partner/friend got hatcheted.

It was plenty weird today. Oof! Tough to listen to.

I can't be the only one to think that Dan soder would be a perfect stand in for ant. Obviously not gonna hit the beats that ant would, but would atleast do what ant did for the show in his own way.

Enough with this Dan Soder shit! Ant's irreplaceable, and Soder is given way to much credit by some of you moron's, he's already said he wasn't interested. The show as we've known it is dead for now! Move the fuck on and live with it!!

Language sweetie.

So odd youre on every post about o&a saying people are morons and obsessed with the show. How Dat own troll dick taste baby biiitch.

Hush up

I think it'll start to get better in a few days. Today was the big "elephant in the room" discussion, and everyone was uncomfortable and weird.

Ant's been gone on vacation/sick leave for a week or more, and the show went on, just like the times when Opie was out. Once everyone gets over the "this is weird" feeling, the show will go on.

They'd be wise to stack the show (if possible) the rest of the week with guys like Vos, Colin, Soder, Kelly, etc if any of them are around the NY area that is. As much as i love Ant they really just need too hit the reset button tomorrow and jump into music, tv, movie news, the consumer, do whatever you can to occupy the listener's ears with stuff so they dont think of Ant.

Your right. I keep treating it like Ant is drunk in his house and is taking a day off and will be back tomorrow.

You are probably pretty accurate about the Ant is drunk in his house part

Jimmy looked sad when he tried to do the Imus impression and not hearing, 'MIKE!' when Opie went to one caller was strange.

It's already weird.

weird news!

i think we're all in a bit of shock, it wont sink in for a while.

i always listen to old shows and now those will just depress me.

I hear you on that. The silver lining to the boys having been around for so long is that there is thousands of hours of past content available but it is still way to depressing to listen to.

This seems like that children's movie about the basketball team from the ghetto school who keeps beating the rich schools, but before the big game the team captain gets shot to death because his older brother is a drug dealer who pissed off a rival gang. And then at the last minute of the game his ghost comes back and starts playing basketball really well and wins. But some angry white guy calls the ghost a nigger and loses his radio job.

This post sure was an emotional rolly-coaster. I say film it.

I am going just starting to listening to the show every day from 3/19/2014 forward like nothing happened. The belle knox interview was hilarious. The Lady DI internship is a good place to start until the contract renews... or not....

"gone for good"

Don't be melodramatic. They'll be back together in a few months.

Wow, never considered that.

Haven't heard the show yet, waiting to listen to it with my lady, but it seems like this really could be the end. I'm probably wrong like always, but I don't see them re-signing their contracts to go past October, and I also don't think they'll go all the way to Ant's house every day to do a podcast.

waiting to listen to it with my lady

I thought you were gay?


Jimmy attempted an Imus impression then caught himself... So weird. You really do hear the spots were Ant would have chimed in.

A few seconds of dead air and I began cursing like Curse Man hisself.



Broke my heart </3

why'd you name your dog "Lady?"


I had a dog named "Lady!"

I didn't think they would re-sign either. But after listening today, it sounds like anything goes at this point.

Tell her thanks for fucking up the show. Next time she's selling her ass in Times Square, leave the white people with expensive cameras alone!

and I also don't think they'll go all the way to Ant's house every day to do a podcast

It's an absurd premise.
