Thank God for Ron Bennington

82  2014-07-14 by EskimoEscrow

He's always got a great take on any situation. That man knows how to steer a ship. He brought some much needed levity to today's show.


Whenever he was talking instead of the stream of drunk at 7am retarded callers, the show was actually listenable. I hate this fanbase.

These callers are such rambling shitdicks.

Today we realized the importance of the phone screener, even if most of the callers on a normal day are still terrible. This was downright painful.

It's amazing how they could listen to Princess Di for years and, when they get on the air, do the same rambling retard act.

"Lady" Di, shit-dick.

I was listening via the livestream on youtube so until halfway thru brother Joe's calls the audio from the callers couldn't be heard (dummy Sam didn't think to put headphones near the camera so the audio could be picked up until people on the youtube chat repeatedly suggested it). All this to say, I was actually pretty god damn happy to not hear the callers. Then when they finally get the phone audio going I got to hear half a call from Brother Joe, Bobo, and Lady Di.

I don't think they would have filled their full time if Ronnie didnt come in. Opie is so defeated.

Opie: what does your brother do? Ron: coke

This line was the only thing that actually made me laugh.

"You guys are Cream without Eric Clapton" - Ouch

Perfect analogy though. They both know it anyways. Bruce and Ginger were alright too. He didn't say Jimi Hendrix Experience without Jimi Hendrix at least.

Heh, I always thought Baker and Especially Bruce are what made Cream great.

Baker! The machine that drove Cream!

It depends on whether I'm on a bass kick or a drum kick. At the moment I'm on a bass kick.


I would love for Ron to leave his show and join Opie and Jim. As much as I love Anthony....Ronnie B's right up there man

I'd think about subscribing again if Ron joined full time.

Ron's been doing a solo show for a while, so he knows what's up

Well you know SXM recently banned Centaurs and Muppets from the building so whos he gonna cohost with?

I'm hoping that today was the first of many Ron appearances on whatever this new show is. Perhaps even a permanent spot in the future.

I'd love for Ron to be on the show permanently.

Opie's joke about doing radio without Ant being akin to Ron doing a show with Fez was good.

Ron on 3rd mic?To what end? The core of the show's audience cancelled their subscriptions. Sirius isn't going to put money into this, and make big changes like that, not right now. They're not going to get new listeners. This new show is talking to a much smaller audience than they were.

As much as I'd like to support them, fuck SirusXM.

First and foremost - I am aware that this situation is highly unlikely. Ron is too loyal to Fez to ever do Opie's show on a permanent basis - even if Ron just picked up Op's show in addition to his duties on R&F, the implication would kill Fez. Regardless, I think it'd be best for both audiences considering that the quality of both shows are in decline. R&F's move to RawDog has been a disaster and the consquences of losing Anthony don't even need to be stated. While I'd love to see Opie and Ron work together for the duration of Opie and Jim's time at Sirius, I doubt it'll happen.

The core of the show's audience cancelled their subscriptions.

I would say that the majority of O&A fans did not cancel. Either way, it's conjecture.

To what end?

To salvage two shows that are both currently train wrecks.

Sirius isn't going to put money into this

If done correctly, it would likely save the company money by reducing redundancies and non-functioning talent (i.e. Fez).

make big changes like that, not right now.

I never said that it was a likelihood - I just stated that I would love it.

They're not going to get new listeners

I would argue that it'd be a move for listener retention rather than growth. Talk Radio fans (that have not already dropped their subscription) may decide to if the two non-Stern talk shows continue to fall apart.

Yes. As much at it would hurt, Fez needs to be cut loose. Ron would totally usher in a beautiful new era for the O&J/R. OJR? JRO? Whatevs tsss.

I liked the suggestion of "Norton & Friends".


I'd like to see more of a merger between the shows.

Opie - Co-host

Ron - Co-host (replaces Ant)

Jim - 3rd mic

Pepper Hicks - 4th mic (replaces Sam)

Fez - Guest booker (replaces Roland)

Rest of O&A staff stays the same, although I do admit I miss the days when things were Than-tastic!


Meh, I prefer Ron Pennington.

My money's on Rom Bangton - Pepper's been plugging that guy for months, on and off.

I don't know who that guy is, but BL really likes some guy named Benny.

Bobbi Pennington?


Ronny couldn't save this nightmare.

Opie seemed intent on phoning it in with shit callers, including the useless Bobo and Lady Di, for no real reason than to waste time.

I am not an Opie basher, but he sucks alone, not even Ronnie can save this sinking ship. I would rather hear Danny Ross best of, it would have annoyed me slightly less.


"ok fezzie, you got the 8-10am block"

"...i got nothin'"

Fez and his cat 12-2

"Coo-kie, Coo-kie, Coo-kie...Kiss....Kiss"

This might be the best idea yet.

Unfortunately this makes way, way too much sense for ShiriusXM to give it a shot.

Do an hour crossover everyday too

Ronnie B is a god among men.

Ronny B is a clutch player

"What happened to halter tops?" "Is orange the new black or is black the new black?"

perhaps opie was just told how many subs were cancelled



Funny how utterly humorless Opie can be.

I love shitting on Opie as much as the next guy, but come on, today was his biggest reminder that he lost the guy that took him from Opie's Night Time Attitude to being coast to coast.

I hope this isn't a harbinger of shows to come.

get your OJ in The Mornings on SXM.

I'll assume everybody else read that in Denny's voice too

That comes from years of being an experienced broadcaster.

From our family to yours

The best news today is that R&F are likely moving back to the O&A or whatever channel.

or Ron to leave his show and join Opie and Jim. As much as I love Anthony....Ronnie B's right up there man

Did they really say that? It seems pointless if the channel is getting canned in a few month. That would mean there show would switch channels 3 times in one year. It would be a terrible programming choice.

Opie said it would be a good move. He wants the Opie channel.

Sirius stands for jokes about rape-able pre-teens. That's what this company represents.

And if it involves homosexual acts such as Go Go Harder, Sirius is ALL-IN.

Ron and Opie.

fuh deh show.

I don't listen to Ron but I liked the energy he brought to the show today, it was badly needed. It was like a team without a point guard before he came in and basically took control of the show. The biggest laugh I had from the show today was when he busted their balls.

If the funeral atmosphere continues tomorrow, they better have someone who can come and lift the spirits as the moping is going to get old really fast.

Ron Bennington is the greatest broadcaster of all time

I love Ron on OnA but for some reason I can't get into Ron & Fez

It was so uncomfortable listening to Ron paint Ant as the real talent and the one guy, while those two schmucks try to hold a semblance of a show together. I mean, it's absolutely true, but it was so sad and really felt like a funeral. At least Opie seems like he doesn't give a fuck anymore - willing to stream, talk about shit, not taking it seriously - and is just riding his contract out into renovation or unemployment rather than pretending things are okay and that this is a chance to make the show better. Because we all know it's not - including Ron, apparently.

He saved the show a little bit today, but I would never be able to listen to a whole show of his blabber. If this was some experimentation with replacing Ant or something, it just showed how irreplaceable he actually is.

While everything Ron was saying was very accurate, that was more ball busting/joking around than anything.

I'm not a fan of Ron on R&F because of the annoying side characters and that he tends to feed his own ego at the expense of good radio over there. With O&J though, he was perfect. A comforting voice in this situation.

Not being a fan of Ron Bennington may be a sign of mental illness. I am not attacking you just suggesting you seek help.

On a serious note, what you heard on Jim and Gregs show is Ron all of the time. If you liked him there give Ron and Fez another chance. Ron has been going through losing a cohost for 7 years. And what it has proven that Fez has gone 99 percent mute is that Ron can carry a show himself.

Oh I like Ronnie B just fine. I just don't like when he gets too big for the room with the interviews with obscure musicians/actors. Bouncing off with comedic talent like he did today is what he is best at. And I get that the reason why R&F is hard to listen to isn't all on him.

Ron hasn't had that comedic talent to bounce off of since Fez checked out. I'm not going to lap Ron's balls like some do, but the man KNOWS radio. The shape his show is in now, is due only to his loyalty to Fez. This has hindered the R+F show greatly.

Pepper is good for a few lines and some odd chatter. Shelby is good for one liners. Ron has no one on his show to challenge him or engage him in either discussion or back and forth riffing. Whether I want it to happen or not, Ron would work well with O and J simply because he knows how to be good.

As for his ego, find me a radio/TV/media personality that doesn't have one. Sure his trips down music, travel or hipster culture can get tedious at times. R+F is is a different show than O+A...especially in recent years.

Ron could interview a house plant and make it interesting.

He literally has nothing to work with on his own show. His on-air staff is the reason why I can't listen, which is a shame because the man is a great radio personality when he is amongst equally talented people.

Pepper's ok, I would take him as a 4th mic on an ORJ show. I can't take the rest of those chuckleheads though, it's like a Romper Room on valium.

Speaking of an O&A/R&F merger, would anyone be down to replace Roland with Fez?

I'd be down with dumping Roland for Fez. It seems that Fez can still do behind the scenes work competently.

I used to like Pepper a lot more than I do now. I don't know. I just remember a time where I would look forward to the R&F show on a daily basis and now I only put it on if I'm extremely bored at work. Saving grace is unmasked, which can be accessed through Ron;s website.

yeah ron doesn't belong on the show at all, I just don't enjoy it with him there.

I agree with you, I just think he is a bore & don't find him interesting.

I like Ron, but only when he is messing with people. His stories just seem boring for some reason. Never got into the R&F show, just too many long pauses and fez is completely annoying and punchable. GAME OVER MAN! GAME OVER!

I have to disagree. There's nothing better than Ron's childhood stories.

just came back to say still boring...

Looks like people still disagree with you...

It's cool, I don't mind. Nobody is right either way, just a matter of preference.


Well maybe that type of show just isn't for you. It's struggling since it's move to Rawdog and having unknown comedians in all the time. However, even with Fez checked out...this had created a lot of good radio. Everytime I hear the dead air I find myself checking the app. It's just a different show than O+A was. I understand when people don't get, or like it.

It totally is not. I gave it a few chances but the long pauses and Fez's whiny voice freaking blow. I tried to like it because of the long connection to ONA.

just came to say it still sucks...

"You're cream without Eric Clapton right now" What a cunt he is.

Ron mentioned that before. Ant is Clapton... you want to create a super group, you take Clapton and.... ANY two other guys. Ron is right. Ant could work off of anyone. Don't attack the great Benny!

Ron on 3rd mic?To what end? The core of the show's audience cancelled their subscriptions. Sirius isn't going to put money into this, and make big changes like that, not right now. They're not going to get new listeners. This new show is talking to a much smaller audience than they were.

As much as I'd like to support them, fuck SirusXM.

It's cool, I don't mind. Nobody is right either way, just a matter of preference.