To all you fucking knee jerk cunts.

0  2014-07-14 by [deleted]

Do not ever fucking question opie's or Jim's loyalty.. Bunch of fuck cry babies.!!!!!


Excuse me OP, but could you please explain what happened? My SiriusXM radio fell down the stairs and it's subscription fell off.


Shut up.

I've never understood what 2 dots is supposed to be. Is that an over-punctuated full stop or not quite an ellipsis?

Just in case you're being serious, I believe the internet kids use it as a way of identifying a pause

I wasn't being serious, just felt like picking the most inconsequential part of this awful post to talk about. But it's odd right? I can't tell if it's supposed to be a pause or not, I just assume when I see it that whoever wrote it meant to put either 1 or 3 but messed up.


I'm sure you'd get on great with SoroushA, he seems like your kinda guy.

Nice to see you're already obsessed with me.



Are you asking me or telling me?



Wow! 6! Now that's gotta mean something really cool!
