Opie & Jim Norton: Sirius XM Fired Anthony Cumia (07/14/14)

66  2014-07-14 by stevenknight


"We cannot walk; we are under contract..." -- Opie & Jimmy, talking to a brick wall

[Followed by hundreds of tweets and comments accusing them of being greedy for not walking]

I know some O&A fans have a hard time absorbing and retaining information -- in some cases refusing to connect the dots (all two of them) to justify their hatred of Opie -- but for fucks sake, stop embarrassing yourselves.

The hypocrisy is off the charts.

Opie and Jim did the right thing. The money won't always be there. So they should take it while they can, just like everyone else would.

I don't know how people don't understand this.

Moreover, maybe Opie and Jimmy can get by on their own without Sirius, but what about the staffers they have working underneath them? Radio is a rough business these days, and while Sam, Erock, and crew are great (as much as we joke otherwise), they would be tossed to the wolves in a very tough job market. I think the job security of their staff was just as important a part of their choice to stay as the contract itself.

Sam will be fine, he's fairly legitimate show host now. ERock would probably be picked up to produce another show if he wanted, terrestrial or not. Who knows about the rest of the staff, probably go to Rock Star.

If you've never worked an actual job and have a generally loose grip on reality the power of a corporate contract could be lost on you.

Or that firings happen for the worst of reasons. I've worked in corporate offices for a long time, I've seen people let go for the simple reason the new CEO doesn't like them. And, if you work in advertising, at an agency, entire teams are fired if a big client decides not to renew, or they fail to get the account of a big company. It's brutal. And it's just as bad in radio, there are stories of how DJs have been fired ON AIR, because some suits decided to change the station format.

The reality is, employees in a corporation can be fired at any minute, for any reason, and there's nothing you can do about it. I've talked to ex-CEOs who say that if you want a successful career, get braced for at least one firing/layoff, it's just what happens these days. (And to always have 4 months of mortgage/rent in the bank at all times).

Because to a lot of people: morality>legality.


Anthony never called her a nigger, fuckface. Get your facts straight before running your mouth.

Well, not on twitter. I bet the car ride home was quite "colorful" though.

Yes, who could forget the immoral act of doing a show you're contractually obligated to do for the next three months. It completely flies in the face of the man who got fired and immediately gave them his blessing in complete understanding. Certainly grave acts are being committed this day, with the only remedy being O&J leaving Sirius so they can get hit by a massive lawsuit they couldn't even fight, and possibly losing everything.

You're completely correct. I cannot believe I never realized this before.

Relax, just playing DA

Benedict & Arnold In the Morning, fucking brilliant


Opie and...(Sam Roberts)

Opie and....Bobo

hahaha wtf

Good show. Opie comes off as level headed and sane. Jimmy is still funny as ever.

Fuck Sirius, man. What a hunk of shit company. I never heard o&a or Ron and fez before xm. Then o&a signed to xm. I don't think I ever changed the channel again. Then I remember Opie saying another show was coming. He said it was a husband and wife team. I wasn't happy. Then Ron an fez came on that day. Dammit the channel was so fucking good. I can remember driving through Texas and laughing so hard I hurt the next day because of Ronnie. I'm so pissed the way Sirius seems to have just dismissed them. Garbage company.

The Ron and Fez bit that got me hooked on them was the "How many 9 year olds could you beat up?"

That was a dammed good one.

Yeah, support Ant and everything. But he royally fucked his co-workers and the fans over with all this shit.

How did he screw over the show, SiriusXM has been fine with his rants for a long, long time. Only when the media made it a story did they have a problem with it. You now know WHY SiriusXM hasn't pushed O&A, because it's their dirty little secret that brings them in a lot of money. Who knows, maybe the media will do a little bit of research and find out SiriusXM supports pedophilia by employing Jim Norton who does pedophile jokes on a routine basis.

I think they're both dumb to be honest. Sirius is a shit hypocritical company, and Anthony went on a dumb rant on twitter that served no purpose but to get him fired. Everyone knows that on a nearly daily basis, especially since the apology bit started, it was brought up how shit twitter is, how many people fuck themselves over on twitter, how things on twitter get taken out of context.

This whole scenario is just lame as fuck :(

XM did suspend them for 30 Days in 07. Controversies like this will dissipate in a week. SiriusXM could have waited it out but they choose not to.

In a perfect world, companies would stand by their employees instead of throwing them under the bus. A wee bit of controversy on social media is enough to get you fired in this politically correct world we are living in.

SiriusXM is the one who fucked them over by firing him. Nobody was even pressuring them for a firing.

I agree that is dumb and Sirius is shit. But I also feel Ant's twitter rant in the first place was stupid. If anything I feel less bad for Ant and feel worse for the show and the people that work there and the fans. This is all a bummer. I'm gonna go read that pissy eyed post from the guy who cried yesterday to feel better about myself again.

You know what, dude? Go fuck yourself. Opie said today what made Sirius fire Ant was that there was violence was attached to the story.

So, in our "free" country, if you get beat up by a woman who is also a minority, and you TALK ABOUT IT - fired.

Fuck SiriusXM, fuck that mentality, and fuck you for supporting their craven, cowardly reason for firing him. You like that kind of politically correct bullshit? Go fuck yourself.

It's not politically correct to be rational about the fact that Anthony Cumia shares some of the blame for screwing over the show. He's supposed to be a professional broadcaster. Not just some angry, emotional dude on twitter.

thanks O&A fan

you know what, dude? go back to middle school and stop ruining the sub with this kind of crap, ant got fired because they didnt agree with what he said, it has nothing to do with free speech, yes you can say whatever you want, but in this FREE country employers are aloud to fire you for doing dumb shit.

of course me and everyone else here thinks its stupid, nobody here supports PC shit, but we seem to be in the minority, times are changing and theres nothing we can do about it, canceling your sub isnt going to make a dent in sirius's wallet.

ant fucked up big time and we're lucky we survived with him not being fired as long as he did, he could have been fired for any of his race rants if media picked it up, sirius is pretty cool for letting him say whatever he wanted the past 5 years.

Are you done whining yet?

Man this show stunk. Ant truly was the heart, soul, brains, and balls of the show. I hope they can get together for a podcast, which people have been saying for a couple years now would be the smart movie. If not, oh well, as long as Ant gets a good non-yes man to be his 2nd and 3rd mic it will be gold.

Opie dragging his feet as hard as possible to working together in the future. I don't think he really wants to. I honestly get the impression over the years that he doesn't really like him, considers himself above him. Which is pretty ludicrous. Considering Opie would be one of the generic DJs he loves to make fun of if he never had found Ant. Or, really, if Ant never found him.

I didn't get that from today's show at all, in any way, shape, or form. I don't get where you are hearing this. It's radio. We are listening to words. If we don't take what they say at face value, what is the point?

Opie said that his life was much better because of meeting Ant. He also said that they had been getting along really well lately, which made it more sad.

I think he is just lost right now about the future. There are too many variables.

Are you trolling, or did you not listen to the whole show?

perhaps you didnt listen. OPie doesn't know his future but he mad it pretty clear that it probably wont be with Anthony.

I think you could be right about them not working together. I was referring to Opie acting like he is above Anthony, because I didn't get that from the show on 7/14 at all.

Sorry about the trolling comment. I get the impression we are being invaded by fans of a rival show with some of the posts here. Of course my intelligence should be questioned if I am asking all the trolls if they are trolls lol.

Ewww, I felt feelings when Opie said Ant is like a brother to him. Fuck you faggot for making me feel things!

I just want to say thank you to the OP for putting that up since I can't listen anymore because I canceled my subscription. From the way it sounds to me they will be working together in the future. Maybe not in October but maybe by January.

If you're basing that off of today's show, I'm not sure where you got that from.

Just taking a guess based on things being thrown around. For instance:

Ant's repeatedly said he hopes they join him.

They can't (Op and Jimmy) do anything until the contract runs out.

With Ant's posting that podcasting isn't a hobby anymore and is working on apps and payment plans he is laying the groundwork for a potential future show.

To me January makes sense...Jimmy and Op get some time off from Oct to Jan to do whatever, which would probably include finding space in NYC to to the show (since Opie made it apparent today he's not gonna "walk over bodies" or "travel to Long Island" to do a show and also make it easier to attract guests. By then all of the kinks should be worked out from a distribution/technical side of Ants show making it easier to get out to the people.

All speculation/hope on my part...who knows maybe SXM makes Op and Jim a great offer to keep them and they stay. Just my thoughts on the subject.

Edit: grammar/spelling

The show is posted for download on several blogs, on Youtube, and on Usenet.

It's not hard to find.

Your point?

Seriously? You said you couldn't listen because you cancelled, I told you a couple ways to get the show for free.

Do I really need to explain this?

Gotcha...miscommunication/frustration with the whole current situation...sorry if I came off like an ass.


lol why didnt you cut out that entire opening.

maybe people are curious to see if they cut out Ant from the intro, if it's just a shitty re-joiner, etc.

Or because it tells you exactly where in the timeline of the show the discussion began.

I didn't realize when I started into the clip this fucker was 40' long, so, redacted.

Sam will be fine, he's fairly legitimate show host now. ERock would probably be picked up to produce another show if he wanted, terrestrial or not. Who knows about the rest of the staff, probably go to Rock Star.