"Young Sam And Jes" Vid Deleted?

2  2014-07-14 by vapeandcoffee

Wha happun?


YouTube just removed it after determining Sam is a vacuum of entertainment

Oh, if you didn't see it: Jess was sweet and charismatic while Sam "the genetic question mark" Roberts was completely silent for the entire segment, just awkwardly sitting on a couch. Around the last minute, Jess addresses a question to young Samuel and he mumbles an answer. They have a bit of cute banter, but Sam never looks at the camera and the watcher receives a large chill of the douche variety.

Leave Jess and her attractive husband alone


I think OP deleted the post. I think it wouldn't be viewable if a mod deleted it. The youtube video is still up.

Did you see the news?



What explanation are you referring to? I'm inquiring as to what happened to the video that was just here and now gone.


Someone posted a YouTube video of Sam and Jes on some weird local talk show.

You didn't explain that properly and nobody else knew what you were talking about. In conclusion, it was either deleted by it's creator or by a mod.

Oh. So...Wha happun?

Someone posted a YouTube video of Sam and Jes on some weird local talk show.